
Guoyu Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away, fans: The on-site medical response was too slow, and a whole minute was wasted

author:Snowflakes flutter one 23


Recently, a tragic incident about a sporting event has attracted widespread attention and discussion. According to reports, Zhang Zhijie, a young player from the Oriental Powers who participated in the Asian Youth Badminton Championships, died in a sudden situation during the game and died after rescue efforts failed. Such news has undoubtedly cast a shadow on people's hearts, and also made people think deeply about medical security and first aid preparation in sports events.

As an event with high public attention, the health and safety of athletes have always been a matter of great concern. In this case, questions have been raised about the speed of response and emergency preparedness of the Indonesian medical team, and there are certain problems with their response. In the face of emergencies, the response speed and first-aid ability of the medical team are directly related to the life and death of athletes, which has also triggered conjectures and discussions about medical security for sports events from all walks of life.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away, fans: The on-site medical response was too slow, and a whole minute was wasted

1. Tragedy: Zhang Zhijie died of a sudden situation

Recently, a heartbreaking news spread on the Internet, saying that Zhang Zhijie, a young player from an oriental country who participated in the Asian Youth Badminton Championships, died in a sudden situation during the game and died after rescue efforts. It is understood that the game was at a critical moment at that time, and Zhang Zhijie's sudden fall to the ground and convulsions also attracted the attention of everyone present, and the event party and the medical team also immediately carried out emergency treatment.

Despite the full efforts of the medical team, Zhang Zhijie's condition was still very critical, and his life could not be saved in the end. The occurrence of such a tragedy has undoubtedly cast a shadow on people's hearts, and it has also made people think deeply about medical security and first aid preparation in sports events.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away, fans: The on-site medical response was too slow, and a whole minute was wasted

Second, the outside world doubts: the medical team is slow to respond

In the face of such a tragedy, the reaction of the outside world was also very intense, and many people paid attention to and discussed the matter. On social media, more and more netizens began to discuss the matter and raised some questions about the medical rescue work at that time.

It is understood that Zhang Zhijie's competition venue was held in Indonesia, and at the time of the competition, many people raised some questions about the medical team at the scene, thinking that their reaction speed was very slow, and there were also certain problems in emergency preparation and medical conditions.

The immediate response of the medical team is critical after an emergency, and the external skepticism of the medical team on the scene is mainly focused on this point. On the one hand, many people think that there are indeed certain problems with the response speed of the medical team, whether it is the on-site first aid measures or the follow-up treatment work, it seems a little panicked and insufficient.

On the other hand, some people have questioned the medical conditions and equipment, believing that the medical team on the scene may not have sufficient emergency preparation and conditions, which also directly affects their treatment work.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away, fans: The on-site medical response was too slow, and a whole minute was wasted

3. Medical security for the event: it needs to be paid attention to

Whether it's a sporting event or other large-scale event, medical care and first aid preparedness are very important and directly related to the health and safety of those involved. In this tragic incident, the response speed and emergency preparedness of the medical team have become the focus of attention from the outside world, and it has also triggered speculation about the medical security of the event.

As an international sports event, the organizer of the event should fully consider and arrange medical security and first aid preparation before holding the competition, so as to ensure that the on-site medical team has a high level of first aid knowledge and response speed, and can provide rescue as soon as possible in the event of an accident.

First aid preparedness and conditions for the medical team are also crucial, and event organisers need to provide the medical team with the necessary first aid equipment and conditions to ensure that they can effectively carry out the treatment.

In addition, the medical security work in sports events also needs to fully consider the possibility of various emergencies, formulate corresponding rescue plans and measures, and prepare for various emergencies in advance to ensure that the correct response can be made in the shortest possible time.

4. Responsibilities and missions of the medical team

The work of medical care personnel in sporting events, whether it is on-site first responders or logistics support personnel, is very important, and they also bear a very great responsibility and mission.

The medical team needs to have excellent professionalism and first aid skills, and can make correct judgments and treatments in emergency situations, and provide timely and effective assistance to injured or sick athletes.

They also need to maintain a high level of vigilance and tension, and be ready to respond to all kinds of emergencies at any time, to ensure that they can reach the scene of the incident in the first place, and carry out the necessary rescue work.

In addition, the work of the medical team also requires team spirit and adaptability, and can work closely with other staff to carry out rescue and disposal work in a complex on-site environment.

5. Supervision and attention of public opinion

In the face of such a tragedy, it is also necessary for all sectors of society to question the medical team and medical conditions. After all, in similar sports events, the importance of medical security work is self-evident, and any negligence and deficiency may lead to the occurrence of unexpected events, bringing threats to people's lives and health.

The supervision and attention of public opinion can play a very positive role, which can prompt the event organizers and medical teams to pay attention, summarize lessons and lessons in a timely manner, strengthen all aspects of medical security work, and ensure that they can do better in future competitions.

It can also use the strength of all sectors of society to provide some constructive opinions and suggestions for medical security work, promote the improvement of relevant policies and measures, and contribute to the healthy development of sports events and the safety and security of participants.


As a hotly debated public event, the importance of medical security is self-evident, and any negligence and deficiency may affect the people who participate in the event. Both the event organizer and the medical team need to attach great importance to medical security, comprehensively consider all possible emergencies, and be prepared to ensure that rescue work can be carried out in a timely and effective manner.

It is also hoped that through such a tragic event, we can arouse in-depth conjecture and concern from all walks of life about the medical security work, provide some constructive opinions and suggestions for the medical security work of sports events, and work together to make due contributions to the health and safety of athletes.

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