
After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

author:Savage girl

Wen Tianxiang's anti-Yuan road began with his family and country feelings and firm beliefs. In 1276, the Mongol army captured Lin'an, and the Southern Song Dynasty fell. Although the country was ruined, Wen Tianxiang did not give in, he chose to continue to resist and became a symbol of the nation. The Battle of Yashan was the most heroic battle in his anti-Yuan career. Before the war, he had prepared for the worst, knowing that it would be a life-and-death battle.

At Yashan, Wen Tianxiang personally supervised the battle, and his soldiers fought bravely under his inspiration. The strength of the Yuan army was too strong, and the army of the Southern Song Dynasty gradually became at a disadvantage in the fierce battle. Wen Tianxiang still did not give up, he ran around on the battlefield to boost morale. He knew very well that this was not only a battle, but also a war of national dignity.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

When the battle was at its fiercest, Wen Tianxiang's army was already exhausted. Seeing that the situation was hopeless, he decided to personally lead a part of his soldiers in the final charge. At that moment, there was no trace of fear in Wen Tianxiang's eyes, and he only had love for the country and hatred for the enemy in his heart. During the charge, his mount was shot by an arrow and fell, and he himself was captured.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Persuasion and rejection

After being captured, Wen Tianxiang was escorted to Dadu, the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. During the escort, the Yuan army tried to persuade him to surrender several times. Kublai Khan was well aware of Wen Tianxiang's influence among the remnants of the Southern Song Dynasty, so he hoped to appease the remnants of the Southern Song Dynasty by persuading him to surrender. Wen Tianxiang's firm will made all their efforts come to naught.

In Lingdingyang, one of the generals of the Yuan army tried to persuade Wen Tianxiang's younger brother to surrender him. Wen Tianxiang's younger brother held on to his last hope and begged him to accept the conditions of the Yuan army for the sake of his family and his own life. Wen Tianxiang looked at his younger brother calmly, his eyes were full of determination: "Brother, the country is dead, can we still survive in the world?" I can't betray my homeland. ”

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Wen Tianxiang's refusal shocked and angered the Yuan army. They cannot understand why a person can so firmly reject temptation and would rather choose death than surrender. This is the greatness of Wen Tianxiang. His convictions were so strong that no threat or temptation could shake his resolve.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

After arriving in Dadu, Wen Tianxiang was imprisoned in a cold and damp cell.

Kublai Khan ordered torture to be inflicted on him, trying to shake his will through physical torture. Whether it is whipping or soldering iron, Wen Tianxiang has always been unyielding. Although his body was weakened by torture, his spirit grew stronger.

In prison, Wen Tianxiang recalled his life. He came from a family of scholars and received a good education from an early age. His father was an upright official and his education was extremely strict. Since childhood, Wen Tianxiang has been determined to become a loyal official and serve the country and the people. This belief became even stronger after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Wen Tianxiang's wife and children were also brought to Dadu by the Yuan army. Kublai Khan tried to threaten Wen Tianxiang with their lives, hoping to force him to surrender. When Wen Tianxiang saw his wife and children, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. He knew that he could not give up his faith because of the safety of his family. He said to his wife, "Live well, and don't worry about me." I'd rather die than betray my country. ”

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Kublai Khan personally persuaded him to surrender

Kublai Khan personally came to the cell and persuaded Wen Tianxiang to surrender face to face. He assured Wen Tianxiang that as long as he was willing to surrender, he could save his family's lives, and he could also give high-ranking officials good fortunes, and even let him continue to serve the country. Kublai Khan hoped that in this way, he would be able to impress Wen Tianxiang and make him give up resistance.

