
Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

author:Mobile phone knowledge popularization

In life, we often need to extract the content in pictures or books, and after the extraction is successful, we can re-edit it, and we can also use it directly or send it to others, which is very practical. However, many people don't know how. So, in today's video, I will share two how-tos in the hope that I can help family and friends in need. For those who are not familiar with the function of extracting text, you can refer to my method.

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Now I have a book that contains some content that I am interested in, and now I want to extract all the words on it, how do I do that? (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

We turn on our phone camera and take a picture of it. (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!
Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Open the picture after the shoot is completed and check if there is anything in the book that you don't want to extract. If you have one, click Edit, (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Select the crop rotation, (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Crop out the unwanted text, keep the required text, and click the checkmark (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Then click Save. (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

After saving successfully, you can click More in the lower right corner (as shown in the figure above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

There is a function to extract text, click on it, (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Now all the words in the book have been extracted. (as shown in the image above)

We can re-edit it, type in what we want or modify part of it.

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

After you make the changes, if you need to use it, click Copy, and then paste it where you need it. (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

If you need to forward it to someone else, click Send, (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Check WeChat, you can send it to a friend or group chat, and choose to share. (as shown in the image above)

The second way is to make use of WeChat. If it's a picture sent by a WeChat friend, how can I extract it?

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Open this image, (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Press and hold for two seconds and select Extract Text. (as shown in the image above)

Awesome! Two tips for extracting picture text from mobile phones, you will learn it as soon as you learn it!

Now that the text has been extracted, select Select All in the bottom right corner, and you can choose to copy or forward. The same is true for how it works. (as shown in the image above)

Of course, you can also open the picture first, and then select the screenshot to save, and after saving it to the phone album, the extraction method is the same. That's the first method.

That's all for today's video. Have you learned? If you haven't learned it or haven't understood it, you can read it a few more times. If you find the video useful, share it with your family and friends who need it. Thank you very much for your support, and we'll see you in the next video.

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