
A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

author:Ouchi Entertainment Detective 002
A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Have you ever been instantly moved by a song and become intrigued by the story behind it?

Have you ever imagined how a grassroots musician can become a household name overnight?

And how do you gradually lose yourself in glory until you have a mental breakdown?

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang Mailang, the name that was once popular all over the country with a song "My Skateboarding Shoes",

It is the protagonist of such a story full of drama and tragedy.

The story of Pang Mai Lang is not just a musical legend,

It is also a cruel reflection of Vanity Fair in modern society and a portrayal of the fragility of personal psychological endurance.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang Mailang, whose real name is Pang Hongyu, was born in a poor village in Shaanxi Province.

His childhood was full of hardships and challenges, and his early experiences shaped his tenacity.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

The family's poverty forced Pang Mailang to drop out of school early and enter the bottom of society to struggle to survive.

He works in bars, singing and playing the guitar in search of an outlet for life and emotional sustenance.

Music has become an important way for him to express himself and express his emotions.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

In 2014, the song "My Skateboarding Shoes" quickly became popular on the Internet.

The simple melody and simple lyrics of the song, combined with Pang Meilang's unique singing voice, instantly attracted the attention of a large number of listeners.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Despite some criticisms of the song's rough production and non-mainstream style,

But it was this difference that made Pang Meilang the focus of national attention overnight.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Fame and wealth poured in like a tide, but Pang Mailang gradually got lost in it.

He wasn't prepared for a sudden and dramatic change, and the pressure of fame brought on him made a significant change in his mentality.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang began to deny his origins, trying to create a "noble" identity to match his meteoric rise to stardom.

This conflict between self-perception and public image makes his behavior more and more abnormal.

Even in front of the media to show an extreme and unstable side.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pommelang's story reveals another side of Vanity Fair:

When a person becomes famous quickly, he may not be able to withstand the pressure and challenges that come with it.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang Meilang's psychological endurance was rapidly depleted, his performance in front of the camera began to get out of control, and contradictions and anxieties continued to accumulate.

Eventually, these psychological problems gradually became apparent, leading to further aberrations in his behavior.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang Meilang's psychological problems gradually appeared, and finally erupted after the public lost control again and again.

His mental state deteriorated dramatically, his family and friends felt powerless, and society's attention to him turned to indifference and even ridicule.

Pang Mai Lang was diagnosed with a mental illness and had to be sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

His story culminates in this moment, and it is also the most poignant turning point.

From a star sought after by thousands of people to an abandoned "patient", Pang Mailang has experienced a embarrassing fall.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

The fragile psychology hidden under the halo of celebrities is completely exposed at this moment.

Society's contempt for mental health, the ruthlessness of Vanity Fair,

All the pressure erupted in a concentrated manner on Pang Mailang, becoming an unbearable burden.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang Mai Lang underwent a long and painful treatment process in a psychiatric hospital.

After he was discharged from the hospital, he faced a completely different world.

He had to reacquaint himself with reality and rebuild his life.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

On the short video platform, he tries to rediscover his sense of existence and source of life by shooting daily life and musical works.

Although he is no longer the star of the limelight, Pang Meilang's love for music is still undiminished.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

He struggled to adapt to his new life and maintain his pursuit of music.

Pommerang continues to struggle between reality and dreams, trying to defend his dignity and worth on the brink of oblivion.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

The story of Pang Mai Lang is not only a tragedy of one person, but also a profound reflection on modern Vanity Fair.

Artists who became famous overnight through the Internet are not only faced with momentary brilliance,

There is also endless psychological pressure and reality tests.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Pang Meilang's experience warns us,

In the process of chasing your dreams, it is important to maintain yourself, cherish your mental health, and not be carried away by fame and fortune.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Modern society still doesn't pay enough attention to the mental health of celebrities.

The story of Pang Mailang should become a mirror,

We are reminded to pay attention to those individuals who suffer under pressure and pain behind the glamour.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

Every artist who aspires to survive in the glamorous world should remember Pang Meilang's lesson,

Learn to find your own calm shore in the wind and rain.

Pang Meilang's rebirth is not to return to a peaceful life, but to continue to struggle in the gap between reality and dreams.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

He used his story to reveal to us the double-edged sword of Vanity Fair,

It also allows us to see a grassroots musician's dedication to music and self-perseverance.

I hope that all Pang Mailang can find their own calm waterfront after the wind and rain.

A song became popular all over the Internet, and finally he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital: the worst Internet celebrity in China is none other than him

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