
Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

author:CSR Kanyu


In this era of rapid rotation, every brick and every beam is stacked to weave the dream of the future of urban development.

Today, let's talk about the super project that countless people are looking forward to - the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, which is not only a road, but also a light, illuminating the distance between Shenzhen and Zhongshan, making the once unreachable become within reach!

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel: "Superheroes" in the Infrastructure Industry

Imagine a bridge, like a giant dragon winding above the blue waves, cleverly connecting bridges, artificial islands, tunnels and underwater interconnections, this is the magnificent picture of the Shenzhong Passage.

With a total length of about 24 kilometers, it is not only a pile of reinforced concrete, but also the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese engineers.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is another masterpiece of the "infrastructure madness".

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Image-based flame detectors seem to be equipped with a sharp eye for bridges, while fixed camera event detection technology is a vigilant guardian to ensure the safety of every inch of land.

In the past, from Shenzhen to Zhongshan, you had to go around in a big circle, and it was common to drive for two hours, but now? Hey, half an hour to get it done, it's like traveling back in time!

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Opening Celebration: Symphony of Traffic and Vignettes

As soon as the Shenzhong Channel opens, it is simply a realistic version of "Fast and Furious"! When night falls, the lights are bright, the traffic is weaving, and people drive through it, their faces filled with the excitement of exploring a new world.

But behind this prosperity, there are also some ridiculous episodes.

For example, Ms. Li, the owner of Xiaomi, may have wanted to experience this miraculous project up close, so she parked her car in the emergency lane and started taking a selfie.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

This move immediately became the "focus" on the road, the surrounding vehicles slowed down, and the drivers' eyes were half surprised, half helpless, as if to say: "Old girl, this is the highway, not the parking lot!" ”

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Not only Ms. Li, but also some friends, probably carried away by the beautiful scenery, parking illegally, stopping to take pictures, and even some people wearing sports vests, running on this highway, making people sweat.

These three "vest warriors", are you sure that this is not filming "Run, Brother"?

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Illegal parking: The road is not your private territory

Seriously, illegal parking can be big or small.

Doing this at high speed is tantamount to dancing on a tightrope, and if you are not careful, it can cause a catastrophe.

The risk of traffic accidents has skyrocketed, and the flow of traffic has also been disrupted, which is simply adding to the blockage of the originally unimpeded Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

The law is not ambiguous, a fine of 200 oceans, 9 points will be deducted, and if it is serious, you have to say goodbye to your driver's license.

Don't believe it, those bloody lessons in history are the best proof of this.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Public quality: traffic rules, you, I and he have to abide by

Speaking of which, those dumbfounded road behaviors are simply "performance art" in life, but this art is not pleasing to the eye, but more like a "warning word" of safety awareness.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Think about it, let's abide by the traffic rules, not for the sake of acting in a drama for the traffic police uncle, let alone for the praise of the neighbor Aunt Wang, purely for myself and the few people in the family to go out happily, go home safely, and have peace of mind.

Strengthening traffic safety education is like putting a "superman cloak" on our souls, so that safety awareness can become everyone's personal shield.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

I can't stress this enough, just like my mother's nagging, although sometimes my ears are calloused, but every word is a reminder of love.

Of course, it's not enough to just recite the "mantra of tightening", you have to have some real "hard dishes".

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Imagine if there were more police officers patrolling the streets than gym equipment in the community, and high-tech surveillance equipment was more dense than the community cameras, where else could the small illegal actions be hidden? In this way, the road immediately turned into a "law-abiding model show", so that those friends who want to "improvise" on the road deeply understand that this is not a stage for "free play", and the bottom line of laws and regulations cannot be touched!

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

To improve the quality of the public and enhance safety awareness, we must not only be the director of our own lives, but also don't forget to add some "rule effects" to our behavior, so that every day's travel is a safe and harmonious life blockbuster.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Future prospects: The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor connects more than just geography

The opening of the Shenzhong Passage is simply a time-space tunnel drawn between two points on the map, so that Shenzhen and Zhongshan, which were originally across the sea, have become the old iron next door.

This is not only the hours saved on the journey, but also like pressing the acceleration button for economic development, so that Shenzhen's innovative ideas and Zhongshan's industrial muscles hit it off, just like the hand-in-hand of science and technology rookies and manufacturing masters, and the dance steps of regional cooperation are called a tacit understanding.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

Imagine drinking coffee and talking about AI dreams in the high-rise buildings of Shenzhen in the morning, and then sneaking into Zhongshan in the afternoon to witness how those ideas are turned into tangible products step by step.

It's not just a geographical leap, it's more like two cities saying, "Hey, brother, how much spark can we play with your wisdom and my strength?" ”

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

And the smoothness of all this is inseparable from every friend who passes by this passage.

We are not only passers-by, but also messengers of civilization on this road, adding color to this road with actions.

For example, being more patient when driving is like putting a coat of politeness on the road; When encountering beautiful scenery, you may wish to gently press the shutter, but remember not to stop at will to affect the traffic, what we want to do is to leave the good, not the trouble.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

So, the next time you drive through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, imagine yourself participating in a silent relay race, conveying speed and safety, as well as cherishing the miracle of connecting the two places.

After all, this convenience and safety, but the result of the joint efforts of the big guys, is worthy of each of us to take care of it, just like the old locust tree guarding our backyard.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

The Shenzhong Passage is not just a road, it is a link that connects you and me, connecting dreams and reality, and making every journey full of infinite possibilities.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!

On this road, everyone is the protagonist of the story, writing a new chapter of regional coordinated development together, making this journey not only fast, but also full of warmth.

Outrageous! The Shenzhong Passage is opened, drink afternoon tea and run on the highway! More outrageous things!


The opening of the Shenzhong Channel, which carries the dreams of countless people, is a double victory of scientific and technological progress and humanistic care.

While enjoying the speed and convenience, each of us is the guardian of this journey.

Don't let a moment of negligence ruin this beauty.

Let's work together to keep the rules in mind, put safety into practice, and witness this glorious chapter of connecting the future together.

After all, driving safely is the fastest way to get to every tomorrow!

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