
Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


#头条首发大赛#李蓉的 "flower wine" time

When night fell, Li Rong sat alone in the corner of the tavern, holding the glass of "flower wine" carefully prepared by the store. The wine shimmers seductively in the light, as if every drop contains a story. Li Rong took a sip, with an intoxicated look on her face, as if the whole world was immersed in this unique sweetness.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

At this moment, Pei Wenxuan walked into the tavern. His gaze swept through the crowd, and finally fixed on Li Rong. Looking at her drinking alone, Pei Wenxuan felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He walked over and sat across from Li Rong, trying to talk to her. But Li Rong didn't seem to notice his arrival and continued to enjoy her "flower wine" time.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

Pei Wenxuan's "bull energy"

Pei Wenxuan looked at Li Rong, and the emotions in his heart became stronger and stronger. He stood up suddenly, walked to Li Rong's side, and pulled her up. Li Rong was taken aback by this sudden move, and the wine glass in her hand almost fell to the ground. Pei Wenxuan didn't give her time to react, and pulled her out of the tavern and came to the river.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

Pei Wenxuan pointed to the boat docked on the shore and said to Li Rong, "Come up." His tone was firm and forceful, as if there was no room for negotiation. Although Li Rong was a little puzzled, she still obediently got on the boat. Pei Wenxuan followed, and the two sat in the bow of the boat, letting the boat move slowly with the current.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

"Strong kisses" in the night

As the night wore on, the two men on board fell silent. Pei Wenxuan suddenly approached Li Rong, his eyes full of complicated emotions. Li Rong felt his approach, and her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated. Just as she was about to ask, Pei Wenxuan suddenly kissed her on the lips.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

The kiss came so suddenly and intensely that Li Rong couldn't react at all. Her mind was blank, and she could only feel Pei Wenxuan's lips tossing and turning on her lips. This kiss lasted for a long, long time, and it wasn't until Li Rong was about to suffocate that Pei Wenxuan let go of her.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

Li Rong looked at Pei Wenxuan with wide eyes, her face full of shock and incomprehension. Pei Wenxuan looked at her with a serious face, as if he was going to say something important. But just then, a breeze blew, and the conversation between the two was interrupted.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

"Funny" comments from netizens

The scene was filmed by passing netizens and uploaded to social media. Soon this video sparked heated discussions among netizens.

"Hahaha, Pei Wenxuan, is this a drama of 'the domineering president falls in love with me'?"

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

"Li Rong's expression is also too funny, as if to say, 'What are you doing?' ”

"I give full marks for this strong kiss technique! Pei Wenxuan is worthy of being the god of the kiss track! ”

"I bet on a pack of spicy strips, Pei Wenxuan will say 'you can only be mine' in the next second!"

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

Controversial ending

Pei's behavior caused an uproar online. There are those who support his bravery and directly believe that he is an authentic expression of his feelings; Some people also criticized his behavior for being too impulsive and domineering, believing that he did not respect Li Rong's wishes.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

And Li Rong herself remained silent on this matter and did not make any response. This also made netizens more curious about her true thoughts. Is it a tacit acquiescence to the relationship or is it just a farce? Perhaps only time will tell.

Pei Wenxuan's kiss was on the hot search, netizens: Is this challenging the limit of "sweet pet drama"?

But in any case, this "forced kiss incident" has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens, and it has also closely linked the names of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong. And this story will also be circulated on the Internet and become an unforgettable memory.