Wen Tianxiang's answer was as firm as iron: "The reason why I exist is for my country and nation. I cannot betray my faith and my fellow citizens. His eyes were resolute and fearless, and his voice, though weak, was full of strength.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Kublai Khan had no choice but to order the execution of Wen Tianxiang. On the execution ground, Wen Tianxiang's face was calm and fearless. He shouted with his last strength: "The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband!" This shout shocked everyone present and became a swan song for the ages. After Wen Tianxiang was executed, the clothes and belts on his body were approved as precious relics for future generations to admire.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

After Wen Tianxiang was executed, his wife, Ouyang, collected his body in the cold wind. She trembled her hands, untied her husband's clothes, and saw the lines on it: "Kong said Chengren, Meng said to take righteousness." But its righteousness is exhausted, so it is benevolent. What do you learn when you read the books of the sages? In the future, I am worthy of it. At this moment, her tears could not stop flowing, and she felt extremely proud and sad. She knew that her husband had practiced his loyalty to the country with his life, but this loyalty had also cost her her beloved partner.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Ouyang has guarded Wen Tianxiang's tomb in Dadu for many years, and her loyalty and tenacity have touched countless people. She prayed daily at the grave for her husband's spirit in heaven. Although her life was difficult, she never wavered in her admiration for her husband and loyalty to her country. Later, Wen Tianxiang's nephew Kang Wenzhen found her and took her back to her hometown. Although Ouyang's life was full of suffering, she used her actions to interpret her deep affection for her husband and loyalty to the country.

After returning to his hometown, Ouyang continued to guard Wen Tianxiang's tomb until the end of his life. Her deeds have been praised by posterity and have become a symbol of loyalty and tenacity. Her story not only touched her compatriots, but also became a model for future generations to admire.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Wen Tianxiang's spirit had a profound impact, inspiring his compatriots and becoming a role model for countless people with lofty ideals in later generations. During the Anti-Japanese War, Hu quoted Wen Tianxiang's poems in a speech, calling on people to fight for the country's independence and freedom. Wen Tianxiang's spirit of seeing death as if he were at home has become a symbol of the national spirit, inspiring generations of Chinese.

Comparing the actions of Wen Tianxiang and Hu, we can see that the spirit of sacrificing for the country and the nation has crossed the long river of history and has become a precious heritage of the Chinese nation. It is precisely this spirit that has enabled the Chinese nation to stand firm and radiate new vitality in the face of countless calamities.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Wen Tianxiang's deeds and spirit have left a deep imprint on history and also occupy an important position in Chinese culture. His poems have been widely praised by later generations and have become an important part of Chinese culture. His spirit has become a symbol of loyalty and fearlessness in traditional Chinese culture.

In Chinese literature, the image of Wen Tianxiang often appears. His story has been adapted into countless novels, plays, and films, and has become a hero in people's hearts. Through these works, Wen Tianxiang's spirit has been more widely disseminated and influenced generations of Chinese.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

The spirit of Wen Tianxiang has had a profound impact in China and has been widely recognized internationally. His deeds and spirit have been translated into many languages and spread all over the world. Whether in Asia, Europe, or the Americas, people are full of admiration for Wen Tianxiang's spirit of seeing death as home.

In some international academic conferences, Wen Tianxiang's deeds have been taken as the object of research and have become an important topic for scholars to discuss. Through these studies, people can gain a deeper understanding of the spirit of Wen Tianxiang and thus further appreciate the value of loyalty and fearlessness.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed


Wen Tianxiang, the great national hero, practiced his loyalty to the country with his life. His deeds and spirit touched his compatriots and became an example for countless people in later generations. His spirit has crossed the long river of history and has become a precious heritage of the Chinese nation.

Looking back on Wen Tianxiang's deeds is to commemorate this great hero, but also to promote the spirit of loyalty and fearlessness. In the new era, we must inherit and carry forward the spirit of Wen Tianxiang and work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

After Wen Tianxiang was beheaded, his wife collected his body, and when she saw the words on his clothes, she was ashamed

Let us remember Wen Tianxiang's name, learn from his spirit, and practice our love for the country and the nation with actions. In every day of struggle, let us feel the power of fearlessness and loyalty, motivating us to keep moving forward.

Wen Tianxiang's story makes us understand the value of loyalty; His spirit teaches us the power of fearlessness. Let us use practical actions to inherit and carry forward this spirit and contribute our strength to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wen Tianxiang, this name, will forever be engraved in the long history of the Chinese nation and become a glorious example to inspire future generations.