
Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

author:A collection of fairy tales
Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

In the Spring Festival of 2023, the eyes of the national audience are focused on a familiar and unfamiliar face. Guo Jinjie's sketch "Big City Little Love" cooperated with Liu Liang and Bai Ge detonated laughter, making countless families happy on Chinese New Year's Eve.

However, few people know that this radiant artist was once just a Hebei peasant boy with a dream. What's even more amazing is that his wife Cui Ying turned from a fan.

From hard work to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, from meeting true love to forming a happy family, Guo Jinjie's life is like a legendary story of ups and downs. Let's uncover this dramatic and wonderful life together, and explore how he achieved a double harvest of career and love.

Thirteen-year-old Guo Jinjie stood at the crossroads of his life, excited and apprehensive. The joy of being admitted to Tangshan Art School has not yet been fully digested, and the tuition fee of 20,000 yuan is like a mountain pressing on the shoulders of this rural teenager.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

However, the unwavering support of his parents gave him the courage to pursue his dreams.

"Kid, don't worry, we're just smashing the pot and selling iron, and we're going to let you go to art school." The words of his parents were still in his ears, and Guo Jinjie's eyes flashed with tears of gratitude.

In order to make up for the astronomical amount of tuition at the time, the family sold almost everything of value. Farm implements, poultry, and even old cattle were all turned into tuition fees in just a few days.

The hopes of the whole family are pinned on this ignorant young man.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

However, the most distressing thing is Guo Jinjie's younger brother. In order to support his brother's dream, he resolutely gave up his studies at a young age. Every day, I get up early and run around all kinds of odd jobs, moving bricks, transporting goods, and doing all kinds of work.

The young hands were soon covered with thick calluses. Even so, he still saved money and sent a lot of his hard-earned money to his brother who was far away.

With the expectations and sacrifices of his family, Guo Jinjie stepped into the door of the art school. However, reality dealt him a heavy blow. The high tuition fees are exchanged for a school with weak teachers.

When his classmates left one after another, Guo Jinjie fell into deep self-blame and confusion. But he gritted his teeth and chose to stick to it.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

This difficult experience made the young Guo Jinjie understand that the road to chasing his dreams is never easy. The sacrifices of his family and his own perseverance became a solid foundation for his future success.

This hard-won opportunity made him cherish every moment of learning even more, and also made him determined to make a difference in the future and repay his family's efforts.

After leaving school, Guo Jinjie came to the Tieling Art Troupe with apprehension. Penniless, his life fell into an unprecedented dilemma. "As long as you don't starve, you don't eat.

This self-comforting sentence became the motivation for him to grit his teeth and persevere. In order not to worry his family, he wrote letters to his parents, fabricated lies about getting into a better art school, and bore the hardships of life alone.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

In the art troupe, Guo Jinjie keenly noticed that the duo was popular across the country, and the actors earned a lot of money. This discovery ignited a flame of hope in his heart.

With his love for art and unremitting efforts, he began to devote himself to the study of the two-person turn. Every day, he would hide in his master's small room of only ten square meters, singing loudly and honing his skills.

His singing voice echoes in the small space, and it also witnesses his sweat and dedication.

Hard work pays off. After two months of hard training, the opportunity finally came. The theater troupe ushered in an important performance opportunity, and urgently needed an actor who could perform the two-person turn of Northeast folk songs.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

When everyone else was discouraged, Guo Jinjie stood up without hesitation: "Leader, let me try!" "His courage and self-confidence come from the hard work he has built up during this time.

The performance was a great success, and Guo Jinjie finally came to prominence. This experience made him deeply realize that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Since then, he has studied harder, constantly improving his acting skills, and preparing for a bigger stage in the future.

Over time, Guo Jinjie's talent has gradually been recognized by the industry. He has participated in many film and television works such as "Four Worlds in the Same Hall", "I Am Not Wang Mao", "The World of Cloth", "Double Happiness" and so on, and his popularity continues to rise.

Every time he has the opportunity to perform, he puts all his heart and soul into perfection. The laughter and applause of the audience became the motivation for him to keep going.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

Finally, Guo Jinjie ushered in a major turning point in his life - on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. The sketch "Big City, Little Love" with Liu Liang and Bai Ge made him famous overnight.

Standing in the spotlight and facing the eyes of the national audience, Guo Jinjie recalled his arduous journey and was full of emotion in his heart. He knows that this is not the end, but a new beginning.

From Tieling to Beijing, from obscurity to attention, Guo Jinjie used his own efforts to interpret the true meaning of "one minute on stage, ten years of work off the stage". His story tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams and keep working hard, there will be a day when we will shine.

