
Ouyang Long "snatched the kiss" of his eldest daughter, netizens: This is a new height of "father and daughter filial piety"?

author:Orangutan vision


tells the story of a father expressing deep affection for his daughter, which sparked heated discussions among netizens. The father's love is like a mountain, and the daughter is moved, but some people question whether it is too much. The deep friendship between father and daughter has led to speculation about the way family affection is expressed. Want to know the story behind this video? Let's look down!

The expression of affection in each family is different, and this difference is also because the cultural background of each family is different, and of course, there will be different expressions caused by the different ways in which parents treat their children.

It is understandable that some families will express their love generously, while others will express it inwardly, but one thing is very important, that is, to adjust their expression as the child grows and changes.

Recently, a video that went viral on the Internet made many people feel emotional, and there was no big problem with the father and daughter in the video, but their family affection was expressed a little too much, causing netizens to express their opinions one after another.

Ouyang Long "snatched the kiss" of his eldest daughter, netizens: This is a new height of "father and daughter filial piety"?

Video content

The girl in the video returned to his home from her grandmother's house, and the girl's father missed her very much, and when he saw his daughter back, he immediately hugged her and began an affectionate hug that lasted for 5 minutes.

The person who shot the video said with a smile while shooting: "It's been a long time since I've seen such a funny family drama." The photographer laughed and said that she didn't know how funny she thought it was, but she didn't realize that she was recording the most sincere feelings in someone else's life.

The girl was hugged by her father, crying on her father's shoulder, she thought it was just a simple home to visit her parents, but she didn't expect her father to be so affectionate.

The father comforted his daughter: "Don't cry, I won't let you go when you come back." After the father said this, he began to kiss his daughter's hair again.

Ouyang Long "snatched the kiss" of his eldest daughter, netizens: This is a new height of "father and daughter filial piety"?

The girl also seemed to be deeply touched by her father's affection, but she also knew that she had been back for several days, so she decided to enlighten her father: "Dad, I've been back for a few days. ”

The father suddenly felt as if he had been poured cold water, and he couldn't believe that his daughter had been back for so long. When the daughter finished speaking, the father looked up at his daughter and began to cry.

Accounts differ and opinions vary

When the girl saw her father crying, she also shed tears. And the video ends at this point. After watching this video, netizens expressed their opinions one after another.

Some netizens said that this father is great, he is a very kind person, and some netizens said that this girl is so happy to have such a father who loves her.

But some netizens said that there is a certain problem with this move: as an adult, you should know how to be proportionate, and this father is obviously not sure of proportion.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this video, just because their expression is different from others.

Ouyang Long "snatched the kiss" of his eldest daughter, netizens: This is a new height of "father and daughter filial piety"?

But we can't ignore an important issue: whatever you do, you need to have a degree. In this video, we can clearly hear the photographer saying in laughter: "Don't eat each other's tofu." ”

There's nothing wrong with this phrase in itself, but it's a bit out of place at the moment. Because this father is obviously showing deep affection for his daughter, everything he has done is not excessive.

And the photographer obviously looks at this matter from the perspective of an outsider. If she is really close to these two people, she will not be filming the most sincere feelings in other people's lives next to her.

Words such as "don't eat each other's tofu" during filming will give people the feeling that the relationship between father and daughter is abnormal and that there is some kind of boundary problem.

In fact, as an adult, you will naturally know how to do it and how to express it. But at that moment, he had forgotten about the existence of the outside world and just wanted to pamper his daughter as best he could.

Ouyang Long "snatched the kiss" of his eldest daughter, netizens: This is a new height of "father and daughter filial piety"?

Although this move has caused many people to question and discuss, we do not deny that there is a deep affection between them. But you need to consider the feelings and thoughts of others when doing anything.

If you really want to express your deep love and affection to the other person, be sure to control your proportions. After all, anything that goes overboard can become off-putting.


The expression of affection is different in each family, and the expression of affection between father and daughter also varies from person to person. Although this video sparked discussions, it was more about showing the father's love and the touching of his daughter. Perhaps we can see from this that family affection cannot be defined by words or deeds, but needs to be felt with the heart. What do you think of this video? Come and leave a message to share!

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