
(END) Bai Yueguang, the boss boyfriend, is back, and he broke up with me

author:A small bok choy
(END) Bai Yueguang, the boss boyfriend, is back, and he broke up with me
(END) Bai Yueguang, the boss boyfriend, is back, and he broke up with me
(END) Bai Yueguang, the boss boyfriend, is back, and he broke up with me


I didn't see that mysterious blueprint.

Su Li outsourced the rest of the work, saying that he had worked hard for so long and wanted to invite me to dinner.

The men's clothes he wears today.

At the next table was a couple of young people.

I ate a mouthful of dog food coldly, suddenly remembered something, and gossiped with great interest: "Brother Suli, didn't you say that you returned to China to chase people? How's it going? Is there anything I need to do?"

Su Li was noncommittal: "Thank you in advance."

I was about to ask another question when the waiter came to serve the food, and the conversation stopped.

Su Li has never said much, and I was basically alone in the whole process.

I went from a little sweet and greasy to the barbecued pork today, all the way to a little sparrow that happened to stop on the windowsill of my house.

Su Li only listened quietly, smiling and smiling from time to time.

After talking for a long time, I feel a little thirsty.

Before I could speak, Su Li picked up the teapot to add tea to me.

Under the light, I noticed a small mole on his tail finger.

I don't know why, I felt a little itchy in my throat, so I quickly picked up the teacup and took a sip.

I was a little embarrassed in hindsight: "Brother Suli, will I talk a lot?"

"No, it won't." After a pause, he added, "When did you become so unconfident?"

I blinked slyly and said unashamedly, "Of course I do—I just like to hear people compliment me."

Su Liguaner.

I gossiped again, "You haven't answered me yet—how's your progress?"

Su Li's tone was a little distressed: "It doesn't seem like there's been much progress."

Of course, I chose to stand on his side indiscriminately: "How can there be such a ruthless woman? It's just incomprehensible."

He looked at me intently, "yes, how can there be such a puzzling person?"

I don't know why, I feel weird, so I can only point to the dish in front of me without words: "Brother Suli, your taste doesn't seem to have changed much."

He meant, "yes, didn't you say that? I'm a long-term person."

That's what I said.

At that time, Su Li and I were already very familiar with each other, and we became dinner partners who talked about everything.

After walking into the same restaurant for the Nth time, I couldn't help but complain, "Brother Zuli, I found out that you are a long-term person."


I chewed wax and ate the same dish as last time, and lamented, "You order the same dish every time...... It's so long-term that I can't bear it!"

Seeing his subtle expression, I hurriedly made amends: "Actually, I am also such a person! From this commonality, it can be seen that we will be able to have a longlasting friendship!"

Speaking of which, his expression was as complicated as it is now.

I had to pretend I didn't see it, and used chopsticks to clip a chopstick dish for him.


I probably drank too much tea, and when I was ready to leave, I went to the bathroom.

When I washed my hands, there was an extra person next to me.

In the sound of the water, she said coldly:

"You've been with Yang Heng for so long, I thought he was any different from you."

Only then did I notice that it was Yang Heng's female companion I saw last time.

I vaguely remembered that her name was Xu Yao.

"A person like him, who even said he would retire from the family marriage, how could he be kept by anyone?"

I didn't plan to answer, so I dried my hands and prepared to leave.

Xu Yao chased after me and said coldly behind me, "Don't be delusional, you're just a stand-in for him."

At this time, Su Li's familiar voice suddenly interjected: "Xiaokui, your friend?"

I tugged at his sleeve and didn't reply, "Not familiar."

After taking a few steps, I suddenly felt that I couldn't move anymore.

I looked back confused: "Brother Zuli, why don't you leave-"

He looked down at me, his eyes heavy, "I think I heard her say 'stand-in' just now?"

I was stunned, and quickly hugged his arm and shook it flatteringly.

Su Li's eyes were revealed: "It's 'beautiful girl's little secret' again?"

I hurriedly blew a rainbow fart: "Brother Suli, you see how tacit we have a tacit understanding."

He sighed helplessly.

He has always been able to take what I can't do.

