
Hao Shaoqi wanted to set up another mountain, and Li Ziwei wanted to kill him, and let him go for the sake of his brothers for many years

author:Dream Sunshine NP9

The relationship between Li Zicheng, the leader of the peasant rebel army in the late Ming Dynasty, and Hao Shaoqi, the general of the army, has always been a topic of conversation among historians. The two fought side by side on the battlefield and developed a deep brotherhood. However, after Li Zicheng's defeat at Tongguan, an unexpected incident put this friendship to a severe test. At that time, Li Zicheng led the remnants to hide in Shangluo Mountain and survived with difficulty. Just as he was preparing to make a comeback, a shocking news came: Hao Shaoqi actually intended to lead his troops to set up another mountain! This news was undoubtedly like a thunderbolt from the blue, putting Li Zicheng in a dilemma. Should this "betrayer" be severely punished as an example? Or should we remember the old friendship and let him go? More importantly, at this critical moment, how will Li Zicheng choose to maintain military discipline without losing the hearts of the people?

1. Li Zicheng's army defeated Tongguan and hid in Shangluoshan

In March of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Li Zicheng led the Dashun army to capture Beijing and establish the Dashun regime. However, the joy of this victory did not last long. In May of the same year, the Qing army and Wu Sangui jointly attacked and defeated the main force of the Dashun army in a battle outside Shanhaiguan. Li Zicheng was forced to evacuate Beijing and fled westward.

In the process of retreating, Li Zicheng's army was constantly pursued by the Qing army and the combined forces of Wu Sangui. Along the way, the Dashun army suffered heavy losses and was demoralized. In early June, Li Zicheng led the remnants to Tongguan and tried to hold on to the resistance with this military fortress. However, the combined forces of the Qing army and Wu Sangui soon arrived at the city of Tongguan and launched a fierce offensive.

The battle of Tongguan lasted several days, and the two sides fought fiercely. At first, the Dashun army relied on the fortifications of the city and struggled to resist. But as time passed, the advantages of the Qing army and the combined forces of Wu Sangui gradually emerged. Not only were they well-armed, but they were also well-equipped, and their combat effectiveness was far superior to that of the exhausted Dashun army.

During a night raid, the Qing army managed to break through the defense line of Tongguan. Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Zicheng immediately ordered a retreat. However, in the process of retreating, the Dashun army suffered even heavier losses. Many soldiers were captured or killed in the chaos, and the size of the army was drastically reduced.

In order to get rid of the pursuers, Li Zicheng decided to lead the remnants into the Shangluo Mountains with complex terrain. Located in the southeast of Shaanxi Province, Shangluo Mountain is a precipitous mountain with dense forests, making it an excellent hiding place. Li Zicheng hoped to take advantage of the geographical advantages here to temporarily evade the pursuit of the Qing army and at the same time regroup.

After entering Shangluo Mountain, Li Zicheng and his remnants faced a severe test of survival. Supplies are scarce in mountainous areas, and food supplies are extremely limited. In order to survive, they had to feed on wild fruits and tree bark. At the same time, in order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, Li Zicheng strictly ordered his subordinates not to go out without authorization or harass the local people.

Under these difficult conditions, Li Zicheng began to rebuild the army. He summoned the surviving generals to discuss a plan for a comeback. Li Zicheng believed that as long as he could gain a firm foothold in Shangluo Mountain, he would have the opportunity to regroup his forces and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

In order to achieve this goal, Li Zicheng has taken a series of measures. First of all, he strengthened the discipline management of the army, requiring all officers and men to strictly abide by discipline and not act without authorization. Secondly, he sent a small reconnaissance team to keep a close eye on the movements in the surrounding area in case of a surprise attack by the Qing army. At the same time, he also sent liaison personnel to secretly contact other scattered generals, hoping to regroup more forces.

However, these efforts did not immediately change the predicament of the Dashun army. Food shortages, inadequate equipment, and low morale still plague Li Zicheng. To make matters worse, some generals began to doubt Li Zicheng's leadership, believing that there was no hope of continuing to follow him.

At this difficult moment, Li Zicheng learned a shocking news: his right-hand man Hao Shaoqi actually intended to lead his troops to set up another mountain. This news undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Li Zicheng, and also made him have to re-examine his situation and future plans.

