
Han Mink Temple is not the number one master in Ouchi, it turns out that there is another person who is stronger than him, and this person can fight Wang Xianzhi

author:Cai Mei

Everyone in the world knows that Han Mink Temple is the head of the 100,000 eunuchs in Tai'an City, one of the three major demons in the Spring and Autumn Period, and refers to the terrifying existence at the peak of the Xuan Realm. But who would have thought that in this Tai'an City, there was a master who was stronger than him! This person is also a eunuch, but he is the same age as the country, and he still looks old after living for more than 200 years. He was able to absorb dragon qi in Tai'an City, and his strength was so strong that even Cao Changqing did not dare to offend easily after he became a hegemon. What's even more surprising is that this person can actually fight the legendary Wang Xianzhi! So, who is this mysterious young eunuch? Why can he become the last hole card of Tai'an City? And why only to the royal family surnamed Zhao? Let's uncover the secrets of this little-known history!

The mystery of the mysterious young eunuch's origins

It is said that at the beginning of the founding of Liyang, there was an inconspicuous little eunuch in Sui'an City, named Zhao Changsheng. Although this Zhao Changsheng is a eunuch, he is born with clear eyebrows, white and handsome, and a pair of bright eyes, which does not look like a simple character.

At that time, Sui'an City was still a small place, and there were no rules in the palace. When Zhao Changsheng entered the palace, he happened to encounter the enthronement ceremony of Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of Liyang. That night, Zhao Changsheng was on the night shift and overheard a strange noise in the hall. Curious, he sneaked into the main hall, only to see a scene that he would never forget.

I saw Zhao Kuangyin sitting cross-legged, surrounded by a layer of golden light, which sometimes turned into a dragon shape, sometimes into a phoenix shape, circling and flying around him. Zhao Changsheng was so fascinated that he forgot that he was still peeping. At this moment, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze was like lightning, and he shot straight at Zhao Changsheng's hiding place.

"Come out." Zhao Kuangyin said lightly.

Zhao Changsheng was so frightened that he quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Who knew that Zhao Kuangyin was not angry, but showed a meaningful smile.

"What's your name?" Zhao Kuangyin asked.

"The little one's name is Zhao Changsheng." Zhao Changsheng replied tremblingly.

"Zhao Changsheng? What an immortal. Zhao Kuangyin said thoughtfully, "Since you and I have the same surname, and we have the fate to see me cultivating dragon qi, it must be God's arrangement." From now on, you will stay with me. "

In this way, Zhao Changsheng became Zhao Kuangyin's personal eunuch. Day after day, year after year, Zhao Changsheng silently observed Zhao Kuangyin's cultivation of dragon qi in the palace. He found that whenever Zhao Kuangyin cultivated, the air around him would be filled with a strange energy. This energy seems to be absent, but it is everywhere.

One night, Zhao Changsheng secretly tried to imitate Zhao Kuangyin's cultivation method. To his surprise, he could feel that strange energy as well! Since then, Zhao Changsheng has been secretly cultivating every night, and slowly, he found that his body began to change. Not only is he energetic, but even his appearance is stuck in his twenties.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zhao Kuangyin died, and the new emperor ascended the throne. The ministers in the palace are all gray-haired, but only Zhao Changsheng is still as young as ever. Some people began to talk about him, saying that he was a monster. Zhao Changsheng had to hide his specialness, pretending to be old, and pretending to be sick for a few days from time to time.

In this way, generation after generation of emperors changed, and Zhao Changsheng always silently guarded the palace. He witnessed the rise and fall of the Liyang Dynasty and witnessed countless power struggles. In these long years, Zhao Changsheng continued to absorb dragon qi, cultivated himself, and finally became an unfathomable master.

However, Zhao Changsheng always remembered Zhao Kuangyin's kindness back then. He secretly swore that he would only be loyal to the royal family surnamed Zhao in this life. If a person with a foreign surname wants to rebel, he will stop it; But if there is a struggle for power within the royal family, he stays out of the matter and is impartial.

Han Mink Temple is not the number one master in Ouchi, it turns out that there is another person who is stronger than him, and this person can fight Wang Xianzhi

The world only knows that Han Mink Temple is famous, but they don't know that there is such a mysterious young eunuch hidden in this Tai'an City. He lived for more than two hundred years, but his face remained the same; He can fight Wang Xianzhi, but he is willing to hide behind the scenes. How many secrets does this eunuch named Zhao Changsheng have that no one knows?

