
When they have insomnia, who doesn't have a cat tail as an eye patch? Netizen: I also want to be loved by cats!

author:Light Emotion

When they have insomnia, who doesn't have a cat tail as an eye patch? **

In this fast-paced era, insomnia seems to have become an epidemic, and I am a patient of this "epidemic". My name is Lin Xiao, 28 years old this year, I am an ordinary office worker, running around in the reinforced concrete city every day for life. Today, I would like to share with you a warm story about insomnia and cat tails, hoping to bring you a touch of warmth on a cold night.

When they have insomnia, who doesn't have a cat tail as an eye patch? Netizen: I also want to be loved by cats!

Lin Xiao's family is not wealthy, and his parents are ordinary workers, and they have paid a lot to save money for me to go to college. After graduating, I successfully found a job that didn't pay much, but it was enough for me to establish myself in the city. However, as the pressure of work increased, I began to suffer from frequent insomnia, and in the dead of night, I always tossed and turned, and it was difficult to sleep.

One night, I was suffering from insomnia again. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze, filled with irritability and anxiety. Suddenly, I felt a flry thing gently touch my face, and I opened my eyes in surprise to find that it was my cat, Xiaobai.

Xiaobai is a white short-haired cat with sapphire eyes and a fluffy tail. It was a gift from my mom for my first birthday after work. Xiaobai has a docile personality and likes to clingy people, which is one of the great joys of my life. However, because of my busy schedule, I rarely have time to spend with it.

That night, Xiaobai seemed to care about me very much. It jumped on my bed and gently swept its tail across my face as if to comfort me. I reached out and gently stroked Xiaobai's head, feeling its soft fur and warm body temperature. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind: why not try using Xiaobai's tail as an eye patch?

When they have insomnia, who doesn't have a cat tail as an eye patch? Netizen: I also want to be loved by cats!

I gently pulled Xiaobai's tail over and put it over my eyes. The fluff on the tail is soft and warm, as if there is a magical power, and I feel instantly reassured. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to relax. Gradually, I felt my body become lighter, as if floating in the clouds.

In this way, accompanied by the little white tail, I slowly fell asleep. That night, I slept very soundly, as if I had returned to the time when my mother gently patted me to sleep when I was a child. When I woke up the next morning, I found Xiaobai still lying quietly next to me, his tail still covering my eyes. I gently stroked its head, my heart filled with gratitude and warmth.

Since then, whenever I have insomnia, I will ask Xiaobai to borrow his tail as an eye patch. And Xiaobai also seems to be used to this habit of mine, and will obediently lie next to me every time, so that I can sleep peacefully. Gradually, I found that my insomnia symptoms were alleviated and my mental state became better and better.

However, one night, when I lost sleep again, I found that Xiaobai was gone. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find it. I began to feel anxious and restless, as if I had lost an important support. At that moment, I deeply realized that Xiaobai is not only my pet, but also my spiritual pillar.

Luckily, the next day I found Xiaobai in the corner of the house. It seemed a little weak, but it still had an affectionate expression when it saw me. I picked it up and held it tightly in my arms, filled with joy and gratitude. Since then, I have cherished the time I spend with Xiaobai even more, and I have also paid more attention to my physical health and mental health.

When they have insomnia, who doesn't have a cat tail as an eye patch? Netizen: I also want to be loved by cats!

Although this story is simple, it made me deeply appreciate the importance of pets' companionship and love. In this noisy world, we tend to ignore the simple and beautiful things around us. And a small cat can bring us endless warmth and strength. I hope this story can inspire everyone and make us cherish every beauty and companionship around us even more.

Finally, I would like to say: when they have insomnia, who doesn't have a cat tail as an eye patch? Let us not forget our original intention and cherish every warm moment in our busy life. May we all have a pet companion like Xiaobai who will accompany us through every stage of life.

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