
What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly


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What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Today's topic: What eye-opening specialties did your roommate bring with you? #爆料 ##文章首发挑战赛#

Hello is really High! This phrase is called a perfect performance among college roommates.

After all, they had spent years together, and they had a long-lasting friendship.

In particular, those specialties have brought their relationship to a new level.

However, having said that, some people began to suspect that someone would not like those souvenirs brought by their college roommates.

Is this really the case?


Let's take a look at what my netizens have to say:

Wow, these guys are so energetic!

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

It's already great, after all, they still left some for you.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

They really treat you like a brother.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Dad: I've given it my all for you.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Suddenly, I felt hungry too.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Didn't your sister-in-law taste it at the time?

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

I have to say, this thing sounds expensive.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

This shows that your fellow country is really not polite to you.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

I don't know how thick this thing is.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

This should only be a rare case.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Is it possible that you remember so clearly because you are nostalgic for the past?

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

It seems that in order to eat, you are also desperate.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Ay... You said you were so sluggish.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

I didn't expect this thing to be so nutritious.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Is everyone starting to feel homesick?

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Oops, when I saw the door of your dormitory, I instantly felt distressed for three seconds.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

It seems that the other students really have a soft spot for this thing.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

If you don't understand, ask why?

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Hey, don't talk so nicely about being lazy.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

However, your cause is really unique.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Don't say it, there is another female star who is super obsessed with this!

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

If you don't understand, just ask, what is this novelty you are talking about?

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Now you're wrong, underestimating your roommate's awesomeness.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Despite this, your roommates are quite traditional.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

It seems that your roommate is really in love with you, and he is so invested in it.

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

I really have to say, your dormitory hobbies are too individual!

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

Wow, your cooking skills are impressive!

What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly
What are some eye-opening specialties that your roommate has brought? Netizen: The female classmate sprayed nosebleeds directly

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