
Xiao Sun was exposed? The smoke and rain of Dahezi Lushan showed his extraordinary relationship with Sun

author:Brilliant and shining

Recently, a shocking revelation on the Internet has confused everyone! The "unusual relationship" between former CEO Boss Sun and a team called Lushan Yanyu was wiped out. It seems to have started with some seemingly ordinary cake deals and prickly pear juice sales, but the story behind it is far more complicated than that. We'll have to talk about the story behind this.

Xiao Sun was exposed? The smoke and rain of Dahezi Lushan showed his extraordinary relationship with Sun

Let's talk about this Boss Sun first, the former CEO, it stands to reason that he should be a stable character, but this time he is really making a fuss. It all started with the Lushan Yanyu team, who exposed the private transactions between Boss Sun and them on the Internet. We have to sort out one thing after another.

First up is that famous cake incident. Lushan Yanyu broke the news on the Internet that Boss Sun gave them a lot of cakes in order to express his satisfaction with their team's work. That sounds heartwarming, doesn't it? But the implication of the smoke and rain in Lushan is that there are many secrets hidden behind these cakes. They imply that it's not just a reward for work, it's more like an unspoken trade.

Then things got more complicated. Lushan Yanyu also mentions a deal about prickly pear juice. Boss Sun not only sold prickly pear juice through Lushan Yanyu, but also involved some dishonorable operations in the process. Lushan Yanyu claimed that Boss Sun had done some "operations" through the prickly pear juice in their hands, and they also posted this video on the Internet. Although the video was later deleted, it was enough to make people reminiscent.

Xiao Sun was exposed? The smoke and rain of Dahezi Lushan showed his extraordinary relationship with Sun

It's not over yet, and the development of things is even more jaw-dropping. It turned out that Boss Sun also had a group of so-called "black powder teams" within the company. These people hurled insults at another executive named Dong Yuhui in the company group, and it seemed that Boss Sun turned a blind eye to the matter. There are even reports that these people are being organized to deal with other competitors.

As for Boss Yu, the big boss of the listed company seems to have also been involved in this turmoil. Some voices on the Internet accused him of turning a blind eye to the chaos, and some even questioned his morality and impartiality. In this case, Boss Yu's attitude has become the key. Whether he will come forward to clarify, or choose to remain silent, is directly related to his reputation and the future of the company.

At this point, the whole incident has gone far beyond a simple internal contradiction. From cakes to prickly pear juice, from internal gangsters to the moral responsibilities of listed companies, every link is tightly buttoned, which makes people have to think deeply. The stories and secrets behind these are gradually emerging, and the power of the Internet has been proven once again - nothing can really disappear when it is deleted.

Xiao Sun was exposed? The smoke and rain of Dahezi Lushan showed his extraordinary relationship with Sun

In this turmoil, everyone is not a simple victim or a bystander, everyone has played a role to a greater or lesser extent. And behind all this, it seems to point to some business operations and power games that are difficult for us ordinary people to touch. As the events continue to ferment, what other truths can we see? Is there more to these so-called shady scenes? Let's stay tuned for this cake-sparkled storm.