
I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

author:Mushroom heads

Walking with Hui in Chongqing, fans found that the broadcast was suspended for two hours!

Oh, dear friends, do you know? The fans who walk with Hui are really eye-catching! Just recently, they are about to embark on an exciting trip to Chongqing, and the itinerary is full of anticipation. However, just when everyone was looking forward to it, some attentive netizens discovered a little secret - on the afternoon of July 3, there was a 2-hour live broadcast gap!

I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

This matter has to start with the anchor schedule that the editor inadvertently swiped. At that time, I was shocked by the dense number of live broadcasts, and I thought that this trip to Chongqing was really well arranged! However, when I opened the comment section and was ready to discuss this upcoming feast with everyone, I found an interesting phenomenon.

Many netizens are hotly discussing: "Huh? From 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on July 3, why didn't you see the live broadcast arranged? "I look, hey, really! I hurriedly went back to carefully check the schedule, and it turned out that on the afternoon of July 3, there was indeed a two-hour gap for the live broadcast.

I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

I have to say, these fans are really careful! With such a small word, they can actually read it seriously little by little, and they can even find such a short suspension time. It's even better than a detective!

So, what's going on with the two-hour off-air time? Do the streamers need to take a break to adjust their status, or are there any special arrangements? It's really curious!

I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

However, having said that, this trip to Chongqing with Hui is highly anticipated! Chongqing, a charming city with unique landscapes and food culture, believes that the anchors will definitely bring you an unforgettable live broadcast feast.

Moreover, this trip to Chongqing also arranged so many live broadcasts, from food exploration to cultural experience, from natural scenery to cultural customs, it can be said that there is everything. I believe that whether you like food or travel, you can find your own interests in this live broadcast.

I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

So, dear friends, if you are also looking forward to this trip to Chongqing with Hui, then you must pay attention to their live broadcast! Perhaps, during the two-hour off-air, there will be some special surprises waiting for us!

Finally, I would like to say that the fans who walk with Hui are amazing! Their carefulness and enthusiasm not only made us look forward to this trip to Chongqing, but also made us feel the deep friendship between fans and anchors. I hope this trip to Chongqing can bring you good memories and unforgettable experiences!

I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

Friends who are walking with Hui, you guys are really amazing! On that special day on July 3rd, although the live broadcast room in Beijing temporarily lacked the company of the anchor, you revealed the story behind it with a super fast response speed - it turned out that the anchors were preparing for the transition in Chongqing, and such a transition naturally needed some time to prepare carefully.

Do you feel it? This is the deep care and respect that I have for my fans. Each of your questions is like a little bit of light, illuminating the way forward with Hui. And walking with Hui is also like the brightest star in the night sky, responding to the expectations and attention of fans in a timely manner.

I have to say! Walking with Hui's mother-in-law, this is also too eye-catching, and it can even be discovered

This is a romantic journey that goes both ways! Walking with Hui is not only a name, but also a kind of emotional transmission and a kind of spiritual communication. Now, let's look forward to the trip to Chongqing with Hui! There, there will be more stories and more surprises, waiting for us to discover and experience. Walk with Hui, we will see you or leave!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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