Before going to bed, Yang Heng suddenly sent me a photo.

It's a candid picture, and you can only see the backs of me and Su Li.

Xu Yao's hostile face flashed through my mind.

The next second, a strange phone call came, and I slid my hand to connect.

There was no movement on the other end of the phone, I "hey" a few times, and was just about to hang up, but the other party suddenly spoke.

His voice was a little suppressed: "Why, you found your next home so quickly?"


It's Yang Heng.

Su Li's face came to my mind, and my mouth was full of trains: "Isn't it? Taller than you, more handsome than you, and ...... than you."

Before I could finish blowing the rainbow fart, the phone was suddenly hung up.

What's wrong?

Confused, I locked the screen of my phone and threw it on the bedside table.

Sleep sleep!

Early the next morning, when Su Li and I arrived at the studio, the newly recruited assistant stopped him without saying anything.

"Boss, someone sent something."

What catches your eye is a huge bouquet of roses, and the inscription is a dragon flying and phoenix dancing with the word "Yang".

My eyelids jumped, and I immediately clicked on WeChat.

Sure enough, Yang Heng's circle of friends with 10,000-year-old grass has an extra photo, which is this bouquet of roses.

The delicate and blooming flowers made Su Li's jade-like face a little more bloody.

My heart tightened, Su Li wouldn't really like this kind of corny little trick, right?

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that this bouquet of flowers was very eye-catching, and said critically:

"Brother Suli, you see, these flowers in the corner are a little wilted, and the person who sent them is not sincere."

"And you're not familiar with him, what kind of roses are you going to give? Vulgar!"

"I'll give it to you if you like," I patted my chest again, swearing, "It must be prettier than this!"

"That makes sense," Su Lisha nodded matter-of-factly, "then throw it away."

The assistant said "hey" with some pity, but I was happy again: "What a pity to throw it...... Let's make flower tea."

Su Li connived: "Okay, I'll do it for you."

The steaming flower tea was quickly placed on the table.

I posed for a few photos and deliberately took a picture of Su Li's cuffs.

and then posted a circle of friends in the same way.

After another refresh, Yang Heng's circle of friends was deleted.

Oh, vulnerable!

After a busy morning, I volunteered to help Su Li bring food.

The wind was blowing outside, so I casually pulled his coat and put it on my body, and I quickly jumped out of the door.

Unexpectedly, he met Yang Heng in the morning tea shop.

I pretended not to see it, and I wanted to run with the little wonton pulled.

Unexpectedly, he followed me silently. Seeing that he was about to follow me into the studio, I didn't want to give him this opportunity to harass Su Li, so I vigilantly stopped him: "It's you who follow me this time - don't beat me up."

Yang Heng's eyebrows locked: "Zhong Kui, you ......"

I waved my hand impatiently, "Is there anything else? I'm going to bring food for Su Li."

His gaze paused on my coat: "You coat...... Su Li's?"

Without waiting for me to answer, he whispered meaninglessly, "Your relationship is pretty good."

I'm proud, "Well, he's much more likable than you."

"Are you really addicted to being a substitute?" Yang Heng's face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes seemed to freeze, "No matter how much you learn, it's just Dong Shi Xiaofeng."

As the words fell, a hint of chagrin seemed to flash in his eyes.

I've heard similar things from him so many times that I've long been used to going in and out of my left ear.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes." I waved my hand perfunctorily goodbye and climbed upstairs.

I was about to push open the door to the studio when the phone rang.

I picked up the phone, and a deep voice came from the microphone.

"Miss Zhong, Madame wants to see you this Friday."


The "lady" in his mouth is Yang Heng's own mother and my employer.

On the way to Yang's house, my memory went back to a year and a half ago.

At that time, Su Li had not been abroad for a long time.

Yang Heng claimed in public at the engagement banquet that he had white moonlight in his heart, and threatened to follow "her" abroad.

The woman was disgraced and immediately announced her divorce.

Yang's father was furious and threatened him with inheritance, but he turned his head and set up his own door, even if his small company was shabby, he refused to bow his head.

At this time, Mrs. Yang found me and asked me to play Su Li's stand-in, and then dumped him again.

