
Unexpected! The bank is crazy to rob the debt collection master, and the salary is exposed! will collect how to become a senior talent

author:Dr. Jiang Commercial Diagnostics

Debt collectors become fragrant and gluttonous? Banks rush to ask for it!

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about an interesting phenomenon: debt collection work has suddenly become a sought-after profession! Recently, major banks have been frantically recruiting collection talents, and to put it bluntly, they are debt collectors. It doesn't sound glamorous, but now it's a sweet spot, and the hiring requirements are particularly high.

Unexpected! The bank is crazy to rob the debt collection master, and the salary is exposed! will collect how to become a senior talent

Let's take a look at the recruitment requirements of Sanxiang Bank first. They recruit two collection positions, requiring a bachelor's degree or above, professional background in law, finance, accounting, etc., and more than 5 years of work experience. It's not just anyone's job. In fact, not only Sanxiang Bank, but also many banks such as Everbright, Industrial Bank, Huaxia, and Weizhong are grabbing these collection masters. Why is debt collection suddenly so popular?

Actually, the reason behind it is simple: banks are getting more and more non-performing loans. At the end of the first quarter of 2024, the balance of non-performing loans of commercial banks reached 3.4 trillion yuan, 141.4 billion yuan more than the previous quarter. If the loan cannot be recovered, the bank has to prepare more money to cover the loss, which directly affects their profits. Therefore, the collection talent who can effectively recover the arrears is simply too important for the bank.

Unexpected! The bank is crazy to rob the debt collection master, and the salary is exposed! will collect how to become a senior talent

You can imagine how anxious you are if you can't get back the money you lent! The same is true for banks, if they can't get their loans back, it will affect not only their profits, but also the operation of the entire bank. The work of the collector is like a doctor who treats the bank, curing the bad debts.

To illustrate, let's take a look at some data. At the end of the first quarter of 2024, the balance of non-performing loans of commercial banks was 3.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 141.4 billion yuan from the previous quarter. Such a large amount is enough to explain why banks are in dire need of collection talents.

Unexpected! The bank is crazy to rob the debt collection master, and the salary is exposed! will collect how to become a senior talent

In other industries, debt collection may not be as demanding, but banks are different. Every loan involves complex financial and legal issues that require expertise and experience. So, banks have set a high bar to recruit collectors.

Emotionally, we all want our money to be put to good use. If the bank loan cannot be recovered, it will affect everyone's interests. The work of collectors may seem unseemly, but their role is very crucial.

Next, we need to understand this question in more depth. To solve the problem of non-performing loans in banks, it is these professional collection talents that rely on them. Not only can they help the bank reduce bad debts, but they can also ensure that the bank's capital chain is not in trouble.

Unexpected! The bank is crazy to rob the debt collection master, and the salary is exposed! will collect how to become a senior talent

Finally, I would like to say that I hope that major banks will continue to pay attention to and support the development of collection talents, and I also hope that more capable people will join this ranks. We will work together to make the bank's operation more stable and provide better guarantee for the development of the economy.

In short, the sudden popularity of collectors is due to their ability to solve the bank's pressing problems. It is hoped that through the joint efforts of everyone, the financial industry can develop more healthily and bring more positive impacts to the social economy. Let's look forward to a fairer and more transparent financial environment.

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