
What are the procedures for reporting the loss?


A declaration of loss is a procedure to announce to the public that an item has been lost or stolen and declared invalid.

Proof of identity

What are the procedures for reporting the loss?

1. The original and copy of the ID card of the party, if the party is a minor, the original and copy of the ID card of the guardian shall be provided.

What are the procedures for reporting the loss?

2. If it is handled for a unit, the original and copy of the business license of the unit or the organization code certificate, as well as the original and copy of the ID card of the legal representative, shall be provided.

3. If you need to entrust others to handle it, you also need to provide the original and copy of the trustee's ID card and the power of attorney.

What are the procedures for reporting the loss?

The content of the loss report

1. Title of the statement: generally "Statement of Reporting Loss".

2. Information on lost items: including the name, model, quantity, color, etc. of the lost items.

3. Loss time: specific to the year, month, and day.

4. Place of loss: specific to the province, city, district (county).

5. Declare invalid: The declaration of lost items will be invalid from the date of publication and will no longer have legal effect.

6. Contact information: If necessary, you can provide a contact phone number or address.

Procedures for registration

1. Choose a newspaper: According to local regulations, choose an influential newspaper to be published.

2. Fill in the application form: fill in the relevant information according to the requirements of the newspaper.

3. Payment of fees: According to the newspaper fee standard, pay the newspaper fee.

4. Submission of materials: Submit relevant materials such as identity certificate, loss report statement and other relevant materials to the editorial department of the newspaper.

5. Confirm the report: within the specified time, confirm whether the loss report statement has been published.


1. The content of the loss report statement must be true and accurate, and there shall be no false information.

2. After the loss report is published, if the lost items are recovered, they should apply to the editorial department of the newspaper to withdraw the report in time.

3. Once the loss report statement is published, it has legal effect and should not be revoked at will.

4. During the period of reporting the loss, if the law is involved, please consult a professional lawyer in time.

5. After the completion of the declaration of loss, please keep the relevant materials properly in case of emergency.


1. After the loss report is declared, if the lost items are recovered, the loss report declaration must be revoked.

2. If the lost items are not recovered, they can report to the public security organs and apply for relevant certificates.

3. During the loss reporting procedures, if you have any other questions, you can consult the editorial department of the newspaper.

4. After reporting the loss report, if it involves the replacement of certificates, please bring the relevant materials in accordance with the requirements of the relevant departments.

In the process of handling, please pay attention to the authenticity and accuracy, comply with the relevant regulations, once the loss report is published, it has legal effect, do not revoke it at will, if you have any doubts, please consult professionals in time, after the loss report is completed, please keep the relevant materials properly for follow-up matters.