
Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

author:The one who eats the bread

Cold noodles, a refreshing food in the breeze, have been a touch of freshness in Chinese cuisine since ancient times, and its historical context can be traced back to ancient times, or even earlier. It is said that cold noodles originated in the north, and with their unique production skills and refreshing taste, they have gradually integrated into the vast world of Chinese food culture. "Shredded like the wind, mixed with cold noodles", this scene is like the cool world depicted in ancient poems, and it is like a touch of leisurely in the literati's pen.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The name of cold noodles means that the noodles are delicate and smooth, and the ingredients are rich and diverse, like a cool summer breeze blowing on the noodles, and under one product, it is extremely cool. Finely made from high-quality wheat flour, served with fresh vegetables, a mellow sauce, and sprinkled with a few crispy peanuts or sesame seeds, it is both natural and cool, in line with the pursuit of harmony and balance in traditional Chinese culture.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

After thousands of years, cold noodles have evolved from north to south, and different flavors have been deduced from various places, such as shredded chicken noodles in Sichuan and Qishan Zhenzi cold noodles in Shaanxi, each with its own characteristics and strengths. They are not only the cool comfort of summer, but also the vivid embodiment of regional culture, carrying the food wisdom and customs of a party of water and soil.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Cold noodles, this seemingly simple noodle dish, actually contains rich historical charm and cultural connotation, and is a shining pearl in the treasure house of Chinese cuisine. Whenever the sun goes down in the hot summer, a plate of cold noodles with attractive color and luster, cool and delicious, is not only a soothing taste bud, but also a leisurely interpretation of the comfort of life. So, do you know which "cold noodles" in China are the most relieving of the heat? After some searching, these 10 places stand out, is it your hometown?

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

1. Yanbian Yanji cold noodles

Yanbian Yanji cold noodles have a long history, which is said to be traced back to the traditional food culture of the Korean ethnic group, and has long been an indispensable delicacy in the local summer, especially loved by people returning from work and tourists from afar.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

One of the major features of Yanbian Yanji cold noodles is that the noodles are delicate and smooth, like silk wisps, almost transparent, and can faintly see through the clear cold noodle soup underneath. This requires the noodles to be made by repeated kneading and fine pulling, not only to ensure that the noodles are thin, but also elastic enough to carry a rich number of ingredients without losing their shape.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The traditional Yanbian Yanji cold noodles are based on soba noodles and served with beef broth as a soup base, the soup is clear and mellow, and a variety of toppings such as spicy sauce, spicy cabbage, cucumber shreds, apple slices or pear slices are added to each bite. Not only that, but the cold noodles are often sprinkled with sesame seeds and drizzled with sesame oil, adding a bit of aroma and flavor. Diners can choose whether to add hard-boiled eggs or extra beef slices according to their personal preference

2. Chicken West Big Cold Noodles

As a unique noodle dish in Northeast China, Jixi cold noodles are unique and unique in flavor compared with traditional cold noodles. The uniqueness of Jixi cold noodles lies in the smooth gluten of its noodles, with a variety of ingredients and special cold noodle soup, the form is stretched, like a long dragon lying on the waves, the color is bright, the noodles are full of ingredients, the soup is clear and refreshing, the sour and hot are moderate, and the refreshing cold noodles and the rich taste of the mixed noodles are in one, which fully demonstrates the boldness and delicacy of the Northeast noodles.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The noodles are mostly made of soba noodles, which are repeatedly kneaded and carefully pulled to ensure that the noodles are chewy and elastic. In terms of ingredients, hot sauce, spicy cabbage, shredded cucumber, hard-boiled eggs, beef slices, etc., are readily available, and you can taste the multi-layered deliciousness in every bite. In particular, the special cold noodle soup is made of beef or chicken, cooled and diluted, and then mixed with a variety of seasonings, so that the whole bowl of cold noodle soup is delicious and refreshing.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

In Jixi, Da Han noodles are not only a must-have delicacy to cool off in summer, but also an indispensable part of the daily life of the local people, and are loved by diners. Whether it's a scorching summer day or a cool autumn day, a bowl of chicken West cold noodles can always bring a full sense of satisfaction, reflecting the love and pursuit of food in Northeast China.