2. Hao Shaoqi's background and dissatisfaction

Hao Shaoqi, formerly known as Hao Yongzhong, was a fierce general in the peasant rebel army in the late Ming Dynasty. He initially followed Gao Yingxiang's uprising, and later became Li Zicheng's right-hand man. Hao Shaoqi is famous for his bravery and good fighting, and always waving the flag in front of him whenever he charges, so he gets the nickname "Waving the Flag".

Before joining the peasant rebel army, Hao Shaoqi was an ordinary peasant in Shaanxi. He personally experienced the excesses of taxes and the oppression of the government in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, and was deeply dissatisfied with the social status quo at that time. When Gao Yingxiang launched an uprising in Shaanxi, Hao Shaoqi resolutely joined and became a member of the rebel army.

Hao Shaoqi performed well on the battlefield and was soon appreciated by Gao Yingxiang. In a crucial battle, the peasant army was at a disadvantage and was on the verge of rout. At the critical moment, Hao Shaoqi snatched the big banner of "Chuang" from Gao Yingxiang's flag officer, and rode to the enemy position. His valiant actions boosted morale, turned the tide of battle, and the peasant army was victorious. This feat made Hao Shaoqi famous among the rebels.

After Gao Yingxiang's death, Hao Shaoqi followed Li Zicheng and continued to fight for the cause of the peasant uprising. Under Li Zicheng's leadership, Hao Shaoqi participated in many important battles, including the capture of Xi'an, Beijing and other places. His bravery and good fighting made an important contribution to the victory of the Dashun army.

However, as time passed, the contradiction between Hao Shaoqi and Li Zicheng gradually emerged. The first is the question of military command. As a brave and warlike general, Hao Shaoqi hopes to gain more military decision-making power. However, Li Zi became a centralized commander and often did not fully adopt Hao Shaoqi's suggestions, which made Hao Shaoqi dissatisfied.

The second is the issue of military discipline. Hao Shaoqi's department has always been lax in military discipline and is accustomed to a relatively free barracks life. Li Zicheng, on the other hand, improved the combat effectiveness of the army and implemented strict military discipline rectification. This sudden change made it difficult for Hao Shaoqi and his subordinates to adapt, and even became resistant.

In addition, Hao Shaoqi also disagreed with some of Li Zicheng's policies. For example, after the capture of the city, Li Zicheng advocated restraining the soldiers and protecting the people, while Hao Shaoqi believed that the soldiers should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of victory. This difference in philosophy has also exacerbated the contradictions between the two sides.

After the defeat of Tongguan, Li Zicheng led the remnants to hide in the Shangluo Mountains, and the living conditions were extremely difficult. This difficult environment was particularly difficult for Hao Shaoqi. He was accustomed to the pleasure and revenge of the war, and could not bear the life of hiding in the mountains and forests and not having enough to eat.

What made Hao Shaoqi even more dissatisfied was that in this difficult situation, Li Zicheng still adhered to strict military discipline. In order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, Li Zicheng strictly ordered his subordinates not to go out without permission or harass the local people. This strict control suffocated Hao Shaoqi, who believed that not only would it not make a comeback, but would also demoralize.

At the same time, Hao Shaoqi's subordinates also began to express dissatisfaction with the status quo. Many of them were originally Gao Yingxiang's old subordinates, and their loyalty to Li Zicheng was not as good as Hao Shaoqi. Now, in the face of harsh conditions and strict control, these soldiers began to miss the days of relative freedom in the past, and persuaded Hao Shaoqi to lead them to set up another mountain.

Faced with the pleas of his subordinates and his own dissatisfaction, Hao Shaoqi fell into a difficult choice. On the one hand, he and Li Zicheng have been friends for many years, and have fought side by side on the battlefield and established a deep brotherhood. On the other hand, the current situation and Li Zicheng's approach make him see no hope and find it difficult to continue to endure.

Just as Hao Shaoqi was hesitating, news that he might set up another mountain somehow reached Li Zicheng's ears. This unexpected news not only shocked and angered Li Zicheng, but also put Hao Shaoqi in an even more dangerous situation. He must make a decision as soon as possible: should he stay and explain to Li Zicheng, or should he take the opportunity to leave with his troops?

