
"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

author:Entertainment Coke Cat
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"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70


Speaking of Liao Xueqiu, many people will not be unfamiliar with the actor, she is the first generation of "Pan Jinlian".

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

In the 44 years since his debut, except for his works and voices praising his acting skills, there have been no scandals and negative news.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

In the play, because she has portrayed too many single strong women, she is known as "China's first widow".

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Outside the play, she had a rough life, she lost her parents at the age of four, her "life-saving money" was stolen by the nanny, and her husband cheated on her at the age of 25.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

She is now 70 years old, but she is still busy with her career and has always been alone.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Is it really as netizens said, it was the previous feelings that hurt her too deeply?

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

When I was young, I broke through the obstacles and finally reached the other side of my dream

Compared with Hui Yinghong, who began to beg without being beaten and scolded at the age of 3, Liao Xueqiu's experience is even more sad, although her mother is Liao Jingqiu, a very famous performer in Sichuan opera, but she is the most miserable "second generation star".

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Because his mother's family was very poor at that time, he accumulated a lot of fame through opera performances, and it was at this time that Liao Xueqiu's father saw Liao Jingqiu when he was performing, and he was already a family member at that time.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

But because it was an arranged marriage, not to mention that there was no emotional foundation, even if it continued until now, it was based on the responsibility of a man, so the two began to get in touch, and over time, the two still ate the forbidden fruit and had a relationship.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Then there was Liao Xueqiu, but because of the times at that time, and some other irreconcilable reasons, the two did not go together openly in the end, and were diagnosed with cancer in the third year after giving birth to Liao Xueqiu

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

And Liao Jingqiu has a very dedicated spirit to acting, even if she is suffering from cancer, she insists on the successful interpretation of the far-reaching Sichuan opera work "Du Shi Niang".

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

After her death, not only many fans missed her very much, but even the famous Ba Jin at the time wrote an article for her to express his regret for the loss of a talent.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

And Liao Xueqiu was just three years old that year, and she originally thought that she had her father's care, but she never thought that when she was 4 years old, her father also left the world because of her illness, and it was precisely because of the particularity of her life experience that she had no parents and no one else to rely on.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70
"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Originally, his mother left a large amount of savings for herself, and this money was in her mother's theater, which was originally able to support Liao Xueqiu when she grew up, but she didn't expect to steal this money because of the selfishness of the former nanny.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

In the end, Liao Xueqiu began to do all kinds of manual work early in order to survive, just to have money to maintain his life, and as he grew older, Liao Xueqiu's facial features were very delicate after they grew up, and gradually showed the same characteristics as his mother.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

She was also very good at acting, and even though she didn't have any professional education, she was still more professional than people of the same age who studied acting at the time.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Because she is very fond of art performance, she always seizes every opportunity to read all kinds of books related to performance, and she not only reads it, but also brings her own thoughts and feelings into it, and integrates her true feelings for a character.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

When she was 20 years old, because she grew up in the process of lack of love, Liao Xueqiu's judgment of feelings was very weak, and it was at this time that a boy approached Liao Xueqiu.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

In the process of contact between the two, Liao Xueqiu was gradually moved by the boy who took great care of him, and then quickly established a relationship, and it didn't take long to step into the life of marriage, at first the two were very affectionate, and also gave birth to a child.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

After her love was settled, her career gradually improved, and it was precisely because of that persistence that Liao Xueqiu successfully entered a studio and officially embarked on the road of acting, and then was transferred to a studio in Shanghai because of her outstanding performance in the troupe.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Because the distance between her and her home became longer after she was transferred to Shanghai, coupled with Liao Xueqiu's love for acting, she cherished this opportunity very much, so she immersed herself in the time of studying performance every day, but her concern for home still tied her all the time.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Finally, half a year after leaving home, she returned home directly without saying hello to her husband, but she didn't expect that she thought it was a happy surprise, but when she got home, she found out that it was a farce, and she was still the biggest joke in this farce.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Because she saw her husband at home with a woman she had never seen before, and such a move was undoubtedly another blow to Liao Xueqiu's originally devastated heart.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

So Liao Xueqiu not only chose to cry and ask him why, but chose to divorce very calmly, and the child was also awarded to the man, and Liao Xueqiu, who was only 25 years old for a while, became a person again from the happy family of three at the beginning.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

But she was not disappointed in her life, so after that, she was more distracted to study acting, and in 1980 she got the opportunity to play a film and television drama, and played the role of a "widow" in her first work.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

In the following years, she was very stable and had her works released, even if she didn't increase her popularity much, but she still persevered, as long as she played the role, she would study the characteristics of the characters very seriously, and portrayed the characters very well.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Because of this, her figure is gradually remembered by everyone, especially in the film and television drama "The New Biography of Pan Jinlian", her acting skills are also very exciting.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

It is precisely because many of the characters played in it are "widows" or strong women that they are ridiculed by everyone as "the first widow in film and television".

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

And in her acting career, the characters she created in film and television works are also changing with her age, and she does not appear in her thirties and forties when she is still playing the yellow flower girl.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Coupled with her pure natural appearance, she has also become an old acquaintance in the hearts of many people, in the process of filming her works, even if her appearance is very good-looking, but there is no scandal at all, and there is no romance.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

It's just that I met a few of my bosom friends in the process, and Xu Songzi is also one of her close friends.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

In the past few years, 70-year-old Liao Xueqiu has always appeared on the screen, and he also participated in the very popular TV series "Ask the Heart" last year, and there are also works broadcast at the end of April this year.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70


Although he is not the leading actor in his current works, he has been seen by everyone again with his outstanding acting skills, and even though he is 70 years old now, he still looks very tough.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Compared with Liu Xiaoqing, who is 73 years old, who is still disagreeing with his old age and saying that he can still play a character in his twenties and thirties, Liao Xueqiu's acting ideas are obviously relatively mature.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70
"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70
"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70
"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Although he is always alone in marriage, he has friends in his life, he has his own career to be busy, he has so many fans who like him, and he can live the life he wants to live as he wants, which is enough.

"China's first widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and is still single at the age of 70

Information sources:

[1] Baidu Encyclopedia: Liao Xueqiu, Liao Jingqiu (acting experience, early experience)

[2] "Tianjin Radio and Television Station": "Hu Kexing Feeling" Liao Xueqiu reveals his true life 2008 02-26

[3] Douyin video China Film Report: Liu Xiaoqing said that it is no problem to play young people #刘晓庆 said that he has maintained it very well, it is no problem to play young people, he still has confidence in himself, and the actor's eyes are irreplaceable today June 29, 2024

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