The astonishing strength of a young eunuch

How strong is Zhao Changsheng's strength? This issue has always been a topic of conversation among the people in the rivers and lakes. It is rumored that he can fight Wang Xianzhi, but this statement is not false. You must know that Wang Xianzhi is recognized as the number one master in the world, and even peerless powerhouses like Lu Zu praise him as an opponent who can fight heartily. can be compared with Wang Xianzhi, Zhao Changsheng's strength can be seen.

Once, Zhao Changsheng was ordered by the emperor to send an envoy to Beiliang. Xu Fengnian, the prince of Beiliang, had a relationship with him, and Xu Fengnian sighed afterwards: "Facing that young eunuch, I seem to have returned to the moment when I first met Wang Xianzhi. The unfathomable momentum, the calmness of the gestures, is just the same. "

You must know that Xu Fengnian is a figure who has fought with Wang Xianzhi. He can compare Zhao Changsheng to Wang Xianzhi, which shows the strength of Zhao Changsheng. It is even rumored that even after being hit hard by Tuoba, Xu Fengnian admitted frankly that he was not Zhao Changsheng's opponent. This further confirms the strength of Zhao Changsheng.

In Tai'an City, Zhao Changsheng is even more invincible. There was once a martial arts master who claimed to be "the best in the world" broke into the palace and threatened to challenge the first master of Tai'an City. Han Mink, the head of Ouchi at that time, rushed to hear the news, but was repelled by the master's move. Seeing that the situation was critical, Zhao Changsheng finally appeared.

I saw Zhao Changsheng coming slowly, smiling, as if he was just walking in the palace. Seeing this, the martial arts master was furious, jumped forward, and attacked Zhao Changsheng with his life's mastery. However, before he could touch Zhao Changsheng, the whole person flew out upside down like a broken kite, and fell heavily to the ground, but he didn't move.

The onlookers were stunned, because they didn't see how Zhao Changsheng made a move at all. Han Mink Temple was even more cold in a cold sweat, and he realized that there was such an unfathomable master hidden in the palace.

Zhao Changsheng's strength is not only reflected in his martial arts, but also in his use of dragon qi. After hundreds of years of cultivation, he had been able to control dragon qi with ease. It is said that as long as he stands in Tai'an City, he can use the dragon qi of the entire imperial city to bless himself, and his strength will reach a higher level.

Once, there was a turmoil in Ouchi, and a group of rebels sneaked into the palace at night. At that time, the guards were lax, and the thieves were about to rush into the imperial study. At the critical moment, Zhao Changsheng stopped alone in front of the door of the imperial study. I saw him wave his hands, and the dragon qi of the entire Tai'an City seemed to be mobilized by him and turned into an invisible barrier. The thieves slammed into the barrier as if they had hit an iron wall, and they fell to the ground.

This method shocked everyone, and even the emperor at that time was impressed by Zhao Changsheng. Since then, Zhao Changsheng has become the last hole card of Tai'an City and the last line of defense to protect the royal family.

However, how strong Zhao Changsheng's strength is has always been a mystery. Because he rarely makes a shot, every shot is on point. Some people say that his strength has surpassed the limits of human beings and is comparable to that of immortals. Some people also say that he is actually not as powerful as rumored by the outside world, but it is only with the help of dragon qi that he is unfathomable.

In any case, Zhao Changsheng's existence gave Tai'an City an extra layer of mysterious protection. Even a peerless powerhouse like Cao Changqing did not dare to act rashly in the face of Zhao Changsheng. Because no one knows how many unknown skills this seemingly young eunuch still hides.

The shocking battle between the young eunuch and Wang Xianzhi

The shocking battle between Zhao Changsheng and Wang Xianzhi took place during the Zhongxing period of the Liyang Dynasty. At that time, the world was in turmoil, and all forces were ready to move. Wang Xianzhi, as the world's number one master, has naturally become the object of wooing from all parties. In order to ensure the safety of the royal family, the emperor ordered Zhao Changsheng to come forward to test Wang Xianzhi's true intentions.

The site of this battle was chosen on the top of a barren mountain outside the city of Tai'an. On that day, Zhao Changsheng came to the top of the mountain alone, only to see that Wang Xianzhi had been waiting for a long time. The two looked at each other and smiled, and they all clasped their fists and saluted.