To be honest, I don't really understand her brain circuits.

"He just misunderstood, if he knew that Su Li was actually a man......

She is an elegant woman.

She unhurriedly put the last flower into the vase: "After too many years of good sailing, it is time for him to fall."

I was confused, "But why me? I don't look like Su Li."

She stared at me for a few seconds and concluded, "You're the perfect fit."

Sure enough, Yang Heng didn't see me a few times, and he launched a crazy pursuit of me.

I still don't know why.

But I failed to live up to her expectations.

"Miss Zhong, long time no see."

Facing Mrs. Yang's gentle smile as always, I felt weak for a while.

"Mrs. Yang, but he is not interested in me at all, as soon as Brother Su Li comes back, he dumps me."

Remembering something, I pushed the key to the apartment again: "You can give it back to him for me, I haven't been to the house yet."

Mrs. Yang didn't raise her eyelids, and pushed the key back: "No need, just a little gift for you."

"What's more......" she smiled meaningfully, "you're doing a great job."

She was so sure that I decided to believe it.

She quipped: "My stinky boy is also hard-mouthed, but in fact, people are not much bad, don't think about it?"

"This ......" I was embarrassed.

Even if I knew that I was joking, thinking of Yang Heng's stinky face that had not changed for 365 days, I would be indebted.

"Looks like there's someone you like." Mrs. Yang was thoughtful, and said coldly, "Su Li?"

"Su ......" I stumbled somehow, "Brother Su and I are just very good friends."

Madame Yang just smiled, "It's almost time."

"It's time for this scene to come to an end."


For the next while, I followed Su Li to eat, drink and have fun every day, and almost left Yang Heng behind.

Until Xu Yao didn't know where to get my WeChat, asked me to go to dinner, and deliberately emphasized that Yang Heng was also there.

I know she has bad intentions, but that's what I want.

The moment she pushed the door in, she changed her intimacy and enthusiasm just now, chuckled, twisted her waist and walked over, and sat on Yang Heng's lap: "Brother Heng, your little tail seems to be coming."

Yang Heng's hand moved, as if he wanted to push her away, but in the next second, he lightly grabbed her waist: "Why are all cats and dogs brought here?"

Xu Yao nestled in his arms and cast a provocative look at me: "Brother Heng, I can't help it, she came as soon as she heard your name."

A knowing chuckle rang out in the box.

Yang Heng looked at me indifferently: "Do you regret it?"

"I just wanted to ask, do you remember when you took a pair of custom cufflinks from me? That's not for you."

Afraid that he would not admit it, I added, "Actually, it is Su Li's, I ...... it."

"Su Li?" He sneered, anger flashing in his eyes for some reason, "Don't you want to come back?"

He knocked on the table, "When you finish drinking this table, I'll give it back to you."

I whispered, "But I'm allergic to alcohol."

Xu Yao chuckled, "Such a coincidence? Did you deliberately not give Brother Heng face?"

Yang Heng didn't pick up, just looked at me coldly.

I had to pick up my glass, but I choked on it after just a few sips.

The icy liquid spread down the collar, and it looked probably embarrassing, and a few people in the box couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?!"

Yang Heng suddenly stood up and slapped the wine bottle in my hand heavily.

The glass pieces splashed down, Xu Yao screamed, and grabbed his arm: "Brother Heng, you scared me."

He shook her off heavily, "Get out of here."

Everyone in the box was silent for a moment.

I gestured to the rest of the bottle, "Is that enough?"

Yang Heng's face was cloudy: "...... That's enough."

He tilted his head and coldly spat out two words: "Get out."

Isn't this a confession after eating?

I was just about to reason with him when a familiar voice suddenly sounded, "Yang Heng, you are really out of breath."

Familiar clothes on my shoulders, I must be in my heart.

"Su Li, why are you here?" Yang Heng's face changed slightly, "I didn't ...... anything."

Su Li didn't even look at him, picked up the cup in front of me and sniffed it, and smiled knowingly: "Drunk?"


In fact, my alcohol consumption has always been very good, but I don't want to open for Yang Heng.

