
"I handed over my salary card to my mother" The woman responded quietly, and her husband admitted his mistake in less than 1 month

author:Crispy meat to see the world

You'll never believe that a small payroll card can trigger a marital crisis. But in the story of Zhang Wei and Li Fang, this seemingly insignificant object became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

For five years, Zhang Wei has been handing over his salary card to his mother for safekeeping, believing that it is the wisest choice. After all, in his eyes, his mother's wealth management experience can accumulate more wealth for the family. However, he ignored his wife Li Fang's inner dissatisfaction and grievances.

It wasn't until that ordinary weekend afternoon that when Zhang Wei once again suggested that his mother needed "support", Li Fang finally couldn't help it. She expressed her thoughts softly, hoping that the husband and wife could manage the family finances together. But Zhang Wei disagreed, thinking that it was just a trivial matter.

"I handed over my salary card to my mother" The woman responded quietly, and her husband admitted his mistake in less than 1 month

Who would have thought that this seemingly insignificant disagreement would become a time bomb that could detonate their marriage at any time?

Life is like a pot of boiling water, the surface is calm, but in fact the undercurrent is surging. A month later, an investment mistake by Zhang Wei's mother wiped out the couple's savings accumulated over the years. At this moment, the anger in Li Fang's heart finally broke out.

"Zhang Wei, I want a divorce. This sentence was like a heavy hammer, smashing Zhang Wei's heart. Only then did he realize that his self-righteousness had already pushed his wife to the edge of the cliff.

"I handed over my salary card to my mother" The woman responded quietly, and her husband admitted his mistake in less than 1 month

However, crises are often also turning points. When Li Fang moved back to her parents' house with her children, Zhang Wei finally began to reflect on what he had done. He realized that true marriage is not a one-man show, but a common stage for two people.

Zhang Wei began his journey of "remediation". Not only did he show his mother his attitude, but he also began to learn how to be a competent husband and father. From housework to taking care of children, from learning about financial management to listening to his wife, Zhang Wei's every action tells of his determination.

As the so-called "thin water flows for a long time", Zhang Wei's bit by bit changes finally melted the ice in Li Fang's heart. A month later, when Li Fang stepped into the house and saw a table full of her favorite dishes, her heart couldn't help but move.

"I handed over my salary card to my mother" The woman responded quietly, and her husband admitted his mistake in less than 1 month

However, the road to rebuilding trust has not been easy. Li Fang needs time to verify whether Zhang Wei's changes are real and lasting. In this process, Zhang Wei showed unprecedented patience and thoughtfulness. He understands that true love is not a vigorous confession, but a careful care day after day.

Finally, on a starry night, Li Fang made a decision. "Wei, I am willing to give our marriage a chance to start over. This sentence is like a booster, which makes Zhang Wei see the dawn of hope.

Since then, Zhang Wei and Li Fang's lives have changed dramatically. They have learned to communicate, to be considerate of each other, and to face life's challenges together. As the old saying goes, "There is no perfect marriage, only two people who are constantly improving." "

"I handed over my salary card to my mother" The woman responded quietly, and her husband admitted his mistake in less than 1 month

Time flies, and when they took their children for a walk in the park, Li Fang sighed with emotion: "Wei, although life is not easy, as long as we are together, there is nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Wei clasped his wife's hand, his eyes were full of tenderness: "Yes, as long as our family is together, nothing can defeat us." "

This story tells us that marriage is not a one-man show, but a joint creation of two people. It requires mutual trust, understanding, and constant effort. As Zhang Wei and Li Fang experienced, even if they encounter big storms, as long as the two of them work together, they will eventually be able to ride the wind and waves and usher in their own happy harbor.

"I handed over my salary card to my mother" The woman responded quietly, and her husband admitted his mistake in less than 1 month

So, dear readers, please cherish the people around you, learn to listen, learn to understand, because true happiness is often hidden in the minutiae of life. Let's work together to become a better version of ourselves and compose the most moving music for love.