
"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

author:Earn and be entertained
"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

The finale of the TV series "The Story of Rose" shows Huang Yimei's brave pursuit of love through her love choice. In the original book, she chose Luo Qing, a billionaire who is twenty years older than herself, but in the drama version, she started a relationship with Ho Xi, who had a good impression when she first met, without going through a deep emotional process. Luo Qing's humor and understanding of Huang Yimei won her heart, in stark contrast, Fang Xiewen's strong desire to control Huang Yimei in the original book and the drama version eventually led to the divorce of the two.

As Huang Yimei's teacher, He Xi was supposed to maintain professional ethics, but soon after Huang Yimei became his student, he became emotionally attached to her. This quickly spread in the school, causing many students and parents to discuss. Some netizens commented: "This teacher is really unscrupulous, knowing that the student has children and is still like this, it's so shameless!" This behavior has sparked a heated discussion on social media, with some arguing that it is a serious injury to the education profession and should be severely punished.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

What is even more indignant is that He Xi did not inform his parents that Huang Yimei is already the mother of a child. Someone joked: "Don't his parents know that he teaches at school?" How can this kind of thing be hidden? Netizens expressed anger and incomprehension of this, believing that this behavior is obviously a manifestation of a lack of professional ethics and moral bottom line.

In the TV series, He Xi continues to express love in Huang Yimei's life, although Huang Yimei is not entirely sure of his feelings. Someone commented: "He's an educator, how can he be so indecent?" Doesn't this set an example for the school and the students? This behavior not only triggers the inner struggle of the characters in the plot, but also provokes deep reflection on the image and moral standards of the characters in the audience.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

He Xi played Lin Yi, when Lin Yi appeared in the program "Beautiful Boy Academy", he quickly attracted the audience's attention, not only because of his super high appearance and fresh temperament, but also because of the kind of prince-like appearance and warm and cute boy characteristics he showed. Netizens have taken to social media to discuss his performance. Some netizens praised him for his delicate face and clear lines, as if he stepped out of a fairy tale's prince; Others lamented that he had a charm that inadvertently exuded that made people want to take a few more looks.

In "Beautiful Youth Society", Lin Yi's performance is particularly eye-catching. Especially when performing the "Lao Paoer" segment, he showed excellent acting skills and ruthlessness. He is not only an actor, but also vividly presents the inner emotions of the character and has won the unanimous approval of the audience. Netizens praised his acting skills and ability to understand the role at a deep level in the comments, believing that his performance is not only a display of acting skills, but also a true interpretation of the character's emotions.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

Some netizens said that Lin Yi's outstanding performance made them look forward to his acting future, and believed that he was expected to become one of the new generation of idols in the film and television industry in the future. Some viewers saw the potential and growth space of young actors from his performances, and hoped that he could continue to show excellent performance and outstanding acting skills in future works.

Overall, Lin Yi's wonderful performance in the program "Beautiful Youth Society" not only showed his acting strength and appearance advantages, but also won widespread praise and attention. His acting career is undoubtedly full of potential and possibilities, and he has become one of the new generation of actors worth looking forward to in the hearts of the audience.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

In contrast, although Fang Xiewen in the play showed a desire to control after marriage, he did not show the moral degradation like He Xi after all. Some netizens believed: "Although Fang Xiewen has problems, he is at least responsible for his family and has not betrayed his profession and morality like He Xi." Huang Yimei finally chose to divorce Fang Xiewen, and in the face of his fight for the custody of her daughter, netizens generally believed that this was the right decision she made to protect herself and her children.

The ending of the drama version chose He Xi, but failed to show the deep emotional story between him and Huang Yimei, making it difficult for the audience to be touched by emotions. Although He Xi expressed his love for Huang Yimei, this relationship was not fully displayed and deeply explored, making the audience feel that there was a lack of emotional resonance and investment.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

In contrast, Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming have more touching experiences. They have faced many challenges and difficulties together in their lives, and these experiences have deepened the emotional bond between them. Fu Jiaming played a more important role in Huang Yimei's life, and his support and understanding made Huang Yimei feel truly safe and belonging.

Huang Yimei dares to pursue the love in her heart and is not defined by others. Her bravery and steadfastness reflect her persistent pursuit of true love, and her unwillingness to settle for superficial stability and material temptations. However, Hossi was not a good match for her in terms of age, family, and spiritual fit. This dissonance can become an obstacle in their future relationship, leading to an unfortunate ending.

The audience's reaction to the choices of the characters in the play is varied, and some people believe that Huang Yimei should choose a partner who can really grow with her, rather than making a choice just because of a momentary touch. Some netizens commented: "Although I understand her feelings for He Xi, true love should be something that two people can support and understand each other at all levels." This perception reflects deep thinking and emotional investment in the development of the plot.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

The drama version chose He Xi as Huang Yimei's love partner, but failed to show the real deep feelings between them, making the audience unhappy with this choice. In contrast, the relationship between Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming is more sincere and powerful, which makes Fu Jiaming her real love choice.

Through complex character relationships and emotional choices, "The Story of Rose" reveals the profound impact of each character's characteristics and choices on the direction of the entire plot. Huang Yimei's love experience and final choice provide the audience with an opportunity to reflect on life and love, and her story has become a topic of conversation among the audience.

"The Story of Roses" until the finale! Huang Yimei still doesn't know that He Xi's character is worse than Fang Xiewen

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