
Tao Yuanming's tragedy in his later years: begging for survival, his five sons were unsuccessful, and he starved to death at home at the age of 63

author:Wang Xianzhi
Tao Yuanming's tragedy in his later years: begging for survival, his five sons were unsuccessful, and he starved to death at home at the age of 63

Tao Yuanming, for many people, this name is a symbol that symbolizes nobility and staying away from earthly disputes. He is the poet in our hearts who chose self-exile in turbulent times to find a spiritual home. But, you know what? Tao Yuanming's life is not as poetic and comfortable as he describes.

Living in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, an era of political instability and frequent wars, Tao Yuanming's life can be said to be full of ups and downs and challenges. He was originally born in a scholarly family, but his family was not wealthy. When he was young, although he was talented, it was always difficult to find a place in the officialdom. has entered the official career many times, but because he is unwilling to compromise, he has chosen to resign and retire many times. Many people may think that such behavior is an escape from reality, but for Tao Yuanming, this is the insistence on his beliefs.

In one of his most famous resignations, he rejected a small position in exchange for material stability, and this scene became one of the highlights of his life. This contempt for material things and the pursuit of the spiritual world have also become a major feature of Tao Yuanming's poetry.

Tao Yuanming's tragedy in his later years: begging for survival, his five sons were unsuccessful, and he starved to death at home at the age of 63

After retiring, Tao Yuanming chose a pastoral life, he planted vegetables in his small garden, drank wine and recited poetry, and seemed to have found inner peace. However, the hardships of real life did not disappear because of his escape. The countryside is beautiful, but life is still a challenge. Farming is not easy, harvests are unstable, and the livelihood of families is often a problem. Although he tried to make ends meet through farming, the difficulties of reality and the burden of his family made the poet's life full of helplessness.

Tao Yuanming's family life is also not optimistic. Although he has six children, the poverty and instability of life have kept the extended family in dire straits. Although Tao Yuanming has poetry and distance in his heart, in reality, he has to face the embarrassment of his livelihood, often needs to borrow food from everywhere, and even his family has to endure the torture of hunger.

Culturally, Tao Yuanming is undoubtedly a big man, but his life is not so poetic. Although his poems reveal his love for nature and pastoral life, in reality, he has to face all kinds of hardships and challenges in life. This strong contrast may be the source of detachment and yearning in his poetry.

Tao Yuanming's tragedy in his later years: begging for survival, his five sons were unsuccessful, and he starved to death at home at the age of 63

However, although life is full of difficulties and difficulties, Tao Yuanming has never given up the pursuit of a better life. His praise of natural beauty and yearning for a simple life in his poems have deeply infected later generations. His works not only show his deep understanding and exploration of life, but also give us a kind of inspiration for our attitude towards life: no matter what kind of predicament we are in, we should maintain our love for life and the pursuit of ideals.

But his spirit and poetry still inspire us, telling us that even in the most difficult moments, we should not give up the pursuit of a better life and the construction of an inner world.

Tao Yuanming's works are not only a precious heritage of ancient literature, but also a mirror image of the spiritual pursuit of modern people. In today's fast-paced and high-pressure social environment, we may need Tao Yuanming's attitude of returning to the basics and indifferent to fame and fortune. The love of nature and simplicity that is revealed in his poetry can help us find a peaceful spiritual habitat in the complex modern life.

In addition, Tao Yuanming's life and thoughts also enlighten us that in the face of the difficulties of life and the injustice of the world, we should not choose to escape or compromise, but should be like him, adhere to our own ideals, and maintain independence and purity in our hearts. Even if the environment is difficult, we must strive to maintain our inner freedom and not be swayed by the outside world.

Tao Yuanming's tragedy in his later years: begging for survival, his five sons were unsuccessful, and he starved to death at home at the age of 63

When thinking about Tao Yuanming's life and work, we should not only focus on his tragic end, but also see how he showed extraordinary courage and unique insights in difficult situations. Although his life was full of material deprivation and social incomprehension, his spiritual world was exceptionally rich and powerful. This spiritual abundance is something that each of us should learn today.

Tao Yuanming's story also reminds us that no matter what the circumstances, we should find and stick to our own lifestyle and values. No matter how unfavorable the external environment is, we should not give up the pursuit of true inner peace and contentment. Although Tao Yuanming failed materially, his spiritual and cultural legacy is eternal.

Tao Yuanming's life and his poems are a revelation to all those who seek truth, simplicity and inner peace. He teaches us how to maintain a simple and authentic attitude to life in a busy and complex world, how to maintain personal independence and dignity in the face of challenges and difficulties. Through his example, we learn that the true quality of life does not only come from material abundance, but also from the fulfillment of the soul and the realization of self-worth.