If you want to act, you will play to the end, I pretended to be unsteady, and Su Li simply leaned over and hugged me.

A few whispers of "it" came to my ears.

"This girl is too tall, don't say, these two look like a good match."

"It can't be a kite, right?"

Yang Heng's voice was a little irritated: "Shut up."

The car is parked in the underground garage of the clubhouse.

As Su Li leaned down and carefully placed me in the back seat, my lips casually brushed over his cheek.

I froze, remembered something, and took the opportunity to complain: "He took the gift I prepared for you, and he refused to return me!"

He sighed, "You're being bullied like this for this?"

I muttered to myself, "Didn't I send you the location?"

I compared the distance between us, and then I realized, "Brother Suli, are you too close to me?"

The yellowed moonlight framed his perfect face, and his eyelashes were smudged with a layer of gold, as if glowing.

I magically made a small frame with my hand, and framed him in it, and it seemed that the moon was in the palm of my hand.

He said, "Fun?"

I couldn't help but cover my heart.

Is it abnormal for my heart to beat so fast?


When I was about to get out of the car, I realized that I had forgotten my keys.

Su Li put a key in my palm.

I looked at him suspiciously.

He smiled lightly, "I kindly invite Ms. Zhong Kui to come to my house to guide the renovation work."

I pretended to be reserved: "Do you charge?"

He pretended to mutter, "Collect ......."

Seeing me glaring at him, he changed his tone: "Of course I paid to invite him."

This is a newly bought house after Su Li returned to China, and it is the first time I have been here.

I didn't fall asleep after rolling in the bed a few times, and got up to get some water to drink.

When I passed by Su Li's room, I found that his door was not closed, but only hidden.

"Brother Zuri, I ......"

My words came to an abrupt end.

Su Li was changing into pajamas.

Through a crack in the door, I only vaguely caught a glimpse of a slender back, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist.

I swallowed, embarrassed and didn't know where to put it.

Su Li walked out, unhurriedly buttoned the last button, and looked at me with raised eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"I went to the wrong room!"

I ran away, went back to my room in a daze, and fell asleep.

In a daze, I saw Su Li sleeping quietly beside me.

The breath is shallow, and the long hair is joined by mine, meandering into a black river.

His buttons were not buttoned properly, barely covering his body.

I held my breath and slowly approached, but he suddenly opened his eyes: "Aoi, what do you want to do to me?"

I sat up like a ghost, but I saw the dark ceiling.

Luckily, it's a dream!

I smacked my tongue and tasted it, and it was a bit of a pity.

Why is it just a dream?

My face was hot and I buried my head under the covers.

I'm shameless, how can I be greedy for Zu Ligo's body!

Realizing this, I tossed and turned and never fell asleep again.

In order to divert my attention, I took out my phone and opened WeChat.

I wanted to talk to a night owl, but I found that Yang Heng actually changed his avatar to the cufflinks that I was thinking about.

I was so angry that I was sober.

Provocation, this is definitely a provocation!

I immediately sent him to the blacklist.

In the midst of my indignation, a strange thought suddenly occurred in my heart.

Yang Heng dared to covet Su Li, why can't I?

The thought seemed to have been dormant for a long time, and suddenly it filled my mind.

"Rabbits don't eat the grass by the nest" and "The moon is the first to get the moon near the water" was a fight in my head.

The latter won.

I instantly hit the chicken, read 300 love strategies at night, and preliminarily formulated a 5,000-word pursuit plan.

I was even more diligent than my liver graduation thesis.

It wasn't until it was almost dawn that I couldn't hold back my sleep for a while.

There is everything in the dream.

I got my wish and got the beauty back in one fell swoop.


Unexpectedly, while the dream was underway, I was awakened by the sound of talking.

"Zurigo, are there any guests? Why are you so noisy......

I rubbed my eyes and walked out of the room in a daze, and at a glance I saw Su Li on the sofa, my eyes were straight.

He has changed the way he used to button tightly, his pajamas are loose, and a line of abdominal muscles is looming, and there is a beauty that is indistinguishable from that of male and female.