3. Hao Shaoqi's plan to set up another mountain

During the difficult days of Shangluo Mountain, Hao Shaoqi's subordinates began to frequently get together and discuss privately. Most of these soldiers are veterans who have followed Hao Shaoqi for many years, and their dissatisfaction with the status quo is growing day by day. One night, several generals close to Hao Shaoqi secretly came to his tent and made a bold suggestion to him.

These generals believed that there was no future for continuing to follow Li Zicheng. They suggested that Hao Shaoqi lead them out of Shangluo Mountain and set up another mountain. Their reasons were: first, Li Zicheng's Dashun army had been seriously injured and it was difficult to recover in a short period of time; Second, Li Zicheng's strict military discipline has caused widespread dissatisfaction and demoralization; In the end, they believed that Hao Shaoqi's military talent was no less than that of Li Zicheng, and he was fully capable of leading a team independently.

Faced with the persuasion of his subordinates, Hao Shaoqi fell into a deep contradiction. He recalled the years when he fought with Li Zicheng, and those moments of fighting side by side, living and dying together are vivid. However, the practical predicament forced him to consider the advice of his subordinates.

After some careful consideration, Hao Shaoqi decided to secretly prepare a plan to leave. He first gathered a few of his most trusted cronies to discuss a specific course of action. They decided to secretly move their troops in batches to avoid arousing Li Zicheng's suspicions. At the same time, Hao Shaoqi also began to secretly contact some generals who might support him, trying to expand his own power.

In order to hide people's eyes, Hao Shaoqi still faithfully carried out Li Zicheng's orders on the surface. He even took the initiative to ask Ying to take on some difficult tasks to dispel Li Zicheng's doubts. However, secretly, he is implementing his plan step by step.

Hao Shaoqi's plan was this: first, he would send a small reconnaissance team to find a suitable new station. The place needed to be secluded enough to evade the Qing army, while at the same time having enough resources to keep the troops alive. Second, he will gradually transfer reliable subordinates away from Li Zicheng's direct control and arrange them to some relatively independent positions. Finally, on a dark and windy night, he would lead these subordinates to quietly leave Shangluo Mountain.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, Hao Shaoqi also formulated a series of emergency plans. For example, if they are blocked by Li Zicheng during the evacuation process, how will they respond; What should they do if the news leaks out early. These meticulous preparations show Hao Shaoqi's meticulous thinking as a military strategist.

However, just as Hao Shaoqi's plan was about to be put into action, an unexpected happened. A soldier who has a close relationship with Hao Shaoqi accidentally revealed some information after drinking. These scattered messages soon reached Li Zicheng's ears. Although there is no conclusive evidence, Li Zicheng has begun to doubt Hao Shaoqi's loyalty.

After the news leaked, Hao Shaoqi immediately realized the critical situation of the situation. He summoned his cronies to urgently discuss countermeasures. Some people suggested acting immediately and leaving as soon as possible before Li Zicheng was completely sure. Some people also think that they should take the initiative to explain to Li Zicheng and eliminate misunderstandings. There are also those who propose to simply raise the flag openly and rebel and make a complete break with Li Zicheng.

Faced with these different opinions, Hao Shaoqi fell into a difficult choice. He knows that whichever path he chooses, it will completely change the trajectory of his life. If he stays, he may face punishment from Li Zicheng; If he leaves, he will lose the brotherhood he has built over the years. More importantly, his choice is not only related to his own fate, but will also affect the life and death of the thousands of soldiers who follow him.

Just when Hao Shaoqi was hesitating, Li Zicheng sent someone to send an order to summon him. This order made the whole situation even more tense. Hao Shaoqi understood that this might be his last chance, or it could be Li Zicheng's temptation of him. He must choose between going to the appointment and running away.

In the end, Hao Shaoqi decided to accept Li Zicheng's summons. He believes that no matter what the outcome is, he should face Li Zicheng and explain the situation. With complicated feelings, Hao Shaoqi tidied up his clothes and prepared to go to Li Zicheng's big tent. Behind him, his men waited nervously, ready for any eventuality.

Fourth, the confrontation between Hao Shaoqi and Li Zicheng

Hao Shaoqi wanted to set up another mountain, and Li Ziwei wanted to kill him, and let him go for the sake of his brothers for many years

Hao Shaoqi walked towards Li Zicheng's big tent with heavy steps. Outside the tent, Li Zicheng's personal soldiers were waiting for him with a serious expression. This atmosphere made Hao Shaoqi realize that this meeting was anything but unusual.