"I've heard the name of Brother Wang for a long time, and when I see it today, it's really worthy of the name." Zhao Changsheng said.

Han Mink Temple is not the number one master in Ouchi, it turns out that there is another person who is stronger than him, and this person can fight Wang Xianzhi

Wang Xianzhi nodded, "Brother Zhao is young, but he has such a cultivation, which is really admirable." I don't know if Brother Zhao came here today, what advice do you have? "

Zhao Changsheng didn't beat around the bush and directly explained his intentions. Wang Xianzhi listened, pondered for a moment, and then said: "In this case, why don't you and I have a discussion, how about meeting friends with martial arts?" "

Before the words fell, Wang Xianzhi had already made a move. I saw that his figure flashed, and he came to Zhao Changsheng in an instant, and slapped it with one palm. This palm seems to be unremarkable, but in fact, it contains infinite changes, which is difficult to prevent.

Zhao Changsheng was not in a hurry, and with a slight side, he dodged this seemingly inevitable palm. Immediately, he also shot back. I saw that his fingers were tapped, and an invisible energy went straight towards Wang Xianzhi.

A hint of surprise flashed in Wang Xianzhi's eyes, obviously he didn't expect Zhao Changsheng's strength to be so strong. He immediately changed his move, crossed his hands, and took the momentum stiffly.

In this way, the two of them came and went, and the battle was inseparable. The trees and grass on the top of the mountain collapsed one after another under the impact of the two of them, and the entire mountain seemed to tremble.

The battle lasted a full hour, and the two were still deadlocked. At this time, Wang Xianzhi suddenly stopped and laughed loudly: "Brother Zhao really lives up to his reputation, today's battle is an eye-opener." "

Zhao Changsheng also put away his posture and said with a smile: "Brother Wang has won the award." I also benefited a lot from this battle. "

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if the fierce battle just now had never happened. They sat down and started chatting about the next big thing. Wang Xianzhi admitted frankly that he had no second heart for the imperial court, but just wanted to find an opponent who could fight happily. After Zhao Changsheng heard this, he also let down his guard.

Although this shocking battle did not distinguish the winner or loser, it became a legend in the rivers and lakes. People were amazed by Zhao Changsheng's strength, and they were even more curious about his origins. After all, there are few people who can fight a draw with Wang Xianzhi, and there are few people in the world.

What's even more surprising is that after this battle, Wang Xianzhi seems to have a strong interest in Zhao Changsheng. He sent people to inquire about Zhao Changsheng's news many times, and even came to Tai'an City to visit him in person. Every time they met, the two had to fight, but no one had ever seen them tell the winners.

Interestingly, every time Wang Xianzhi visited, Zhao Changsheng would deliberately avoid the palace and choose to meet outside the city. Some people speculate that this is because Zhao Changsheng doesn't want Wang Xianzhi to come into contact with the dragon qi of Tai'an City. Some people also say that this is Zhao Changsheng protecting Wang Xianzhi, because once Wang Xianzhi comes into contact with dragon qi, he is likely to be regarded as a threat by the imperial court.

In any case, the shocking battle between Zhao Changsheng and Wang Xianzhi not only proved Zhao Changsheng's strength, but also let the world know that in this world, there are still people who can be equal to Wang Xianzhi, who is the first in the world. How many secrets does this seemingly young eunuch have that no one knows? And what is his true identity? These questions have become a topic of conversation among people in the rivers and lakes.

The confrontation between the young eunuch and the prince of Beiliang

The confrontation between Zhao Changsheng and Xu Fengnian, the son of Beiliang, took place on a stormy night. At that time, Zhao Changsheng was ordered by the emperor to send an envoy to Beiliang, carrying important state letters. Although Beiliang still nominally belonged to the Liyang Dynasty, it was actually semi-independent and had a delicate relationship with the central court.

As soon as Zhao Changsheng and his party entered the territory of Beiliang, they encountered a sudden storm. They had to take refuge in a dilapidated inn. At this moment, a group of cavalry galloped over, led by Xu Fengnian, the prince of Beiliang.

