
Newspaper lost which one to choose


Newspaper loss is a common practice, when our important documents, items are lost, in order to prevent others from fraudulently using, we need to publish a loss statement in the newspaper, it is very important to choose a suitable newspaper to issue a loss statement, the following is an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of several well-known newspapers for your reference.

Newspaper lost which one to choose

1. People's Daily

Newspaper lost which one to choose

As a state organ newspaper, the People's Daily has a wide range of dissemination power and authority, and the loss of the newspaper in the People's Daily can be seen by more people and improve the influence of the statement.


Newspaper lost which one to choose

(1) High authority and good reputation;

(2) wide coverage and fast propagation speed;

(3) The audience is large and the influence is strong.

Inferior position:

(1) The price is relatively high;

(2) The layout is tight, and you may need to wait in line.

2. Guangming Daily

Guangming Daily is a national newspaper with a high reputation in the mainland, mainly in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, etc., and the newspaper is lost in Guangming Daily, which can be disseminated to specific groups.


(1) Rich cultural heritage and high audience quality;

(2) The price is moderate and cost-effective;

(3) It is highly targeted and can be disseminated for specific fields.

Inferior position:

(1) The scope of dissemination is relatively small and the influence is limited;

(2) The layout arrangement is relatively tight.

3. Economic Daily

The Economic Daily is an authoritative newspaper in the economic field of the mainland, and its audience is mainly enterprises, government departments and people in the economic circles.


(1) It has a high authority in the economic field;

(2) The audience is relatively high-end, which is conducive to solving problems quickly;

(3) The price is relatively reasonable.

Inferior position:

(1) The scope of dissemination is relatively limited, mainly aimed at the economic field;

(2) The layout arrangement is relatively tight.

4. China Youth Daily

China Youth Daily takes young people as the main audience and is committed to spreading the positive energy of youth and progress.


(1) The audience is young and the speed of communication is fast;

(2) The price is lower and the cost performance is higher;

(3) The layout is relatively loose and easy to arrange.

Inferior position:

(1) The influence is relatively limited, mainly targeting young people;

(2) The authority is low, which may affect the effect of the statement.

5. Local newspapers

Local newspapers have great dissemination and influence in the local area, and are suitable for reporting the loss of important local documents and items.


(1) The price is low and cost-effective;

(2) It is highly targeted and easy to spread locally;

(3) The layout is relatively loose and easy to arrange.

Inferior position:

(1) the scope of transmission is limited and localized;

(2) The authority is relatively low.

Based on the above analysis, you can choose the right newspaper based on the following factors:

(1) The importance of documents and items: For very important documents and items, it is recommended to choose a newspaper with high authority and influence, such as People's Daily.

(2) Scope of dissemination: If you need to spread it in a larger area, you can choose a national newspaper; If you want to spread it locally, you can choose a local newspaper.

(3) Budget: Choose cost-effective newspapers according to your own economic conditions.

(4) Audience: For specific groups, newspapers in related fields can be selected.

It is recommended that when you report the loss, you should describe the lost documents and items in detail so that others can identify them, and keep the evidence of the report in case you need it, I hope the above information will be helpful to you.