
A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

author:Liu Xiaodao said

Text丨Liu Xiaodao

Editor丨Xuan Xiaoxuan

A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".
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In this era of rapid change, more and more people are beginning to pursue a new relationship model - "only enter the body, do not interfere in each other's lives". The rise of this relationship model has become the focus of heated discussions in society. Compared with traditional deep emotional connection, this model places more emphasis on physical intimacy without overly interfering in the person's daily life and social circle. It advocates an independent and free way of getting along with each other, reflecting the modern man's desire for private space and personal freedom.

A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

Originated from the Internet

With a fast-paced life and intense work pressure, many people don't have time to manage deep relationships, and this relaxed relationship model seems to be their preferred choice. As the saying goes, "Life is like a journey, and I am also a pedestrian", everyone is looking for their own rhythm and way in their own journey. However, is this new model of relationships really for everyone? What are the challenges and problems hidden behind the pursuit of freedom?

At the heart of this relationship model is that both parties remain physically close but do not overly intervene in each other's daily lives and social circles. For many, this may seem like an ideal state of affairs: one that has both intimate physical contact without the need to take on the complex emotional responsibilities and obligations of traditional relationships. It offers a new option for those who are too busy with their careers to take care of their feelings, allowing them to enjoy intimacy while remaining independent and free. However, this relationship model also comes with a number of challenges and problems.

A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

Originated from the Internet

The lack of deep emotional connection is a problem that cannot be ignored. In this mode, the relationship between the two parties often stays on the surface and cannot penetrate into the depths of the heart. Without an emotional bond, physical intimacy is difficult to last. Secondly, the ambiguity of the rights and obligations of this relationship model can easily lead to contradictions and conflicts between the two parties in the process of getting along. Without clear rules and consensus, it is difficult for the relationship between the two sides to stabilize. In addition, this new type of relationship model may also be questioned and criticized by traditional social concepts. For many, intimacy is more than just physical contact, but requires a deep emotional foundation and a sense of responsibility. This new model challenges traditional notions of affection and marriage, and has sparked widespread discussion and controversy.

Despite this, with the continuous progress of society and the change of people's concepts, this new relationship model has gradually been accepted and tried by more people. It reminds us that everyone's definition of happiness is unique and that there is no one model that can be applied to everyone. In the face of this new type of relationship, we need to maintain a rational and objective attitude, respecting everyone's choices. In this pluralistic society, we should be concerned about the emotional, moral, and health issues that may be involved, and take responsibility for our own well-being and the well-being of others. After all, the standard of happiness is not static, and everyone has the right to find their own path to happiness.

A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

Originated from the Internet

In the face of these challenges, it is even more important to maintain open communication and clear rules. Many people who choose this relationship model often want to find a balance in intimacy, not bound by traditional emotional burdens, but still enjoy the warmth of intimacy. The success of this model depends on both parties being able to be honest with each other and understand each other's needs and boundaries. Through rules based on trust and respect, both parties can find their place in this relationship and avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

Interestingly, this relational model also seems to have found a justification for its existence in some cultural contexts. In some societies that emphasize individual freedom and independence, this model is more acceptable, because people pay more attention to self-realization and autonomy in life. They believe that intimacy doesn't necessarily require a deep emotional foundation, as long as both partners can find pleasure and fulfillment in it, it's enough.

A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

Originated from the Internet

However, we cannot ignore the impact of this relationship model on the traditional concept of marriage. Marriage has long been regarded as a sacred covenant that requires a great deal of emotional and responsibility on both sides. And this new model of relationship seems to weaken this sanctity of marriage to some extent, placing more emphasis on individual freedom and rights. This change has aroused many people's worries and questions, believing that it may lead to a slippery slope of social morality and undermine the stability and harmony of the family.

We should still see that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. The definition of happiness is varied, and the traditional model of marriage is not necessarily suitable for everyone. In this pluralistic society, we should respect everyone's choices and understand their needs and desires. After all, life is our own, and how we choose, how we live, is ultimately up to us. As the old saying goes, "all roads lead to Rome", as long as we can find our way on the road to happiness, it is enough.

A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

Originated from the Internet

Knives have something to say

This new model of relationships, perhaps just one part of the changes in modern society, reflects an attempt to find balance and freedom in the face of complex life pressures. It allows us to rethink the nature of intimacy, challenge conventional notions, and bring new perspectives and possibilities. Whether you agree with this model or not, there's no denying that it's changing the way we think about intimacy and driving progress in diversity and inclusion in society. (Personal opinion)

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A new type of relationship model: the social phenomenon and thinking of "physical intimacy and independent life".

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