
Capital market: 1% of the dominant group harvests the hard-earned money of 99% of investors!

author:Ghost Road Finance


In this complex capital market, a battle between fairness and justice is quietly unfolding. On the one hand, it is the 1% of the advantageous groups of securities lending and refinancing and quantitative trading, who are like fish in water in this market with their keen sense of smell and superb operation skills, and continue to reap the fruits of 99% of small and medium-sized investors. On the other hand, there are innocent 200 million shareholders and 700 million people, who are full of helplessness and despair as they watch their hard-earned money being ruthlessly plundered.

Capital market: 1% of the dominant group harvests the hard-earned money of 99% of investors!

The capital market is originally a barometer of economic development, a discoverer of corporate value, and a value-added platform for investors' wealth. Driven by the excessive pursuit of profits, some people began to use various means to try to manipulate the market and seek huge profits. They have turned the capital market into their own ATMs by taking advantage of information asymmetry, capital advantages, trading loopholes, etc. This phenomenon not only seriously distorts the fairness of the market, but also harms the interests of the majority of investors.

Securities lending and refinancing, quantitative trading, etc., were originally a normal trading method in the capital market, and they improved the efficiency of the market and reduced transaction costs to a certain extent. Manipulated by a few, these tools have become powerful tools for harvesting the vulnerable. They used the mechanism of securities lending and refinancing to maliciously short the market, which harmed the healthy development of the market; They use the high-frequency operation of quantitative trading to capture small price differences and thus make huge profits. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a serious violation of market fairness.

In the face of such a market phenomenon, we can't help but ask: should we let these 1% of the dominant group continue to harvest, or confiscate their tools to protect the rights and interests of 99% of small and medium-sized investors? This is a serious issue facing the capital market.

Capital market: 1% of the dominant group harvests the hard-earned money of 99% of investors!

In fact, protecting small and medium-sized investors means protecting the fairness of the market and the healthy development of the capital market. Only by allowing 200 million shareholders and 700 million people to get fair treatment in this market can they truly enjoy the wealth appreciation brought by the capital market. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to resolutely crack down on those who take advantage of market loopholes to manipulate market prices, and it is necessary to strengthen supervision and control over trading tools such as securities lending and refinancing, quantitative trading, etc., to ensure the fairness of the market.

Of course, we must also realize that the development of the capital market is inseparable from innovation. While cracking down on malicious market manipulation, we should also encourage legitimate and legal trading methods to promote the healthy development of the market. This requires us to take into account both the fairness of the market and the efficiency of the market in the design of the system. Only in this way can we truly realize the benign development of the capital market.

In the face of the challenges of the capital market, we believe that under the strong leadership of the party and the government, we will be able to protect the legitimate rights and interests of 200 million shareholders and 700 million people by improving the system, strengthening supervision and cracking down on malicious market manipulation, and make the capital market truly a paradise for investors to increase their wealth.

Capital market: 1% of the dominant group harvests the hard-earned money of 99% of investors!

Let us look forward to that day together, let the light of fairness and justice illuminate the capital market, so that every investor can harvest wealth and realize their dreams in this market.