Not to mention that it is 100% the same as in the dream, it also coincides with seven or eight percent.

My eyes disobediently wanted to drill into it: "Brother Suli, you actually have a belly......

Su Li coughed, with a nonchalant smile in his eyes: "Xiaokui, look at it at night, there are guests now."

Only then did I realize that an extremely strong gaze was falling on me.

I glanced at it, but saw Yang Heng's face like a dark cloud: "Zhong Kui, why are you here?"

I replied, "I slept here last night."

"Slept here last night? Zurigo?" He repeated it in a weird way, sneering.

"Zhong Kui, you already know that Zu Li is a man?"

"You're all together to trick me?"

I was justified: "When did Zurigo say that he was a woman?"

His face was pale,

I whispered to Su Li's ear, "He looks so fierce, he won't hit anyone, right?"

Yang Heng's face became even more ugly.

Su Li still looked calm and relaxed: "It's all here, do you want to stay and have breakfast?"

Yang Heng's complicated gaze swirled between us, and he actually agreed.


Su Li served two bowls of noodles.

Yang Heng's bowl of clear soup was waterless, and mine was lying on the poached eggs and fried luncheon meat, and there was a neat row of green cabbage.

Blatantly eccentric.

Yang Heng didn't squeak, but his face became a little more gloomy.

Su Li sat down with the last bowl of noodles and said insincerely, "I'm sorry, there is only one egg left in the house, so I will leave it to Xiaokui."

But I was still very dissatisfied: "Brother Suli, you put green onions again!"

Su Li smiled and sighed, and picked them out for me one by one with chopsticks.

I casually slapped a sycophant without being careful: "Brother Suli, you are the best."

Yang Heng's hand holding the chopsticks burst into bruises, and he intervened coldly: "You have a good relationship."

With the mentality of striking a rival in love, I vigorously said nonsense: "That's it, Brother Zuli and I are a natural match made in heaven......

As I spoke, I secretly glanced at Su Li with my peripheral vision, for fear of being exposed by him.

However, he was smiling the whole time.

Zurigo is really the best!

The blow worked very well, and Yang Heng left without finishing breakfast, his face was ashen.

I was half indignant, half deliberately giving my rival eye medicine: "I waste such a good craft of yours, I don't think he is a good thing."

Saying this, I know that Yang Heng has always been a person who will repay his eyes, and this time he lost face, and I don't know how he will react.

The noodles were delicious.

This faint uneasiness was left behind me in an instant.


Send Yang Heng away, and it's time for me to start implementing my pursuit plan.

I can't play the set of boiling frogs in warm water, plus there is a Yang Heng eyeing me next to me, so I immediately decided to take the initiative.

After the conscientious smoke alarm stopped me from blowing up the kitchen for the twenty-fifth time, Su Li couldn't sit still.

"Aoi-chan, have you been dissatisfied with me lately?"

He tugged at the black charcoal on his plate, trying to identify the variety.

In order not to turn my pursuit into murder, I decided to give up my culinary career.

Fortunately, Su Li said that a blockbuster movie was released recently, and asked me to go to the movie.

Rounding up is also dating.

Sitting in the movie theater, I teaed and said tentatively, "Brother Suli, you are inseparable from me every day, and the people you like will not have opinions, right?"

Su Li looked at me meaningfully: "Don't worry, she won't have an opinion."

After watching the movie, Su Li answered the phone call, frowning slightly.

At the same time, an unfamiliar number sent me a text message.

"Did you get my little gift?"

Yang Heng's revenge is coming.

I pretended not to see it and dragged him into the blacklist.

Next, Su Li was busy for a while.

Later, I learned that because of Yang Heng, Su Li's studio lost several important investments.

It happened to be Su Li's birthday.

In order to adapt to the poverty of the future, I bought a small cut cake.

The candlelight was also faint, and it looked strangely pitiful.

How terrible is a man who hates because of love!

I sighed for a while, and took the opportunity to mix in private goods: "Brother Su Li, we are really like a pair of hard-working mandarin ducks."

Su Li listened keenly, and repeated it meaninglessly: "Mandarin ducks?"

