
If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

author:A tricycle driver

The school banquet received 25,000 gifts, the glory of children or the business of parents? This "feast of human affection" is embarrassing. My father is hospitalized, but my family still has to participate in the "followers" of the college banquet, is this a traditional custom, or is it a blind comparison?

If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

Is the school banquet a celebration for children or a face-saving event for parents?

It's another year of college promotion season, and the circle of friends has been swiped by various "college banquets". Spending 5,000 yuan to hold a banquet and receiving 25,000 yuan in gifts, such a "return on investment" is eye-popping. The school entrance banquet was originally a festive moment to celebrate children's academic success, but now it seems to have become a "business field" for parents to collect money and compare.

A netizen spent 5,000 yuan to charter a small hall for a banquet, and received 25,000 yuan in gifts. At first glance, it is a good "investment", not only has the face to hold a decent banquet, but also earns back the baby's kindergarten tuition. But if you think about it carefully, this is clearly turning what should have been a pure celebration into a "college banquet" called congratulations and actually collecting money. The glory of children is probably not as good as the pride of parents.

If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

What's even more exaggerated is that a netizen's aunt held a banquet to celebrate her child's 601 score in the exam, and her friend was unable to participate due to an accident. On this occasion, what is the original meaning of the "Admission Banquet"? I'm afraid that the parents are just a little bit of worldly vanity.

There is also a netizen's family member, whose old father was hospitalized with cerebral infarction, and the family still wanted to go to a friend's college banquet "with the group". At this time, I am still thinking about human relations, is it an excessive obsession with traditional customs, or a blind following of the wind of comparison? It is hard to reflect.

If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

Judging from these examples, many parents use the name of the college entrance banquet to accumulate wealth and compare, completely deviating from the original intention of their children's academic success. A banquet that was supposed to celebrate children turned out to be a vanity fair where parents competed with each other and fought for face. The meaning of children's hard work is quietly lost in the adults pushing cups and changing lamps.

The values of fame and fortune are gradually eroding the foundation of education

Judging from the various behaviors of parents at the school banquet, utilitarian and hedonistic values are eroding the sacredness of education little by little.

If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

**At the banquet, what the adults take seriously is not the growth and progress of the child, but only the sophistication of human feelings, and the trade-offs of gains and losses. The red envelopes with huge numbers obscured the meaning of the children's efforts. **The comparison psychology behind the banquet is imperceptibly passed on to the wrong value orientation of children: learning is to have face and money, not to improve themselves.

If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

When children realize that their academic achievements are the capital of their parents' outward status, the intrinsic motivation to learn will be lost. Coupled with the demonstration effect of parents comparing and showing off, children will equate learning with money, fame and fortune, and in the long run, they will inevitably put the cart before the horse and lose their internal motivation to improve.

Education needs to return to rationality, and society needs to reflect on the culture of further education banquets

The root cause of the problems brought about by the college entrance banquet is still in the utilitarian environment of society. Only by returning education to rationality and awakening social reflection can we fundamentally reverse the unhealthy trend.

If that doesn’t beat all! The college banquet was cold, only a few people came to the 34 tables, and the parents wanted to cry without tears!

Educators should attach importance to the all-round development of students and guide students to establish a correct outlook on life and values. Schools and families should form a joint force, dilute utilitarian practices such as college entrance banquets, encourage children to be self-disciplined, self-reliant, and develop in an all-round way, so as to shape a healthy personality.

At the same time, as adults, especially parents, they should lead by example, reflect on the bad habit of showing off their wealth, and lead their children to grow up with correct values. You may wish to cancel the college entrance banquet and focus on your child's progress. Only by looking at children's studies with a normal heart and facing higher education with a rational attitude can we better care for children's future.

In short, the purpose of holding a college entrance banquet should not be to show off wealth, let alone use money to measure children's academic achievements. Allowing children to grow up in a healthy and uplifting family atmosphere is the foundation of education. Only by returning to the rationality of education and reflecting on the culture of the banquet can the society create a clean and upright education ecology.

So in the end, the editor wants to ask: Is this school banquet a celebration for children, or a gold paste on the parents' faces? Is it a traditional custom, or is it a vassal? What do you think about this?