
Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside

author:Star Rambler
Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside


Imagine a meteorite from Mars, found on Mount Allen in Antarctica, which could contain fossil remains of life on Mars! Such a discovery has sparked controversy and speculation in the scientific community, what is the story behind this meteorite? Let's uncover this mystery together!

People have heard about the origin of Martian meteorites, most of which were ejected from the impact craters on Mars and fell to the surface of the earth after a long drift, which is the earliest souvenir of human exploration of the universe. As a member of the Martian meteorite family, the Allen Mountain meteorite has naturally attracted much attention, and its appearance provides important clues for human exploration of the universe and extraterrestrial life.


In 1984, a scientific expedition team on Mount Allen in the Antarctic continent accidentally discovered this meteorite during an expedition, and after a simple preliminary judgment and laboratory tests, the scientific expedition team members quickly determined that it was a meteorite from Mars.

Based on data such as the weight and density of the Mount Allen meteorite, scientists quickly calculated its size and conducted further analysis to try to find some unusual components from the meteorite. Sure enough, when the Allen Mountain meteorite was gradually magnified under the microscope of scientific researchers, some abnormal microstructures were gradually revealed.

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside

These structures look a lot like the fossilized remains of some kind of organism, and after testing, they also contain traces of organic matter. When the news was announced, the whole of NASA was boiling, and everyone knows what it means, and if it is confirmed that it is a fossil of life from Mars, it will be the most important discovery in the history of human exploration of the universe.

This result quickly became controversial on all sides, as such discoveries are not uncommon in history, and each time the final verdict was: no. Although the morphology of these fossils looks like life, there are still many problems with their characteristics.

These fossils were formed much earlier than life on Earth, and Mars is not so far away from Earth, so the exchange of matter between the two can easily occur, so even if we find bacteria-like fossils from the Mount Allen meteorite, we can't take it lightly.

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside

In addition, some experts believe that these features and compounds are more likely to have been formed by some kind of abiotic process, and we all know that Mars is still quite rich in water resources and its atmosphere is relatively thick.

In this way, even if there is no real life on Mars, it is natural for products similar to life activities to form in such an environment. Despite the controversy, the Mount Allen meteorite has become a household name thanks to the fossil remains found in it.

After all, it is still rare to find something that can be linked to Mars, and as a priceless Martian meteorite, there are many stories behind the Allen Mountain meteorite.

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside

Through further analysis, scientists found that the meteorite is mainly composed of minerals commonly found on Mars, such as orthoclase. In addition to this, small crystals can be seen under the microscope, which are likely to be carbonates and other minerals.

Based on the isotope ratios contained in it, scientists quickly concluded that it was a primordial rock from the surface of Mars, about 4.1 billion years old, and was one of the oldest Martian meteorites ever discovered.

There is also some controversy about this, after all, it is difficult for meteorites to determine their age accurately. But judging by the degree of surface wear and a number of other factors, the age of 4.1 billion years is somewhat convincing.

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside

With this age reference in hand, scientists further speculated about the origin of the Mount Allen meteorite. Due to the influence of factors such as surface temperature and climate, the meteorites found by humans near the South Pole are basically newly fallen, while the meteorites that fell early are easier to find.

If nothing else, those ancient meteorites hidden beneath the surface are likely to come from outer space like Mars. According to the calculations and analysis of scientists, the Mount Allen meteorite was first formed 4.1 billion years ago.

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside

At that time, it was unimaginably far away from today, and there was a great change in the universe at that time, which we can only call "great change", because it was no longer the original overflowing space.

According to the discussion and summary of the laws of cosmic evolution, scientists believe that at that time, a large number of debris from interplanetary collisions mixed with Martian surface materials, and finally formed products such as the Allen Mountain meteorite.

It wandered in space for about 17 million years and eventually came to Earth, where humans are. According to further speculation by scientists, it must have been inextricably linked to Mars during the 17 million years it spent adrift in space, taking with it material from Mars shortly after it arose during that planetary upheaval.

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside


The story of the Martian meteorite is always full of reverie, imagining all kinds of wonderful changes that have taken place in the far reaches of space. Although the mystery of the fossil life of the Mount Allen meteorite has not yet been revealed, the spirit of exploration and scientific conjecture still fascinates. Do you think there is life on Mars? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

Martian meteorites have been found in Antarctica, from 17 million years ago, and there may be evidence of life inside