My tongue suddenly knotted.

He calmly turned on the TV.

"Suddenly! A number of downstream companies jointly reported that Tianheng Company was suspected of false tax evasion, and the local inspector has intervened in the investigation."

I pricked up my ears.

Well? Isn't this Yang Heng's company?

Su Li didn't hesitate to speak: "Don't worry, you can't suffer, you will definitely feed our little kui into a fat quail."

"Why quail?" I came back to my senses and protested loudly in anger.


Although she was a little gloating about Yang Heng, Mrs. Yang treated me well after all.

I thought about it and called her anyway.

"Su Li, this kid, is still so eager to repay him."

Her voice didn't sound angry, she just laughed helplessly.

"That's it, it's a lesson for my stinky boy."

Does she know Su Li?

The thought crossed my mind.

When Yang Heng appeared in front of me again, he described him as haggard, and it seemed that he had been shed a layer of skin by successive inspections.

"Su Li...... That's a good idea."

I'm honored: "Of course."

His face darkened: "You like him so much?"

"If you don't like him, can you still like you?" I rolled my eyes.

"How can there be such a masochist who likes your yin and yang every day, or is it 366 days out of 365 days that you are nervous?"

This time, he was silent for a long time.

After a long time, he suddenly let out a sneer: "Yes, I used you as a stand-in, how do you know that Su Li didn't use you as a stand-in?"

I was stunned.

Su Li is for someone to return to China, and after I realized my feelings, it was like a thorn in my heart. Poke it from time to time, it's not painful, but it makes people feel like they are stuck in their throats.

"You talk nonsense, you're just jealous, Brother Zuli likes me the most!" I retorted with little confidence.

Yang Heng pulled his lips, his tone full of malice.

"Do you really know him that well?"

"He has a blueprint for people he likes."

"Have you seen it?"

I immediately remembered the design that Su Li didn't let me see at that time.

Yang Heng is just to take revenge on us, I shouldn't believe him at all.


By the time I came back to my senses, I had unconsciously arrived at the studio and walked in front of the drawer in my memory.

The drawer is not locked.

The moment I opened the drawer, I knew I had opened Pandora's box.

The design is a gorgeous wedding dress.

Why...... Is it a wedding dress?

I was so distraught that I didn't hold it steady for a while, and the blueprint fell to the ground.

A slender hand picked it up, and there was a small mole on the tail finger.


"Brother Suli, I ......" I was stumped, so the wicked person sued first, "Why are you so difficult to chase?!"

"You...... Say I'm hard to chase?" Su Li's tone was a little annoyed and a little unbelievable.

There was a rare blankness on his handsome face: "You...... Chasing me?"

I was indignant: "I've been chasing you for a while, and the frog should be cooked in warm water, right?"

"Could it be that what Yang Heng said is true?" I made up a bitter drama in my brain, and tears were in my eyes, "Are you using me as a stand-in?"

Su Li wiped my tears with his clean sleeve without disgust, angry and funny: "Don't listen to his nonsense, where did I come from?"

He flipped the blueprint over and wrote my name all over the back.

"Aoi, you see, we always have such a tacit understanding."

"Even when it comes to liking it."

He didn't know where to press it, and I realized that there was a small hidden space in this room.

A white wedding dress is quietly bathed in the moonlight, and the falling tail is like a bright Milky Way.

It was the most beautiful wedding dress I've ever seen.

I was out of my mind.

I used to pester him for the most beautiful wedding dress in the world.

He has always asked for me, but he has never let go of this request until he goes abroad.

And now, standing next to me, he took the initiative to unravel the mystery.

"Aoi, do you know why I design so many clothes, but never a wedding dress?"

He turned his head to look at me, his eyes shining brightly, as if reflecting a moon.

I was bewitched and muttered, "Why?"

"I only want to design a wedding dress for the rest of my life."

"To the person I like."

My heart trembled.

"Actually, before I went abroad, I hesitated to tell you."

"But my sanity knows that I won't be able to be with you for the next whole year."

"Whether it's when you're sick and crying, or when you're happy and laughing, I can't give you the first response."

