
"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

author:The little fish come ashore


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In Paris in June, Fashion Week is coming again, and it is really star-studded, and big names from all walks of life have appeared.

However, to be honest, this year's design style is really a bit "out of line", compared with the gorgeous style of previous years, it is simply a world of difference.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Big stars like Kylie Jenner, Cate Blanchett, and Ken Dou have all chosen to appear in outfits that are so simple that they are almost transparent, which is really surprising.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Katy Perry, in particular, wore a black fur coat, which was simply "outstanding", and the focus of the audience was on her.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

This time, the designers really invested heavily in these challenging designs.

There is a bold designer who actually asks the model to cover the sensitive parts of the body with his hands, this strange idea really makes people cry and laugh.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

There's another show where an actor dances in a sexy bikini in a giant wine glass, and this brain-opening creativity is really a naked challenge to traditional fashion concepts.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Speaking of which, this fashion week really explores the avant-garde boundaries of the fashion industry and challenges the public's aesthetic bottom line.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

From the conservative cover at the beginning, to the almost completely transparent design now, isn't this just playing Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes"? It seems to be a satire on those designs that are overly novelty and ignore real beauty.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

This event not only attracted the attention of countless audiences, but also made industry insiders think deeply about this extreme fashion expression.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Everyone is talking about it, is this kind of fashion really what we need? Can such a design represent the future?

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

This Paris Fashion Week is really full of big names, and even our Chinese supermodels Liu Wen and He Cong were invited.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Their bold styling really sparked a wide range of discussions.

The difference between Eastern and Western aesthetics is also vividly demonstrated by this fashion week.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Our traditional Chinese beauty is subtle and low-key; Western aesthetics, on the other hand, are much more open, and they feel that revealing is a kind of free expression.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

In this era of increasing globalization, how to adhere to one's own aesthetic standards while respecting diverse cultures is really a question worth exploring.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Truth be told, the fashion industry is really becoming more and more like a large-scale public show these days.

In order to attract attention, designers really do everything they can, frequently using radical means.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

This phenomenon really makes people have to rethink the essence of fashion.

True fashion should be to make people dress confidently, not to make the audience feel uncomfortable.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

To solve these messy problems in the fashion industry, it really depends on everyone working together.

Designers have to go back to the original purpose of design and pursue true beauty, not just to attract attention.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Models also have to have a bottom line and reject designs that are too revealing and disrespectful.

At the same time, we consumers also have to be rational and support those designs that reflect the beauty of human nature.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Only in this way can the fashion industry get back on track and become a platform for the inheritance and display of culture and art.

Although this Paris Fashion Week is full of controversy, it also shows us the possibility of change in the fashion industry.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

I hope that future fashion weeks will bring more designs that show real beauty and artistic value, and stop engaging in those unrealistic "emperor's new clothes" style absurdity.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

Let's move towards a better, more authentic future of fashion together.

Let everyone find fashion that suits their own style and write a more colorful fashion story together.

"The King's New Clothes" came naked? Do you understand the operation of Paris Fashion Week?

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