
It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

author:Gui Hibiscus Records


Two Chinese business executives were kidnapped and killed by criminals in the Philippines, and their families paid a ransom of 3 million yuan but still could not get a life back.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

It is suspected that he was deceived into going abroad

The two victims are both senior managers at the level of sales directors of medical device companies, but they are not from the same company, one is surnamed Xia, and the other is surnamed Sun.

The purpose of the trip was to discuss business and expand overseas markets, and they were invited by a Filipino agent who called himself Li Na to go together.

Sun, Xia and Li Na met not long ago at the annual meeting in France and Europe, the other party claimed to be an agent in the Philippines, she also said that her boss is very powerful, involved in a wide range of industries, is a Chinese Fujian businessman, very famous in the Philippines, very influential, and has a good relationship with the Philippine government, and invited the two to visit the Philippines at the right time to discuss cooperation.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

The two arrived in the Philippines on June 20, but only one day later, the family received a phone call asking for money, in which the kidnappers excused themselves that they had lost 3 million yuan in gambling in the Philippines and asked the family to call the money quickly.

The family knew that the situation was not good, and hurriedly raised a ransom of 3 million yuan, but there was no news again.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

It turned out that after the kidnappers got the ransom, they had brutally killed the two on June 24 and tore up the tickets.

Judging from what happened, it is possible that it was a premeditated kidnapping case. These executives are usually wealthy, and they may have been identified in advance and then deceived into a third country for kidnapping and ransom.

The two people who were killed were both about 40 years old, and they were both old and young, and their families were also sad.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

Recently, there have been frequent kidnapping cases against Chinese in the Philippines

Chinese in the Philippines or going to the Philippines in the near future should be vigilant, and there have been many kidnapping cases against Chinese recently.

According to Nandu News previously reported, in early June, three Chinese were kidnapped for ransom in Manila, Philippines, and they were also local police, but fortunately, two people successfully escaped.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

In October last year, six Chinese were kidnapped at gunpoint, also in Manila, four of whom were killed, and the remaining two are still missing. During the abduction, they released three Filipinos, confirming that they were targeting Chinese.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

However, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines has repeatedly asked the Philippine side to solve the case as soon as possible, severely punish the murderer, and return justice to the Chinese, but there has been no progress so far. Therefore, Chinese who have recently traveled to the Philippines should be careful and don't go if they can.

Netizens are hotly discussed

This evil act against the Chinese has also aroused the indignation of countless Chinese people.

Some netizens said, I am a great China, how can I be bullied by a small country that is not in the stream, who gave him the guts?

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

Some people also say that this matter is far from being as simple as imagined, and there must be some people secretly supporting it, and it must be investigated to the end, the murderer must be found, and the blood debt will be repaid.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

Some people also say that since 18, Filipino kidnappers have kidnapped Chinese people, and basically they have not left a living mouth.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out


Recently, due to some reasons, the Filipinos are quite dissatisfied with the Chinese, and the Philippines, which is already very poor in public order, has given some lawbreakers an opportunity.

As relations between the two sides continue to be sluggish, perhaps lawbreakers are convinced that the Philippine authorities' ability to solve cases has "declined," so kidnapping cases against Chinese have occurred one after another.

It's cruel! 2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines! The details of being set by someone broke out

In short, you must be careful when you go out. It is best not to go to unfriendly and chaotic countries. We should also be vigilant against people who are new to each other and are warm and friendly.

What do you think about the frequent kidnapping cases against Chinese in the Philippines, welcome to discuss in the comment area~~

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