
The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

author:Sannong said the weather

1. Introduction

Friends, hold on to your umbrella and don't let the rain get your good mood! Emergency broadcast, orange rainstorm warning has been sounded in many places in Hubei Province, this is not a joke, it is really the "rain god" is coming!

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

2. Today is July 1st, Monday, the twenty-sixth day of the fifth lunar month

Today, we ushered in the second half of 2024, which is also the party's 99th birthday, but God also seems to want to celebrate the party's birthday and send a "baptism". However, this baptism is a bit violent, so you have to be careful!

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

3. Weather conditions today, July 1

Today, friends in Hubei may want to experience the feeling of a "water world". Friends in Xishui, Yingshan, Luotian and other places, your rainfall has reached the level of "Songkran", with a cumulative precipitation of more than 60 mm, plus thunder and lightning and gusts of 6-8, which is much more exciting than any water park!

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

My advice is that friends in Hubei try to stay at home today, and if you have to go out, remember to bring your "Noah's Ark" - a large umbrella and waterproof shoes. Safety first, don't let the rain get in your way.

4. Weather conditions tomorrow, July 2

Tomorrow, the momentum of heavy rainfall will continue unabated, and Jiangsu, Anhui, Hunan and other places will also join this "feast of rain". Especially for those in northern Jiangsu and central Anhui, you may encounter heavy rainstorms, and there is a possibility of extremely heavy rainstorms locally.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

My advice for tomorrow is that if you don't live on the boat, try to avoid going out. If you have to go outside, remember to check your "sailing skills" to make sure you can get through the day safely.

5. Weather conditions on July 3 the day after tomorrow

The day after tomorrow, the rain belt will be lifted north to the Huanghuai region, and the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will weaken. However, friends in the northeast of Chongqing, the southwest of Hubei and other places, you may also encounter heavy rain or heavy rain.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

My advice for the day after tomorrow is to continue to be vigilant and not let your guard down just because the rain is weakening. Check the weather forecast before you go out and prepare accordingly.


6. Weather in key cities

  • Guangdong Province: Heavy rains covered Guangzhou and its surrounding areas, and heavy rains took "special care" of Renhua.
  • Anhui Province: Heavy rain will fall in Wuhu and its surrounding areas.
  • Guangxi Province: There will be heavy rain in Nanning and other places, and Chongzuo and other places may experience heavy rain.
  • Hainan Province: The whole island will face a high temperature of more than 35 °C.
  • Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, Sichuan Province, Xinjiang, Zhejiang Province, Tianjin City, Jiangsu Province: Friends in these areas should also be prepared for heavy rain or torrential rain.
The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall has been set, and the distribution of heavy rain and high temperature is as follows, Weather on the 2nd tomorrow

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

VII. Ending

Well, that's it for my humorous interpretation of the weather across the country for the next few days. I hope that while enjoying the cool summer day, you should also pay attention to safety and take precautions. If you also have "big news" about the weather there, feel free to share your story in the comment section!

Finally, I hope that everyone can survive this rainy season safely, and that our cities can cope with extreme weather more intelligently. Thank you for your attention, and if you like this weather forecast, don't forget to like and share! See you next time!