
What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

author:Miscellaneous talk about the main hall


What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

Today, I swiped a video on the Internet and spread wildly, the content of the video is that someone died, and a wake-up watch of the trade union of Dejiang No. 1 Middle School in Guizhou Province has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens. From the table, we can see that the wakes are scheduled in great detail from June 22 to June 29. It can be seen how conscientious all the faculty and staff are!

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

In addition to the faculty and staff, there is also the entire staff of the hospital, and the schedule of the wake is the same. This also means that the person who died should not be the head of the school or the hospital or the family member. Because whether it is a school or a hospital, there should be no way to agree on two units of different systems to take turns at the same time. Most likely, the people who died were the family members of the leaders who could govern the two units. Maybe the video is only filmed, and the rotation table is not necessarily.

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

Judging from the rotation table, the time of the wakes is as long as a week. And the rotation table is posted on the wall, and now it is the era of high popularity of the Internet, why are they not afraid that someone will spread it on the Internet and cause adverse reactions? Frankly, it's incredible! Beyond being ridiculous and ridiculous, I can't think of any words to judge this about.

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

Now that it is a new China and a new society, how can such an outrageous thing happen? Even if it is the county government yamen in the old society, the county grandfather's father and mother are dead, and it will not be enough to let the officials of the county government yamen keep a vigil for their parents! This incident happened today in New China, and it is definitely a feat that has never been done before or since. This time, Dejiang is afraid that he will become famous in the whole country again.

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

The people reported to the county education bureau, and the education bureau's reply was that it was being verified. Dejiang No. 1 Middle School is a unit directly under the jurisdiction of the Education Bureau, and if the Education Bureau does not acquiesce, the principal of Dejiang No. 1 Middle School does not have the courage to discharge this wake-up rotation list, and the whole school staff, if they are not under the oppression of authoritarianism, it is impossible for everyone to go there willingly to go there to keep the vigil. Because it was not their parents and relatives who died.

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

From this incident, we can see that the official authority of some people in the local area is really too great. It's so big that he thinks of himself as the feudal lord of a place and the local emperor! We not only have to ask, will such an official take the people to heart? Can you serve the people wholeheartedly? Can you treat your subordinate units as people?

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

I hope to take this as an opportunity to properly investigate the problems of the Dejiang government departments and give the people an explanation and explanation. Such officials and cadres are no longer qualified to hold public office in the part of the government. In order to safeguard the purity of the party and the credibility of the government, such a black sheep should be resolutely eliminated from the management strata of our government.

What kind of earth emperor is it! It is even blatantly arranged for state officials to take turns to keep a vigil for him!

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