
Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

author:A source of happiness


Zhao Liying's June vlog: sharing daily life and itinerary

As soon as Zhao Liying's June vlog was released, it attracted the attention of countless fans. In the video, she shared her beautiful daily life in June, from the comfort of the mountain town to the joy of meeting, every shot recorded her life.

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Zhao Liying not only showed her daily routine, but also thoughtfully reminded fans to pay attention to the heat and take sunscreen measures. This kind of intimate gesture made fans say: "Zhao Liying is so heartwarming, her vlog can always bring us positive energy!" ”


Zhao Liying's July itinerary: anticipation and surprises

In the vlog, Zhao Liying also revealed her itinerary for July, including advertising shooting, magazine shooting and fan meetings. This made fans excited, and they said: "I can see fresh Yingbao again in July, I am really looking forward to it!" ”

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Netizens left messages in the comment area, and some said: "Zhao Liying's itinerary is always so fulfilling, every time I see her vlog, I feel that life is full of hope." Some netizens ridiculed: "Zhao Liying's vlog is simply the spice of our life, and I feel in a good mood every time I watch it!" ”

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

"Walking with the Phoenix" broadcast champion: Zhao Liying's acting skills were praised again

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

"Walking with the Phoenix" starring Zhao Liying won the first place in the number of episodes played in the first half of the year, and this news made fans cheer. Netizens expressed their appreciation for Zhao Liying's acting skills on social media, and some said: "Zhao Liying's acting skills are really getting better and better, and every time I watch her drama, I can be deeply attracted." ”

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Some netizens said: "The success of "Walking with the Phoenix" once again proves Zhao Liying's strength, she is really a top national actress! ”

Zhao Liying's June Event: Fan Meeting and Live Broadcast

June was a busy month for Zhao, who attended three fan meetings and one livestream. These events not only give fans the opportunity to get up close and personal with her, but also allow her to interact with her fans.

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Netizens left messages in the comment area, and some said: "Zhao Liying's fan meeting is always so exciting, and you can feel her enthusiasm and sincerity every time." Some netizens ridiculed: "Zhao Liying's live broadcast is simply a benefit for fans, and you can see a different side of her every time!" ”

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Zhao Liying's July expectations: a new Yingxiang story is about to begin

With June coming to an end, Zhao Liying's fans are looking forward to the arrival of July. In the vlog, Zhao Liying revealed that there will be a new Ying portrait story in July, which makes fans full of expectations.

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Netizens left messages in the comment area, and some said: "Zhao Liying's July itinerary is really exciting, every time I see her new work, I feel that life is full of hope." Some netizens said: "Zhao Liying's vlog can always surprise us, and I look forward to her novel story in July!" ”

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

Is Zhao Liying's vlog too commercial?

Zhao Liying's vlog was warmly welcomed by fans, but some netizens questioned it, believing that her vlog was too commercial. Some netizens said: "Although Zhao Liying's vlog is rich in content, it always feels a little too commercial and lacks some realism. ”

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

The controversial point sparked a heated discussion among netizens, making Zhao Liying's vlog a hot topic on social media.

Zhao Liying's June vlog revealed: her daily life and July surprise itinerary preview!

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