
ZEEKR Automobile's monthly deliveries hit a new high! Delivered more than 20,106 units in June, up 89% year-on-year

author:A crow that drinks water

Exciting news! ZEEKR achieved impressive results in June, with monthly deliveries exceeding 20,106 units, a staggering 89% year-on-year increase. This achievement not only refreshed the company's historical record, but also injected new vitality into the entire automotive market.

ZEEKR Automobile's monthly deliveries hit a new high! Delivered more than 20,106 units in June, up 89% year-on-year

Hello everyone! Today I would like to report to you an exciting piece of news! Recently, ZEEKR Motors released the latest sales data, which is jaw-dropping. Just in June, they delivered more than 20,106 units in a single month, an increase of 89% year-on-year! This figure not only set a new record for the company, but also set off a boom in the automotive market!

As the editor of Toutiao, I know that the electric vehicle market is extremely competitive, and it is really shocking that ZEEKR has been able to achieve such impressive results in such a short period of time. So, how do they do it?

ZEEKR Automobile's monthly deliveries hit a new high! Delivered more than 20,106 units in June, up 89% year-on-year

First of all, ZEEKR has won the attention of the market with its own technical strength and unique product selling points. They continue to innovate in design, intelligent driving, battery technology, and more to bring consumers a better vehicle experience. Whether it is the exterior design or the interior configuration, it can meet the modern people's pursuit of comfort, fashion and intelligence.

Secondly, ZEEKR Auto is also actively expanding sales channels and cooperating with major dealers to allow more consumers to access their products through a combination of offline showrooms and online platforms. At the same time, they also attach importance to after-sales service and provide all-round support, so that consumers can get a better experience after buying a car.

ZEEKR Automobile's monthly deliveries hit a new high! Delivered more than 20,106 units in June, up 89% year-on-year

Thirdly, sustainability is also one of the important factors in the success of ZEEKR. They are committed to promoting the concept of green mobility, integrating environmental protection and technology to produce high-performance, low-carbon electric vehicles. This is not only in line with the call of modern society for environmental protection, but also meets the needs of consumers for energy conservation and environmental protection.

Finally, we can't ignore consumers' trust and support for ZEEKR cars. They have established a good brand reputation in the market, attracting a large number of loyal consumers through word-of-mouth communication and user reviews. It is the support and respect of these consumers that has opened up a broader market space for ZEEKR Automobile.

ZEEKR Automobile's monthly deliveries hit a new high! Delivered more than 20,106 units in June, up 89% year-on-year

Through all these efforts, ZEEKR finally achieved the feat of exceeding 20,106 units delivered in a single month in June. This achievement not only shows their own strength, but also injects new vitality into the entire automotive market. It is believed that in the future, ZEEKR will continue to maintain the spirit of innovation and bring more surprises to consumers.

Hope the above information is helpful to you! For more information, feel free to ask.


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