
A month after running away from home, Tokumu was recovered, only to find that his position was replaced by a small Shiba Inu!

author:Light Emotion

**Demu returned from home in January, and his status was "usurped" by Xiao Shiba Inu! **

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about something new today! Have you ever heard the story of a dog who ran away from home for a month and came back to find that his place had been replaced by a small Shiba Inu? This is not a movie plot, this is a real thing happening around us! The protagonist is my family's Demu Dahei, which is my favorite for several years.

Let's talk about this big black first, it is five years old this year, with black and shiny hair, and it looks like a spirit. Our house is in the suburbs, and we have a small yard where Da Hei lives. Every day when I come home from work, Da Hei will wagging his tail and pounce on him, that intimacy, don't mention it! But then again, although Dahei is a loyal and good dog, he also has a small problem - sometimes he likes to run outside, maybe he wants to find the wild, or he wants to explore the outside world.

A month after running away from home, Tokumu was recovered, only to find that his position was replaced by a small Shiba Inu!

Just last month, Da Hei ran away from home again. At first, my family and I were quite worried and looked around for it, but we couldn't find it. Later, I thought that it might come back on its own in a few days, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But who knows, this walk will be a month!

Just when we were all about to give up, Big Black suddenly returned! When I came home from work that day, as soon as I walked to the door, I saw Da Hei squatting in the yard, drooping his ears, and his eyes revealed a trace of loneliness. I hurriedly ran over to it, hugged it, and shouted, "Dahei, you're back!" Da Hei also whined a few times, as if in response to me.

But when I took a closer look, I found that there was a new member in the yard - a small Shiba Inu. This little guy is very attractive when he looks at it, with a golden coat and round eyes, like a small fur ball. When I asked, I found out that it was the time when Daikoku ran away from home, and the neighbor's little Shiba Inu came to our house. When it saw that Da Hei was not at home, it did not leave, and spread joy in the yard every day.

A month after running away from home, Tokumu was recovered, only to find that his position was replaced by a small Shiba Inu!

It's good now, as soon as Daikoku comes back, he finds that his position has been replaced by this little Shiba Inu! In the past, Daikoku was majestic in the yard, but now when the little Shiba Inu comes, Daikoku has to stand aside. The little Shiba Inu not only robbed Daiko's nest, but also occupied Daikoku's food bowl, eating all day long, and Daikoku could only watch with his eyes.

I looked at Da Hei's aggrieved eyes, and I didn't feel good in my heart! I think that at the beginning, Da Hei was also the baby bump of the family! Every time I went out for a walk, the big black would follow me closely, as if I was afraid that I would lose it. But now? As soon as the little Shiba Inu came, the big black became like a gas bag, and I felt distressed when I looked at it.

But then again, this little Shiba Inu is not without merit. It's a little mischievous, but it's cute. Every time I go home, it will wag its tail to meet it, and it will be so affectionate that it has to fight with the big black. And this little guy is very smart, as soon as he teaches it, he is smarter than Da Hei!

But even so, I still feel a little sorry for the big black! After all, it has been with me for so many years, and it also has feelings for me. I thought I had to find a way to get Daikoku back to his place.

So I began to add a little "small stove" to Dahei, intentionally or unintentionally. For example, buy it some delicious snacks, play with it for a while, and so on. Dahei is also quite competitive, and gradually regained his former majesty. But then again, this little Shiba Inu isn't a fuel-efficient lamp either! When it saw that the status of the big black had recovered, it began to make it bad! It's either stealing a toy or grabbing a black food to eat! Sometimes he makes the big black so angry that he screams!

A month after running away from home, Tokumu was recovered, only to find that his position was replaced by a small Shiba Inu!

Looking at these two little guys' battle of wits and courage, I can't cry or laugh! But then again, having two dogs in this house is really a lot more lively! Although there are sometimes some small frictions, overall it is quite harmonious!

So, ladies and gentlemen, if you have pets at home, you must cherish them! Because they are your most loyal companions! As for the story of Daikoku and Shiba Inu, let it continue! Maybe one day the two of them will become good friends! Ha ha!


Thanks for reading.