Xu Fengnian walked into the post station in the dust, and his eyes directly locked on Zhao Changsheng. He smiled and said: "I have heard the name of Zhao's father-in-law for a long time, and when I saw it today, I really had an extraordinary bearing. "

Han Mink Temple is not the number one master in Ouchi, it turns out that there is another person who is stronger than him, and this person can fight Wang Xianzhi

Zhao Changsheng replied quietly: "His Royal Highness the Prince personally came to greet him, which really flattered the villain. "

After a few polite words between the two, Xu Fengnian suddenly changed his words: "I heard that Zhao Gonggong carried an important national letter this time, I don't know if I can let you watch it next?" "

This request obviously went beyond diplomatic etiquette, and Zhao Changsheng replied with a smile: "The letter of state is written by His Majesty himself, and it should be presented to the King of Beiliang first. If His Royal Highness the Prince wants to take a look, it is better to wait until he meets the King of Beiliang and then ask for instructions. "

A sharp light flashed in Xu Fengnian's eyes: "Gonggong Zhao, do you know that in the territory of Beiliang, the words of this prince are the holy decree?" "

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the post station suddenly became tense. Xu Fengnian's entourage pressed their hands on the hilt of the knife one after another, ready to strike at any time.

Zhao Changsheng still kept smiling: "His Royal Highness the Prince is smiling. is just a eunuch below, how dare he disobey the orders of the prince. It's just that if the national letter is leaked in advance because of the negligence of the subordinates, I am afraid that His Majesty and the king of Beiliang will not spare him. "

Xu Fengnian stared at Zhao Changsheng, and suddenly laughed: "Father-in-law Zhao really lives up to his reputation, this composure and calmness is indeed admirable." "

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the station. I saw a group of masked black-clothed men break in, and the leader shouted: "Hand over the national papers, spare you from death!" "

The situation became complicated in an instant. Xu Fengnian and his entourage immediately drew their weapons and prepared to fight. However, what everyone didn't expect was that Zhao Changsheng actually stood up slowly.

"Everyone," Zhao Changsheng's voice was not loud, but it clearly reached everyone's ears, "I don't know who wants this letter of state?" It's better to show up. "

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow jumped down from the roof and landed in front of Zhao Changsheng. The man took off his mask, and it turned out to be Li Cunxiong, the confidant of the King of Beiliang.

"Father-in-law Zhao has good eyesight," Li Cunxiong sneered, "Since you have seen through it, then don't blame me for being rude." "

After that, Li Cunxiong slapped Zhao Changsheng with one palm. However, before his palm touched Zhao Changsheng, the whole person flew upside down like a lightning strike and slammed into the wall.

This scene shocked everyone, including Xu Fengnian. Only then did they realize that the seemingly weak eunuch in front of them turned out to be a hidden master.

Zhao Changsheng said lightly: "General Li, why are you doing this? If the king of Beiliang wants to read the national letter, he can ask for it openly. Why use this tactic? "

Xu Fengnian also came back to his senses at this time, he waved his hand to signal his subordinates to put down their weapons, and then said to Zhao Changsheng: "Father-in-law Zhao, you didn't think about it and almost caused a big disaster. How about this matter? "

Zhao Changsheng nodded: "Since it's a misunderstanding, let's stop here." I just hope that His Royal Highness the Prince can discipline his subordinates well and stop similar things from happening again. "

Han Mink Temple is not the number one master in Ouchi, it turns out that there is another person who is stronger than him, and this person can fight Wang Xianzhi

Xu Fengnian nodded solemnly in agreement. Since then, Zhao Changsheng's itinerary in Beiliang has had no twists and turns. This confrontation not only showed Zhao Changsheng's strength, but also made Beiliang feel a sincere awe of him.

Afterwards, Xu Fengnian once sighed: "It is unbelievable that the young eunuch has such power in his gestures. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that there was such a person in the world. "

The secret conversation between the young eunuch and the prince of Da Liang

In the border town between the Liyang Dynasty and the Great Liang Empire, a secret meeting is underway. As a special envoy of the Liyang Dynasty, Zhao Changsheng had a secret conversation with Li Chengyang, the prince of Daliang, on the second floor of an inconspicuous teahouse for several hours. The meeting took place against the backdrop of growing tensions between the two countries and an impending border conflict.

Outside the teahouse, the escorts of the two countries confronted each other vigilantly. In the teahouse, Zhao Changsheng and Li Chengyang sat face to face, and the tea on the table was already cold.