After entering the big tent, Hao Shaoqi found that Li Zicheng was not alone. There were also several important generals in the tent, including Liu Zongmin and Li Yan. Their presence undoubtedly adds to the seriousness and complexity of this confrontation.

Li Zicheng sat on the main seat and looked at Hao Shaoqi expressionlessly. The silence lasted for a moment, and Li Zicheng spoke: "Old Hao, there have been some rumors recently that you want to set up another mountain. What do you say about this? "

Hao Shaoqi did not answer immediately. He looked around and saw that all eyes were on him. At this moment, he realized that his answer would determine his fate and might even affect the future of the entire Great Shun Army.

Taking a deep breath, Hao Shaoqi began to state: "Big brother, we brothers have been born and died together for many years. My Hao Shaoqi's loyalty to my eldest brother can be seen in heaven and earth. These rumors are pure rumors. "

Li Zicheng's expression eased slightly, but he was still vigilant: "So, can you explain some of the unusual actions of your subordinates recently?" "

Hao Shaoqi knows that this is a critical moment. He had to deal with it carefully, not showing his feet, but also giving reasonable explanations. "Big brother, the soldiers have indeed been a little restless lately. This is due to a long period of hard life and strict regulations. I'm trying to find a way to appease them. "

Li Zicheng nodded thoughtfully, but was obviously not entirely convinced. At this time, Liu Zongmin suddenly interjected: "Hao Shaoqi, someone heard your subordinates talking about the plan to leave. How do you explain this? "

Faced with this direct accusation, Hao Shaoqi realized that the situation was more serious than he had imagined. He must act more decisively to prove his loyalty.

"Big brother, General Liu," Hao Shaoqi raised his voice, "If there is such a thing, it must be someone who deliberately sow discord." I, Hao Shaoqi, am willing to make a military order, and if I have two hearts, I am willing to be dealt with by military law! "

Li Zicheng's gaze stayed on Hao Shaoqi's face for a long time, as if judging the truth of his words. Finally, he spoke slowly: "Lao Hao, we have laid down this country together, and I don't want to doubt you." However, the situation is now grim, and we cannot afford to relax in the slightest. "

Hao Shaoqi knew that this was an opportunity to show his loyalty. He immediately stated: "Big brother is right. I am willing to lead my subordinates, charge ahead, and open up a new situation for the Dashun army! "

Li Zicheng's expression finally eased significantly. He stood up, walked up to Hao Shaoqi, and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I believe in you." However, just in case, I will send Liu Zongmin to act with you for a while. You wouldn't mind, would you? "

Hao Shaoqi understands that this is both a kind of surveillance and a test. He agreed without hesitation: "Big brother, don't worry, General Liu and I will definitely work together to make new contributions to the Dashun Army!" "

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the tent. A soldier rushed into the big tent in a panic: "Report to the marshal, the surprise attack of the Qing troops has approached our camp!" "

This sudden news made the atmosphere in the tent tense up instantly. Li Zicheng quickly made a decision: "The whole army is on alert!" Lao Hao, you immediately lead your troops to block the attack, and buy time for the large army to transfer! "

Hao Shaoqi did not hesitate at all, and immediately took the order. As he left the big tent, he glanced back at Li Zicheng, and the eyes of the two met in the air. At that moment, it seemed that the brotherhood that had been years old was rekindled.

After rushing out of the big tent, Hao Shaoqi quickly gathered his troops. He knew it was not just a fight, it was an opportunity to prove his loyalty. He decided to personally lead the vanguard and face the invading enemy.

At the moment when Hao Shaoqi was about to leave, several of his cronies quietly approached and asked in a low voice, "General, are we really going to fight hard?" Isn't this a good opportunity for us to leave? "

Hao Shaoqi was silent for a moment, and then said firmly: "Pass my order, and the whole army will attack!" Today, we want to prove our loyalty with our actions! "

With Hao Shaoqi's order, the vanguard of the Dashun army rushed to the invading Qing army like a tide. In this battle of life and death, how will Hao Shaoqi behave? How will his choice affect the fate of the Great Shun Army? All this will be revealed in the next battle.

