
The Fugou Court organized to watch a special film on party style and clean government education

author:Thoughtful News

The Fugou Court organized to watch a special film on party style and clean government education

The Fugou Court organized to watch a special film on party style and clean government education

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, in order to further promote the study and education of party discipline, further strengthen the awareness of discipline and rules of party members and police, and build a strong ideological line of defense against corruption and degeneration, on July 1, Fugou Court organized all in-service party members, cadres and police officers and representatives of veteran cadres and party members to watch the special film "The Disaster of Desire - The "Housekeeper" Who Guards Self-Stealing - A Warning Record of Zhang's Violation of Discipline and Law.

The film tells the story of Zhang Moumou's process of becoming corrupt and degenerate step by step from the party's leading cadres and sliding into the abyss of crime, profoundly analyzing the causes of Zhang Moumou's corruption and degeneration, breaking the law and committing crimes, and letting party members and police officers see the serious consequences of trampling on party discipline and state law, and further warn everyone to keep a clear head at all times, enhance the ability to resist various risks and temptations, and firmly establish a correct view of power, political performance, and career.

The Fugou Court organized to watch a special film on party style and clean government education

Party members and police officers have said that after watching the special film on party style and clean government education, they have been educated ideologically and warned in action. As party members and police officers, we must always do self-examination, self-awakening, and self-vigilance, always stand firm in political positions, enhance the spirit of struggle, improve the ability to fight, and buckle the "first button" of honest politics. (Fugou County Court, Fan Shuai)

The Fugou Court organized to watch a special film on party style and clean government education

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