3. Guangyuan rice cold noodles

Guangyuan rice cold noodles, as a special food in northern Sichuan, integrates the essence of northern and southern noodles, not only inherits the spicy and fresh fragrance of Sichuan noodles, but also absorbs the refreshing strength of northern cold noodles, showing a unique Guangyuan flavor. Known for its chic appearance, rich ingredients and fine production process, Guangyuan rice cold noodles are favored by local people and tourists from afar.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The uniqueness of Guangyuan Rice Cold Noodles is that its noodles are delicate and smooth, refined from high-quality rice, with a slender shape, with a variety of ingredients and a special cold noodle sauce, with good color, flavor and flavor. Common ingredients include shredded cucumbers, bean sprouts, chopped peanuts, chili oil, garlic paste, etc., among which the special spicy sauce is the finishing touch, which is carefully blended with a variety of spices and chili peppers, adding a rich layer to the cold noodles. Another major feature of Guangyuan rice cold noodles is that it pays attention to the harmony and unity of the taste of the noodles and the sauce, the noodles are gluten and soft, and the sauce is spicy and fragrant without losing the freshness.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

4. Deyang shredded chicken cold noodles

Deyang Shredded Chicken Cold Noodles, as a leader in traditional noodles in Sichuan and Chongqing, carries a rich historical and cultural heritage and unique regional flavor, and is a bright pearl in Deyang's food culture. Although its specific origin is difficult to verify, it is closely connected with the food customs of the city of Deyang, witnessing the inheritance and development of local flavors.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

It is rumored that the production technique of Deyang shredded chicken cold noodles was created by folk chefs in Sichuan and Chongqing in the early years, and after the baptism of time and continuous improvement, it has gradually formed today's local specialty food with good color and flavor.

The unique feature of Deyang Shredded Chicken Cold Noodles is that the noodles are made with high-quality flour, with delicate shredded chicken and a variety of toppings such as shredded cucumbers, bean sprouts, crushed peanuts and special chili oil, each bite is full of layered deliciousness. After the noodles are cooked, they are soaked in cold water to make them smoother and smoother, and then drizzled with a sauce made of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic and other seasonings, which is bright in color and moderately sour and spicy, which is both appetizing and greasy.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

In Deyang, whether it is a food stall in the streets and alleys, or a high-end restaurant, you can see this local characteristic. A bowl of Deyang shredded chicken cold noodles not only satisfies the diners' pursuit of deliciousness, but also becomes a business card for Deyang people to show the flavor of their hometown to the outside world.

5. Chongqing Wanzhou mixed noodles

Chongqing Wanzhou Mixed Noodles, as a leader in Chongqing style noodles, is widely praised for its exquisite production technology, rich taste levels and unique regional customs. Wanzhou, a vibrant city with magnificent natural scenery, rich cultural heritage and unique food traditions, is a treasure trove of food culture in Chongqing.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Regarding the origin of Chongqing Wanzhou mixed noodles, there is a vivid folk story. Legend has it that in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, a pastry chef named Li Laohan in Wanzhou accidentally created an unprecedented delicacy by mixing boiled noodles with special sauces and ingredients by chance. This innovation quickly spread in the local area, and after Li Laohan's continuous improvement and optimization, it eventually evolved into the Chongqing Wanzhou noodles we know today. Although this legend is legendary, it also fully demonstrates the infinite love and exploration spirit of the people of Wanzhou for food.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The unique charm of Chongqing Wanzhou Bibi Noodles lies in the smooth texture of the noodles and the rich variety of sauces and toppings. The traditional Wanzhou noodles are based on noodles made from high-quality wheat flour, with special chili oil, Sichuan pepper powder, minced garlic, soy sauce and other seasonings, and then sprinkled with a handful of fragrant green onions and chopped peanuts, plus a spoonful of yellow mustard, each bite is full of spicy and fragrant flavor, which makes people want to stop. In addition, there are innovative varieties such as seafood noodles and beef noodles to meet the taste needs of different diners.

6. Beijing sesame sauce cold noodles

Beijing sesame sauce cold noodles have a long history, and their roots can be traced back to hundreds of years ago, and after years of precipitation and inheritance, they have become a beautiful landscape in Beijing's food culture. On the streets of Beijing, whether it's a busy weekday lunch or a leisurely weekend, cold noodles with sesame sauce are an excellent choice for people to quench their thirst and satisfy their taste buds.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The biggest charm of Beijing sesame sauce cold noodles is that the noodles are smooth and chewy, with rich sesame sauce and a variety of ingredients, the taste is rich and layered. The traditional cold noodles with sesame sauce are based on noodles made from high-quality flour, with special sesame sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic paste and other seasonings, and then sprinkled with cucumber shreds, bean sprouts, crushed peanuts and other ingredients, each bite is full of the mellow sesame sauce and the freshness of vegetables, which is endlessly memorable.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Beijing Sesame Sauce Cold Noodles has a variety of variations and innovations, which not only retain the traditional flavor, but also incorporate the taste needs of modern people. In particular, it is worth mentioning the "Old Beijing Style Sesame Sauce Cold Noodles", which is loved by the majority of diners for its mellow but not greasy sesame sauce and fresh and rich ingredients. When making it at home, choose pure sesame paste, add an appropriate amount of cold boiled water to dilute it, and then pair it with fresh cucumber shreds, bean sprouts and other vegetables, as well as garlic, vinegar and other condiments. This cold noodle dish is not only refreshing and delicious, but also carries the love and inheritance of traditional food in Beijing.