"I know Aoi is most afraid of being alone, I don't want to trap you."

He lowered his eyes, and I couldn't see the emotion in his eyes for a while.

The moonlight still flowed silently on the wedding dress, and his voice was slightly unsteady.

"I thought it was the best option, but I regretted it."

"The moment I returned to China and saw Yang Heng, I regretted it."

His words were sudden, he frowned, and gently brushed the water stains from my face with his fingertips.

I realized that I was unconsciously covered with tears.

He said helplessly, "I never want to see you sad, but it always seems self-defeating."

I retorted with tears, "No, you're the best."

The corners of his lips curled slightly.

"Xiaokui, maybe this 'like' came too late, are you still willing to accept it?"

I didn't speak, just grabbed the hem of his shirt.

The moment Su Li lowered his head and kissed me, I thought to myself inappropriately:

Woo, did my freshly baked 5,000-word pursuit plan go bankrupt before it was implemented?

【Secret of Zurifan】


When I was in college, I went against my family's request to study design, so I was cut off from living expenses.

When I was working part-time, I met a girl.

Her name is Zhong Kui, and her smile is as bright as a cluster of sunflowers blooming warmly.

I wanted to tell her a secret, but I was about to go abroad for further study.

Unexpectedly, when I returned to China, there was an extra fly next to Zhong Kui.

The flies keep saying that they like me, but their eyes are obviously full of Xiaokui.

And Xiao Kui, who has always talked to me about everything, actually has secrets with others that I don't know.

Hearing other people's names from her mouth almost made me lose my temper.

Su Li, it turns out that you will also be jealous.


The world is so big and yet so small.

I didn't expect that Xiaokui becoming a stand-in turned out to be Mrs. Yang's idea.

How she wants to hone her son has nothing to do with me, but she shouldn't involve Xiaokui.

Aoi isn't anyone's stand-in, not even my own.

The Yang family has business dealings with my family, and because she is an elder, I have no intention of having a verbal conflict with her, but only stumbling openly and honestly. Several times, she had no choice but to ask my parents to reconcile them.

"Is it worth it?" She asked me with a complicated expression.

I just smiled, "Zhong Kui related, I don't think about it."


After discovering my true identity, Yang Heng was not furious, but relieved.

He looked at me with a complicated expression, "We're even."

Perhaps, he also fantasizes about being able to "reunite with Xiaokui".

But I've missed it once, and I'm not going to give him another chance to get his hands on our world.

Yang Heng is still as willful as ever.

Once you can't achieve your goal, you will be like an ignorant child.

Fortunately, I never fight unprepared battles.

I used a little trick to make him too anxious to take care of him.

He gritted his teeth and said that he was blind before, and that I was cold-blooded and ruthless in my bones.

I laughed at the comments of my underdogs.

Indeed, I was indifferent by nature, and I once found things in the world boring.

But Xiaokui said...... She's chasing me?

Perhaps, there are indeed surprises in life.


In the second year after marriage, Yang Heng, who was in a slump, had a tendency to resurrect and frequently appeared in front of us.

Zhong Kui was extremely nervous.

"Brother Suli, is he still a thief to you?"

I recalled the way Yang Heng looked at her, but I didn't say anything.

"Brother Zuri, that guy is scheming!"

"Do you want to arrange a few more bodyguards?"

She was in a hurry.

I couldn't help but laugh, grabbed her waist from behind, and rested my head lightly on her neck: "That little Aoi is going to protect me."

【Extra Mr. and Mrs. Affairs】


Zhong Kui and Su Li actually don't look alike.

But when I met Zhong Kui, I saw Su Li's shadow on her.

So she became my stand-in.

She's very different.

I used to find a few girlfriends, and when I heard me mention Zulidu, it was noisy and noisy.

She is the only one who usually ignores me, but hearing Su Li's news will give me a good face.

At first, I was satisfied, but gradually, I became curious about her personally.

It was then that I realized that I didn't know anything about her.

Our common topic was only Su Li.

Over time, I couldn't tell whether I was missing Su Li to her, or saying a few more words to her in the name of missing Su Li.

I brought up the breakup because Su Li came back.

