
"The Story of Rose" Su Su seems to be strong, but in fact, he has always been handled by Huang Zhenhua

author:Yan'er's reading notes

In "The Story of Rose", Su Su and Huang Zhenhua are a very popular couple. Su Su has the ability, ideas, and pattern, although he was violated by his stepfather when he was a child, he still climbed out of the quagmire of the original family through his own efforts; And Huang Zhenhua is a typical warm man, whether it is family, work, or personality, he is very good, and he also gives Su Su enough love and respect.

It seems that Su Su is strong, Huang Zhenhua is gentle, when the two of them are together, Huang Zhenhua is managed to death by Su Su, but in fact, it is not Huang Zhenhua who has been pinched, but Su Su.


Su Su's original family has always been her lingering pain.

was violated by her stepfather when she was a child, and her mother not only did not act, but also scolded her in turn; When he grew up, even if Su Su tried his best to escape, he couldn't get rid of his mother like a locust.

After Su Su's stepfather hit someone, the other party filed a claim, Su Su didn't want to give money, so Su Su's mother offered to sell the house in her hometown to pay off the debt. At this time, Su Su realized that in this world, there is no house that really belongs to her.

"The Story of Rose" Su Su seems to be strong, but in fact, he has always been handled by Huang Zhenhua

After returning to Beijing, Su Su put buying a house on the agenda. She didn't discuss with Huang Zhenhua, and went directly to the sales office to buy the house herself.

After Huang Zhenhua found out, he offered to bear the loan together, but Su Su refused. Huang Zhenhua felt that Su Su didn't want to go further with himself at all, and the two had a big quarrel about it.

After the quarrel, Su Su went on a business trip to Shanghai. After coming back, she gave Huang Zhenhua a set of pajamas to tell him that the house is renovated, you can come and live, my future is not without you!

"The Story of Rose" Su Su seems to be strong, but in fact, he has always been handled by Huang Zhenhua

She didn't know that at this time, Huang Zhenhua had already made an appointment with Bai Xiaohe to fish again, and was ready for second hand.


After Su Su's house was handed over, he handed over the decoration to Huang Zhenhua. When docking the details, Su Su deliberately emphasized that she didn't want a bathtub in her bathroom, just a shower.

Because when she was violated by her stepfather, she was in the bathtub, which gave her a deep psychological shadow.

Huang Zhenhua, who didn't know the details, happened to see a bathtub with a very suitable price and size when he was choosing furniture, so he bought it back on his own initiative. When it was accepted, Su Su saw the bathtub and immediately turned his face.

"The Story of Rose" Su Su seems to be strong, but in fact, he has always been handled by Huang Zhenhua

Huang Zhenhua still doesn't know why Su Su is angry. When I came to the door again, I happened to bump into Su Su looking for someone to dismantle the bathtub. Huang Zhenhua was angry that the fruits of his labor were not respected by Su Su, and he was noisy.

After this quarrel, it was Su Su again, who took the initiative to take Huang Zhenhua's favorite roast duck to compensate for it.

During the meal, Huang Zhenhua said that he also had something wrong in this matter, and did not fully consider Su Su's feelings.

As soon as he finished saying this, Huang Zhenhua began to recall going to the public bath to take a bath when he was a child, which angered Su Su. The two parted unhappily again.

"The Story of Rose" Su Su seems to be strong, but in fact, he has always been handled by Huang Zhenhua

After this quarrel, it was Su Su who took the initiative to call Huang Zhenhua and asked him to go to the gym to exercise. Later, he also took the initiative to give Huang Zhenhua a copy of the key to the house, announcing that he is now a member of the family.


In fact, Su Su and Huang Zhenhua are both emotionally stable people, and they continue to quarrel a lot. Every time there was a quarrel, Su Su bowed his head first and gave in first. It seems that she is stronger, but in fact, she has been pinched by Huang Zhenhua.

In fact, it was not Huang Zhenhua who pinched her, but his family.

The atmosphere in Huang Zhenhua's home, the harmony and love between parents, and the love for their children are something that Su Su has never had since he was a child.

She once said to Huang Zhenhua that she was particularly envious of roses. Because Rose grew up in such a family.

"The Story of Rose" Su Su seems to be strong, but in fact, he has always been handled by Huang Zhenhua

Su Su's body is full of thorns, not since he was a child, but in the process of growing up, on top of a wound, growing up. She lacks love, but she also longs for love. When I married my ex-husband, I was too eager to have a home, so I got married in a hurry.

After meeting Huang Zhenhua, I felt the warmth he gave, the warmth given by his parents and family, and Su Su was reluctant to leave.


In "Do You Know", Minglan once used such a sentence to describe Cao Jinxiu: She looked at He Hongwen's eyes, like a ghost from hell looking up at the world. I think Su Su was in this mood when she looked at Huang Zhenhua and her family!

No matter how strong a person is, no matter how hard the shell is, as long as she has a weakness, she will have a place to be handled.