Behind every success, there is the watering of countless sweats and the power of perseverance. Guo Jinjie's experience will undoubtedly inspire more young people with dreams to move forward bravely and never give up on the road of chasing their dreams.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

At a performance at Beijing's Grand View Garden, 22-year-old Guo Jinjie played a memorable role. He plays a harlequin with a dark face and eyebrows like a "figure-eight".

Who would have thought that it was this seemingly inconspicuous character that became an opportunity for him to meet true love.

In the audience, a young girl named Cui Ying was deeply attracted by Guo Jinjie's performance. Her eyes sparkled with appreciation, and she watched the whole show with full attention.

Cui Ying has a deep love for the art of opera, and Guo Jinjie's performance touched her inner artistic resonance.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

After the performance, Cui Ying plucked up the courage to go backstage. She sincerely praised the superb acting skills of the actors and left her contact details under an inexplicable impulse.

This move became the beginning of the fate of the two.

Guo Jinjie was moved by Cui Ying's enthusiasm and kept her contact information in mind. After returning home, he couldn't help but chat with Cui Ying via text message. "On stage, which actor did you fall into?" Guo Jinjie asked tentatively.

Cui Ying's answer surprised him: "Actually, it's the actor with slightly red cheeks and eight-character eyebrows revealing a unique temperament."

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and they soon agreed to meet. When Cui Ying found out that the man she thought was "about forty years old" was only 22 years old and had outstanding appearance, her heart couldn't help but beat faster.

Guo Jinjie was also attracted to Cui Ying's beauty and intelligence, and the two quickly fell in love.

However, the road to love has not been easy. Cui Ying was born into a local family in Beijing, and her family strongly objected to her being with a poor boyfriend from another place. In the face of many obstacles, Cui Ying firmly said: "If you don't marry him."

Her determination eventually touched the family, and the relationship between the two was finally blessed.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

Guo Jinjie often said: "It is the greatest luck in my life to meet my true love on the stage." This unique marriage not only enriched Guo Jinjie's life, but also injected new inspiration and impetus into his artistic career.

Since then, every time he performs on stage, Guo Jinjie seems to feel the attention and support from his lover, which has become the source of his continuous progress.

Soon after their marriage, Guo Jinjie and Cui Ying ushered in a new challenge in their lives - the crystallization of their love came to the world. Guo Jinjie, a first-time father, is both excited and apprehensive in the face of this fragile little life.

He used to be calm on the stage, but he seemed at a loss on the new stage of parenting.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

On his first night in the hospital, Guo Jinjie insisted on taking care of his daughter himself. However, reality soon hit him in the face. When it comes to changing the child's diaper, he is in a hurry; When it comes to putting the child to sleep, he is helpless.

What alarmed him even more was that when the child was quiet, he even worried about whether the child was still breathing, and often carefully probed the baby's snort.

These experiences made Guo Jinjie deeply realize the great responsibility of being a father. He began to study parenting knowledge seriously, carefully observing every subtle change in the child. From clumsy to skilled, from panic to self-confidence, Guo Jinjie continues to grow on the road of parenting.

In order to be a competent father and husband, Guo Jinjie learned to arrange his time reasonably. He cherishes every moment he can spend with his family and strives to participate in his daughter's growth.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

Even when he's busy at work, he finds time to play with his daughter, tell stories, or simply just be together.

This experience has allowed Guo Jinjie to grow into a more mature and responsible man. He deeply understands that success is not only a brilliant career, but also a happy life for his family.

Guo Jinjie's story tells us that the real winners in life are those who can find a balance between career and family.

Today's Guo Jinjie has gone through the ups and downs of his life and ushered in a double harvest of career and family. He has a place in the entertainment industry, and he has a happy family.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

The relationship between him and Cui Ying has become sweeter and sweeter over the years. The growth of their daughters has brought infinite joy to their lives. Guo Jinjie often said: "Being with the person I love the most is my greatest happiness."

This hard-won happiness made him cherish every moment of time with his family.

His career success has given him the ability to repay the family members who have supported him. He built a new house for his parents and younger brother, bought a car, and greatly improved their living conditions.

Every time he returns to his hometown and sees the happy smiles on his family's faces, Guo Jinjie feels relieved and feels that his efforts are worth it.

Guo Jinjie: Marrying a fan, marrying a fan, living happily and having a daughter, what is the current situation?

Although he has become famous, Guo Jinjie still maintains his love and pursuit of acting career. "I will continue to work hard to improve myself and bring more joy to the audience," he said.

This attitude of not forgetting his original intention is the reason why he can continue to shine in the entertainment industry.

Guo Jinjie's story tells us that as long as we have dreams and work hard, we will eventually reap our own happiness. The teenager who came out of the countryside, through his own efforts, not only realized his dream, but also reaped a double harvest of career and love.

His experience will undoubtedly inspire more young people with dreams to move forward bravely and never give up on the road of chasing their dreams.

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