
The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

author:The path is running

The major of civil engineering is no longer the "iron rice bowl"! In just 20 years, it has gone from being hot to being unpopular, what kind of story is hidden behind this?

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Today, let's unveil the mystery of this industry and see what ups and downs those young people who choose civil engineering as their career path.

The Glory and Dilemma of Civil Engineering

Back then, civil engineering was a hot major. The country has vigorously developed infrastructure construction, and high-rise buildings, roads and bridges have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, providing a broad employment space for civil engineering students.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

With the gradual saturation of the industry and the slowdown of the country's investment in infrastructure construction, the employment situation of civil engineering majors began to become severe.

Myths about career choices for young people

For many young people, choosing civil engineering as their career path is not only an affirmation of their professional ability, but also an expectation for future career development. They may not have expected that the industry would change so much that it caught them off guard.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Some people chose civil engineering when the industry was booming, only to be forced to change careers when the industry declined; Some people have embarked on a path that does not match their interests and abilities because of their misunderstanding and blind pursuit of the industry.

The rise and fall of the industry and the fate of the individual

I finally stepped into the civil engineering major that I had been dreaming of for a long time. Immersed in drawings, data, and architectural theories, he looks forward to the day when he can design his ideal city.

When he graduated with great expectations, he found that the reality of the industry was far more cruel than he imagined.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

When he first started his career, Xiao Li found that the competition was extremely fierce, and he could only enter a smaller construction company. The working environment there is not as glamorous as he imagined, but full of trivialities and complexities.

He is busy with various chores every day, but he rarely has the opportunity to come into contact with real architectural design work.

A few years later, as the industry declined, Xiao Li's company also fell into trouble.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

The news of layoffs and salary cuts kept coming, and he had to start thinking about his future. He realized that in this industry, it is often difficult for individual efforts and talents to resist the torrent of industry rise and fall.

He began to wonder if his choice was really the right path.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Xiao Li's story is just a microcosm of countless young people in this industry. They may have embarked on a path that does not match their interests and abilities because of their misunderstanding of the industry, or because of their blind pursuit of career development.

They struggle and work their way through the industry, but in the end they find themselves unable to change the rise and fall of the industry and take control of their own destiny.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Industry change and youth coping strategies

An in-depth understanding of the current situation and future trends of the industry is a prerequisite for young people to make informed career choices. This requires them not only to pay attention to the current industry dynamics, but also to have a forward-looking vision to explore the potential trends of industry development.

By reading industry reports, attending professional seminars, and communicating with industry insiders, young people can obtain more valuable information and make more reasonable plans for their career development.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

In the face of changing market demand, young people need to pay attention to improving their comprehensive quality and ability level. This includes the mastery of professional skills, the improvement of teamwork ability, and the cultivation of innovative thinking.

They can continuously enrich their knowledge and improve their ability level by participating in training, practical projects, self-directed learning, etc. They also need to learn to learn across borders and integrate knowledge from different fields to cope with the complex and ever-changing workplace environment.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset is crucial for young people. It is inevitable that they will encounter various challenges and difficulties in their careers, but it is these challenges and difficulties that give them the opportunity to exercise their willpower and resilience.

Young people should learn to adjust their mentality and face everything in life with a more positive and optimistic attitude. They can relax, relieve stress, and make themselves more relaxed in their careers by exercising, traveling, socializing, and more.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Case Analysis: Youth Choice under Industry Change

Xiao Zhang, for example, also chose to major in civil engineering. But unlike Xiao Li, he was aware of the changing trend in the industry while he was in college, and began to actively look for new career directions.

He used his spare time to learn programming and data analysis skills and successfully transitioned into a data engineer. He works for a well-known Internet company, with a good income and a promising future.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Xiao Zhang's transformation experience tells us that in the face of changes and difficulties in the industry, young people need to maintain keen insight and flexible adaptability. They should actively learn new knowledge and skills to broaden their career development space; It is also necessary to pay attention to the changes and trends of market demand so that adjustments can be made in time.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

Industry trends and future prospects

What is the future of the civil engineering industry? Judging from the current market demand and technological development, the civil engineering industry still has broad development prospects.

With the continuous investment in infrastructure construction and the acceleration of urbanization, the civil engineering industry will continue to maintain a steady growth trend.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

With the continuous emergence and application of new technologies, new materials and new processes, the civil engineering industry will also usher in more development opportunities and challenges.

For young people, they need to recognize the changes and uncertainties in the industry and prepare in advance.

They should focus on improving their overall quality and ability level to adapt to the changing market demand; You should also pay attention to the latest developments and trends in the industry so that you can adjust your career development direction in time.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors


The rise and fall of civil engineering and the myth of young people's career choices are a topic worth pondering. In these times of change and uncertainty, we need to be discerning and adaptable in order to seize opportunities and meet challenges in our careers.

The sorrow of an era, Zhang Xuefeng: Many schools have changed their names to civil engineering majors

We also need to pay attention to the latest developments and trends in the industry so that we can adjust our career development direction in time. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily in our careers.

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