7. Lanzhou vegetarian cold noodles

Lanzhou vegetarian cold noodles, also known as vegetarian noodles, are a popular traditional noodle dish in the Lanzhou region. The noodles are usually made from fine flour and are kneaded, rolled and cut to create thin and elastic noodles that can better absorb the sauce and maintain a smooth texture. The cold noodles have a simple and elegant appearance, the noodles are neatly arranged with brightly colored vegetables, which is both beautiful and enticing, and the sauce is able to evenly penetrate each noodle during the mixing process, ensuring a rich and uniform flavor.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

In terms of seasoning, Lanzhou vegetarian cold noodles pursue sour, spicy, fresh and fragrant, and the commonly used seasonings are vinegar, chili oil, garlic paste, vegetarian marinade, sesame sauce, etc., which are carefully blended to achieve the effect of refreshing taste, appetizing and greasy.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

In Lanzhou, vegetarian cold noodles are a must-have delicacy in summer to cool off, and often appear in food stalls on the streets and alleys along with beef noodles and stuffed skins. Lanzhou people are accustomed to meeting with family and friends on hot summer days to taste a bowl of refreshing and delicious vegetarian noodles and enjoy a leisurely afternoon. Lanzhou vegetarian cold noodles have become an indispensable food choice for locals in summer.

8. Suzhou fan cold noodles

Although there are many theories about the origin of Suzhou fan cold noodles, one of them has an indissoluble relationship with the cool noodles in the south of the Yangtze River in ancient times. Fan cold noodles are a traditional summer food in Suzhou, named because they are often eaten with fans to provide air to make them cooler, and later evolved into today's popular fan noodles with time and the inheritance of skills.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

The noodles are thin and flexible, and are usually seasoned with a special cool sauce, which fully demonstrates the freshness and delicacy of Jiangnan cuisine. The preparation of the sauce is quite exquisite, with moderate sweetness and sourness, fresh and appetizing, and often added garlic, sesame paste, vinegar and other seasonings to make the taste layered and harmonious. When making it, Suzhou's fan cold noodles also retain the smooth taste of the noodles, especially after mixing with the sauce, this unique taste has become a highlight of Suzhou fan cold noodles.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

In Suzhou, fan cold noodles are not only a delicacy to quench thirst in summer, but also an important carrier of local food culture.

9. Linqing Shixiang noodles

Linqing Shixiang noodles are one of the authentic traditional noodles in Linqing. Different from the noodles commonly found in other regions, the uniqueness of Linqing Shixiang noodles lies in its rich ingredients and unique seasoning, emphasizing the original taste and the freshness of the ingredients. This method of combining a variety of ingredients and carefully seasoning is undoubtedly a great treat for diners who pursue a level of taste.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Linqing also has a special "splendid fragrant noodles", this noodle is particularly rich in ingredients, colorful, like splendor, hence the name. The noodles are thin and flexible, with tender shredded meat, fragrant vegetables, and special sauces, and every bite is full of layered deliciousness.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Linqing Shixiang noodles are known for their rich ingredients, diverse tastes and delicious tastes, and are deeply loved by diners. The shredded meat is tender and juicy, the vegetables are crisp and refreshing, the noodles are thin and chewy, and the overall taste is rich but not greasy, showing the essence of Shandong cuisine, and at the same time adapting to the taste needs of the majority of diners.

10. Xinjiang yellow flour barbecue

Xinjiang Yellow Noodles Barbecue, this delicacy is well-known in the Xinjiang region, and the uniqueness of yellow noodles as the soul mate of barbecue lies in the production of noodles. The flour is made with ingredients such as alkali and ash, which gives the noodles a vivid yellow color, which not only adds color but also gives the noodles a unique taste.

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

To make it, a layer of fresh shredded cucumber is spread on the bottom of the plate, then the boiled yellow noodles are topped, and then the grilled meat is roasted with a sizzling sound and fragrant aroma. The freshness of cucumber and the chewiness of yellow noodles are complemented by the rich aroma of grilled meat, making for a summer delicacy. In the scorching summer, what cold noodles can be more satisfying than Xinjiang yellow noodle barbecue?

Which "cold noodles" are the best in China? After selection, these 10 places are on the list, is there your hometown?

Of course, yellow noodles aren't just limited to grilled meat. It can also hold up the banner of cold noodles on its own, and the yellow noodles will blend more with the soup to give it a moist and smooth taste. If that's not enough, order a few more skewers! Let the fresh aroma of the barbecue and the gluten of the yellow noodles intertwine in the mouth, bringing a feast for the palate.


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