
On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant

author:Green Hill in the face of adversity

Edit|Aoyama in adversity

Text: The green mountains of adversity

As June approaches, the annual graduation season is just around the corner, and universities are vying to showcase the excellence of their elite students, like the stars in the vast starry sky.

In the midst of the twinkling stars, Yang Jinwen, an outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University, quickly became the focus of attention with his extraordinary academic achievements and heartfelt speeches.

On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant

Her resounding vow: "Embrace the unknown of life with a fearless heart, and each of us should become a bright star of the truth-seeking spirit, shining in the corner where the motherland needs it most." This sentence not only shocks the heart, but also acts like a beam of light, leading the direction of countless young students. The power contained in the words is just like the motherland's affectionate call to her children, hoping that after they grow up, they can give back to this land that has given them life and wisdom.

On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant

However, just as this positive energy was reverberating in the land of China, a piece of news suddenly came like a thunderbolt in the clear sky - Yang Jinwen has officially submitted an application and is about to go to the University of California, Berkeley, to continue his studies in the field of law.

On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant

There is no right or wrong way to study abroad, and the desire to pursue a higher level of knowledge should be respected; And that fiery patriotic feeling is even more precious. But when there is a rift between the promise and the reality, can the initial emotion and encouragement still maintain the original intention?

On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant

China, a vast land that is pregnant with countless dreams and hopes, has never lacked flowery rhetoric, and what it really desires is those practitioners who dare to pursue their dreams and move forward bravely.

In today's era, what we look forward to is not only verbal promises, but also practical practitioners, who are willing to closely link their dreams with national rejuvenation and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant

So, how to find a balance in the interweaving of ideals and reality, and how to ensure that each star of truth-seeking can shine a unique light under the night sky of the motherland? This is an important topic that deserves our joint consideration and exploration.

Next, let us work together to discuss how to find the best fit at the intersection of ideals and reality, and how to stimulate every potential energy to make it bloom with the most dazzling brilliance on the land of the motherland. Through unremitting efforts and continuous exploration, we believe that every star with dreams will eventually shine on their own stage.

On stage: I love my country, go where the motherland needs me, step down: Berkeley, California is really fragrant