Fifth, Hao Shaoqi's final choice

In the flames of war, Hao Shaoqi led the vanguard troops to move forward bravely. The Qing army's surprise attack was menacing, but the counterattack of the Dashun army was equally fierce. The two sides engaged in a fierce confrontation in the rugged terrain of Shangluo Mountain.

Hao Shaoqi took the lead and personally commanded the front line. His brave performance not only boosted morale, but also made Liu Zongmin, who followed him, nod secretly. However, the situation is not promising. The firepower of the Qing army was significantly stronger than that of the Dashun army, and it also had an advantage in numbers.

Just as the battle was at its height, a herald arrived in a hurry and brought the shocking news: Li Zicheng had withdrawn the main force, leaving Hao Shaoqi's troops as cover. This news was like a bolt from the blue, putting Hao Shaoqi in a dilemma.

On the one hand, Hao Shaoqi felt betrayed and used. He and his men were treated as outcasts to buy time for Li Zicheng's retreat. On the other hand, as an experienced general, he understood that this was a common tactic in warfare.

At this critical moment, Hao Shaoqi must make a choice. Will you continue to stick to it and fulfill your promise to Li Zicheng, or will you lead your subordinates to break through and seek self-preservation? This decision is not only about his personal fate, but will also affect the life and death of thousands of soldiers.

Hao Shaoqi summoned a few of his cronies and generals and briefly explained the situation. Opinions were soon divided into two factions: one group advocated a breakthrough, believing that there was no need to sacrifice for Li Zicheng, who had turned his back on them; The other faction insists that the fight should continue, believing that it is their duty and honor.

While the discussion was intense, the Qing army launched a new round of onslaught. Hao Shaoqi had to put aside the argument for the time being and lead the troops to the battle. In the heat of battle, he saw the bravery of his men and saw many familiar faces fall. These images made him struggle internally.

The battle continued until dusk, and the casualties of the Dashun army continued to increase. At this moment, Hao Shaoqi noticed that the Qing army's offensive had loosened. With years of experience on the battlefield, he realized that this could be the best time to break out.

Hao Shaoqi quickly summoned the remaining generals and announced his decision: take advantage of the cover of night to break through in batches. His plan was for him to personally lead a squad to attract the attention of the main force of the Qing army and create opportunities for other troops to break through.

This decision immediately sparked controversy. Some people think that this is a wise move to preserve strength; Others insisted that resistance should continue and wait for reinforcements from Li Zicheng. However, Hao's prestige eventually overwhelmed all dissent.

As night fell, the Dashun army began a difficult breakthrough. Hao Shaoqi led the elite troops to launch a feint attack on the main force of the Qing army, successfully attracting most of the firepower. At the same time, the other troops dispersed into small units, taking advantage of the terrain, and quietly broke through in all directions.

In the chaotic battle, Hao Shaoqi's cronies became fewer and fewer. He knew he might die. However, when he saw more and more of his subordinates successfully leaving the battlefield, he felt an inexplicable relief.

Just as dawn was approaching, Hao Shaoqi found himself surrounded by the Qing army. His mount had long since fallen and he was badly wounded. At the last moment, he stood on a protruding rock and raised his saber.

The Qing generals recognized Hao Shaoqi and immediately ordered him to be captured alive. However, Hao Shaoqi had no intention of being captured. He looked around, saw the mountains in the morning light in the distance, and remembered his career as a horseman.

At the moment when the Qing army was approaching, Hao Shaoqi made the final choice. He did not surrender, nor did he kill himself, but jumped off the cliff. The soldiers of the Qing army exclaimed in surprise and rushed to the edge of the cliff, but they only saw the surging river and morning mist.

Hao Shaoqi's ending became a mystery. Some say he died in that rushing river, while others say he took the opportunity to escape and spend the rest of his life incognito. Whatever the truth, his choices and sacrifices saved most of his men life.

After this battle, Li Zicheng's power weakened further. Losing Hao Shaoqi, a general, the Dashun army suffered repeated defeats in subsequent battles. However, Hao Shaoqi's name was widely spread among the people and became a symbol of loyalty and courage.

Years later, when people talk about this period of history, they will always mention the general who made the final choice in Shangluo Mountain. His story has become a complex and profound microcosm of the turbulent times, illustrating the struggles and choices of human nature in the midst of life and death.