"Father-in-law Zhao, your request for Liyang is too much." Li Chengyang opened his mouth and said, "Let's give up the three northwestern states in Da Liang, this is just a joke." "

Zhao Changsheng responded unhurriedly: "Your Royal Highness the Prince, the three northwestern states are originally my territory from Liyang. Your country has been occupied for ten years, and now we are asking for it to be taken back, but it is only to take back what is rightfully ours. "

Li Chengyang sneered: "Gonggong Zhao's words are wrong. In the past ten years, I have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the three northwestern states to reclaim wasteland and build water conservancy. Now that this is the land of fish and rice, it would be naïve for you to take it back without spending a single soldier. "

Zhao Changsheng said quietly: "His Royal Highness the Prince, it's not that I don't know how to be grateful. We will naturally compensate for your country's investment over the past ten years. However, the territorial issue is a matter of national structure and must not be ambiguous. "

A cold light flashed in Li Chengyang's eyes: "Gonggong Zhao, do you know how many elite soldiers I have in Da Liang now?" If there is a war, you may not be able to get benefits from Liyang. "

Zhao Changsheng smiled slightly: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's words are wrong. War has never been a game of mere competition of forces. If there is a war, not only will the people of the two countries suffer, but even the position of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince may not be guaranteed. "

When Li Chengyang heard this, his face changed suddenly: "What does Gonggong Zhao mean by this?" "

Zhao Changsheng said unhurriedly: "I heard that some people in the Great Liang Dynasty advocate using troops against me Liyang, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has always advocated peace. If there is a real war, those main battle factions will definitely gain power. At that time, the position of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince may not be very stable. "

Li Chengyang was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke: "Gonggong Zhao is really well-informed. However, even if I agree to return the three northwestern states, the main battle factions in the DPRK and China will not easily agree. "

Zhao Changsheng nodded: "We naturally took this into account. At the same time as returning the three northwestern states, the DPRK is willing to sign a mutual trade agreement with Daliang. The merchants of Daliang were allowed to enjoy special trade rights and interests in the three northwestern states for a period of thirty years. "

Li Chengyang's eyes lit up: "This condition is very attractive. Thirty years is too short, at least fifty years. "

Zhao Changsheng thought for a moment, and then said: "Forty years, this is the biggest concession of my dynasty. "

Han Mink Temple is not the number one master in Ouchi, it turns out that there is another person who is stronger than him, and this person can fight Wang Xianzhi

Li Chengyang pondered for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement: "Okay, just do what Gonggong Zhao said." However, there is still a problem that needs to be addressed. "

Zhao Changsheng asked, "His Royal Highness the Prince, please speak." "

Li Chengyang said: "The three northwestern states are now stationed with my 100,000 troops in Daliang. If the troops are withdrawn suddenly, it will inevitably cause a shock in the DPRK and China. I need a good reason. "

Zhao Changsheng thought for a while and said, "It's better than this." The DPRK can send a mission to Daliang, ostensibly to discuss the issue of border trade. Secretly, we can reach a secret agreement to withdraw our troops in batches. In this way, we can not only appease the ministers of the DPRK and China, but also gradually and slowly achieve our goals. "

Li Chengyang nodded approvingly: "Gonggong Zhao is really resourceful. Just go with this plan. "

In this way, Zhao Changsheng and Li Chengyang reached a secret agreement. The secret talks not only avoided a possible large-scale war, but also laid the foundation for peaceful coexistence between the two countries.

After the talks, Li Chengyang personally sent Zhao Changsheng out of the teahouse. At the time of separation, Li Chengyang said in a low voice: "Gonggong Zhao, I'm curious, who are you?" How could a small eunuch have so much power? "

Zhao Changsheng smiled slightly: "It's just a eunuch who acts under orders." As for the rest, I can't say much about it. "

Li Chengyang glanced at Zhao Changsheng thoughtfully, and finally said: "No matter what, it is my honor to be able to deal with a figure like Gonggong Zhao. Hopefully we'll see you again in the future. "

Zhao Changsheng nodded in acknowledgment, then turned around and left. The results of this secret meeting were quickly transmitted back to the imperial courts of the two countries, causing an uproar. However, under the operation of Zhao Changsheng, this agreement was finally implemented smoothly. The three northwestern states returned to Liyang peacefully, and Daliang also gained rich trade benefits. This diplomatic victory not only cemented Zhao's position in the DPRK and China, but also made him famous on the international stage.