
The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

author:Comfortable Dream PCF

What exactly is the source of family tragedy? Just look at this outrageous real case!

Have you ever experienced the pain of unfair treatment in your family? When parental partiality becomes a habit, the rift between siblings grows deeper and deeper, eventually leading to irreparable tragedy. The story I want to tell today is a shocking and bloody lesson!

The demolition, which was supposed to be a good thing to celebrate, became the last straw that crushed the family. Brother Li and younger brother Li Lao Er each received 10% of the compensation, while the parents received a 1.6 million yuan for demolition. I thought that this windfall would make the whole family live a good life, but who knew that it would trigger an epic family war!

You know what? Brother Li accidentally discovered that his mother actually gave all 1.6 million to his younger brother! This is simply naked eccentricity! They are both biological sons, why is there such a big difference? Brother Li was so angry that he confronted his parents on the spot. But the mother avoided answering, and her attitude was as cold as if she was facing an enemy.

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

In desperation, Brother Li had no choice but to invite a mediator. But it doesn't matter this time, but it pierces the pustules that this family has accumulated for a long time! Li Lao Er turned his face on the spot and arrogantly declared: My parents gave me all the money because I didn't need him to care about it in the future! To put this is simply a provocation!

What's even more infuriating is that Mother Li actually beat her upside down, pointed at her eldest son's nose and scolded: You just want my money! That's too shameful, isn't it? Brother Li knelt down on the spot and swore a poisonous oath: I didn't ask you for a penny, if I asked you for money, let me be hit by a car and die! It can be seen how aggrieved and angry he is!

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

Brother Li couldn't argue, so he had to explain his original intention: he just hoped that his parents could buy a house so that the brothers could take care of it. But now that his parents and younger brother are hiding from him alone, his mother will definitely blame him for being unfilial in the future. What do you think makes sense about this?

Li Lao Er admitted that his parents gave him all the money, and said eloquently: I bought a big house for my parents to live with me, isn't it natural for me to give me the money? This is really brazen to the extreme!

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

What is even more infuriating is Li's mother's attitude. She made no secret of her preference for her youngest son, and shouted: I want to live with my younger son, I like to live with my younger son, I don't rely on my eldest son! Where is this like a mother's words? It's just blatantly hurting the eldest son's heart!

Li's mother even blamed Brother Li, saying that his father didn't even show his face when he was hospitalized. But Brother Li's wife refuted on the spot: Our whole family has visited my father-in-law, and it is too unfair for my mother-in-law to say this! It seems that in order to favor her youngest son, Mother Li can even distort the facts!

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

Brother Li's wife couldn't bear it anymore, so she actually knelt in front of her mother-in-law and asked her mother-in-law to kneel down to ensure that Brother Li didn't take her money. What a poignant scene! In order to protect her husband, the daughter-in-law did not hesitate to seek justice from her mother-in-law with a humble attitude.

While the mediator said that parents have the right to decide what to do with their money, they also pointed out that parents should think twice about what to do with their money. But Mother Li is still ruthless: I have suffered from my eldest son, so I don't plan to count on him at all! These words are simply tearing apart the relationship between mother and son!

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

Brother Li finally couldn't help but break out, and he revealed the truth of the year: his mother asked him to take out all the money to set up a joint venture factory with his younger brother, but he lost all his money. The son had no money to go to school, so he cheekily borrowed money from his neighbors, just because his mother didn't lend him money! What qualifications does such a mother have to accuse her son of being unfilial?

In the end, Brother Li could only propose to sign an agreement with his parents whether he would live or die. What a desperate choice! A son has been forced to such a point, is there any room for redemption for this family?

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

While the mediator blocked the ridiculous agreement, the damage had already been done. Mother Li still said coldly: I don't want the eldest son anymore, as long as I am with the younger son. Is such a mother worthy of being called a mother?

Although this family turmoil has subsided temporarily, the scars in Brother Li's heart may never heal. The partiality of parents not only destroys brotherhood, but also destroys a complete family.

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

Netizens reacted strongly to this case. Some people angrily denounced: Such parents are too hateful! Giving all the money to the youngest son is simply creating hatred! Some people are also worried: Mother Li is too irrational, all the money is given to the younger son, what if the younger son changes his mind in the future?

Indeed, no one can guarantee what will happen in the future. But one thing is certain: Brother Li's heart is completely dead, even if he can't escape the responsibility of support, the love between him and his younger brother may never be irreparable.

The elderly parents gave all the 1.6 million demolition money to the younger son, and did not give any to the eldest son: he did not need to support the elderly

What do you think of this case? What would you do if you were Big Brother Li? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views! Don't forget to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!