
The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

author:Xiaobu has something to say

According to a report by Hou Kai, Auditor General of the National Audit Office, at the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, 66 counties across the country have embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of student nutritious meal subsidy funds, and this fund, which was originally used to improve the food of rural children, has been used by some localities and schools as "life-saving money" to "repay debts", so that students who should have enjoyed nutritious meals can eat "life-saving meals" of worrying quality.

1. Public funds have been misappropriated, and nutritious meals have become "life-saving money"

According to Hou Kai's disclosure, 66 counties across the country have embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan of student nutritious meal subsidy funds, which were originally used to improve the food of rural children, but now they have been misappropriated by some places and schools for other purposes, and have become "life-saving money" that is used as "debt repayment".

Among them, 41 counties and more than 1,500 schools have lowered their feeding standards, withheld 270 million yuan of funds, and 147 suppliers and school canteens cut corners and shoddy, 25 counties have designated suppliers in violation of regulations, and 78 enterprises have won bids through improper means.

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

Second, supervision should be strengthened to ensure that public funds are used to protect people's livelihood

Faced with such a situation, we can't help but ask, why is there a problem of misappropriation of public funds? Why is there a problem that nutritious meals for students have become "life-saving money"? Behind this is inseparable from the "putting the cart before the horse" and "rushing for quick success" in some localities and schools, as well as the dereliction of duty and responsibility of some departments and relevant personnel and ineffective supervision.

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

On the one hand, the relevant departments and localities should strictly follow the regulations to carry out thorough rectification and accountability of the places and schools involved, and on the other hand, we should also start from the system and mechanism to strengthen the supervision of the use of public funds, ensure that public funds are used to protect people's livelihood, and avoid being misappropriated or wasted.

3. All sectors of society should strengthen supervision and make the authorities more transparent and accountable

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

The strengthening of supervision work is inseparable from the extensive participation and supervision of all sectors of society, and only with the joint efforts of all sectors of society can extensive supervision of public affairs be formed, and only then can relevant departments and localities be more transparent and responsible.

For such problems, we should also start from ourselves, strengthen the attention and supervision of public affairs, for some matters involving public interests and people's livelihood, we must have the courage to speak out and express opinions, but also be good at using various channels and platforms to expose and supervise public opinion on related issues, only in this way can we make the decision-making and implementation of public affairs more scientific and fair.

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

4. Schools and suppliers should operate ethically and protect the rights and interests of students

The problem of misappropriation of public funds is also inseparable from the "unethical" and "illegal operation" of some schools and suppliers, who have not fulfilled their due responsibilities and responsibilities in protecting the rights and interests of students, but have "sacrificed" the rights and interests of students for their personal interests.

In the face of the use of public funds, schools and suppliers should also have a "public welfare" heart, from the perspective of ethics and law, strict requirements on themselves, to ensure food quality and service quality, but also have the courage to expose and report some illegal operations, only in this way, can we truly protect the rights and interests of students, but also to make the use of public funds more reasonable and transparent.

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

Fifth, rural education and nutrition improvement programmes need more attention and support

In addition, the problem of misappropriation of public funds also allows us to see some difficulties and challenges faced by rural education and nutrition improvement programs, rural education has always been a "short board", but also a "problem", how to let rural children enjoy high-quality educational resources and living conditions, has always been an urgent problem to be solved.

In the face of such problems, we should give more attention and support to rural education and nutrition improvement programs, and also let relevant departments and localities have more patience and carefulness to understand the actual situation and needs of rural areas, and also give them more help and guidance. Only then can we truly solve problems, and only then can we make the decision-making and implementation of public affairs more scientific and fair.

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan


The problem of misappropriation of public funds has sounded the alarm for us, and also let us see some "pain points" and "difficulties" in the management of public affairs, how to ensure the effective use of public funds, and how to make the decision-making and implementation of public affairs more scientific and fair, which is a problem that requires our common conjecture and efforts.

The nutritional meal subsidy for rural students was misappropriated to repay government debts, involving 66 counties and nearly 2 billion yuan

In the face of such problems, we should also have a "explored" heart, have the courage to guess and try, but also start from ourselves, strengthen the attention and participation in public affairs, I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to find a good way to solve the problem, but also to make our society more beautiful and just.

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