Seeing Zhong Kui's lonely expression, I was a little reluctant in my heart.

But she's obviously just for money, no different from others.

I seemed a little disappointed, but I didn't know why.

It's just a stand-in.

I think.


I have thought about the situation of reuniting with Su Li 10,000 times, and I am full of excitement and joy.

But I didn't expect to see "her" again, but my mood was unexpectedly calm.

It's not even as impactful as seeing Zhong Kui throw herself into Su Li's arms.

After learning that Zhong Kui and Su Li have a close relationship, I felt faintly uneasy.

But at the time, I didn't know where this sentiment came from.

Perhaps, it was the tacit understanding between them, or maybe it was the way they looked at each other that there was something I had never gotten.


When I received Xu Yao's candid picture of me, I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

I didn't expect that so soon, Zhong Kui would have someone else by his side.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little empty in my heart.

I knew that she had been helping out in Su Li's studio recently, and I couldn't tell for what reason, so I sent Su Li flowers.

Zhong Kui made flowers into flower tea and posted them to Moments.

In the photo, she is smiling like a flower, there is no haze, and there is no shadow of jealousy.

I didn't believe she would be so indifferent, and suddenly wanted to see her expression with my own eyes.

I waited for several days downstairs in Su Li's studio, and finally waited for her.

I originally wanted to put aside my pride and say a few soft words.

But the moment she wore Su Li's coat and said in person that he was better than me, my emotions suddenly went out of control.

I said that she was addicted to it, and that she was doing it.

After saying that, I regretted it, but pride made it impossible for me to apologize.

I thought she would be angry, but I didn't expect that her eyes were calm and she turned her head away.

I wanted to catch up, but a voice told me in the bottom of my heart - "It's late".


The moment Zhong Kui appeared in the box, I thought she regretted it.

I've figured out that as long as she relents, I'll allow her to come back to me.

But she's not here for me.

I was emotionally out of control again.

Su Li, why is it Su Li again?

This name, which once made me remember and seemed to condense countless beautiful names, is now like a thorn, piercing my heart again and again.

So I hurt her again.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

In the end, it was Su Li who appeared and took her away.

I just watched her obediently nestled in Su Li's arms, getting farther and farther away from me, and suddenly lost the strength of her whole body.

What am I doing?

Yang Heng, what are you doing?


After learning Su Li's true identity, I felt more of a fear of losing something than shock.

This emotion reached its peak at the moment when Zhong Kui said that they lived together last night.

I couldn't imagine what my expression was, it was probably not good-looking.

Su Li left me to eat, and I responded to the gods.

I don't know exactly what I want to see.

At the dinner table, Zhong Kui chirped like a little sparrow, which was fresh and vivid that I had never seen.

And Su Li, who has always been warm and cold, is full of her.

Maybe I never knew about them.

For the first time in my life, I knew what it was like to chew wax.


When I learned the truth, I lost my temper with my mother and prepared to slam the door.

"Ah Heng," she whispered my name behind my back, and asked unhurriedly, "Is it me who made you lose her?"

My legs were suddenly as heavy as lead.

It's me.

I suddenly remembered a lot of things.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhong Kui was not like this to me.

I don't know when, every time she saw me, her face was full of perfunctory.

Maybe I've let my friends taunt her again and again.

Maybe it's because I speak coldly to her again and again, and habitually suppress her.


If I had let go of my pride sooner, would we have a different ending?

However, there is no if.

Finally, my mother patted me on the shoulder, and her tone was a little tired.

"Enough willfulness, come back."

I noticed that at some point, her sideburns had been stained with hoarfrost.

"The little one outside your dad lately hasn't been very peaceful."


When Zhong Kui and Su Li got married, they sent me an invitation.

On the invitation is a beautiful hand, written by Su Li himself.

I didn't go.

Later, I saw photos of their wedding from others.

They looked at each other and smiled, and even the corners of their mouths rose in the same arc.

I couldn't help but smile wryly.

It turns out that this is called husband and wife.

[End of this story]

(END) Bai Yueguang, the boss boyfriend, is back, and he broke up with me