
Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

author:Xiaobu has something to say

In fact, everyone can feel more and more that the economy is indeed sluggish now, and the pressure on people's lives is becoming more and more great. This article discusses the increasing pressure on ordinary people. At the same time, it also pointed out the current situation of increasing pressure on ordinary people's lives, and put forward suggestions for improving financial management ability and vocational skills. Let's guess how to find the most suitable solution for yourself when facing a challenge?

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

Working together to solve social problems

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

Every country will face different social problems, and the solution of these problems often requires the joint efforts of authorities, enterprises and individuals to find the best solutions.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

In the current era, all countries in the world are actively promoting the development of their own countries, and the big eastern country, as a country with a large population, has been constantly developing, in order to bring the people of the whole country to become prosperous together.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

However, in the process of development, some social problems have also emerged, which require everyone to work together to solve them, and find a development path suitable for the national conditions of the big eastern countries through the correct direction of development and adjustment and reform.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

This requires the authorities to take people's livelihood into account more when formulating policies, increase investment in education, medical care, pension and other fields, and promote the common development of the people of the whole country.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

Enterprises should also assume their social responsibilities, improve employee welfare, create more social value, and let more people get benefits from their own enterprises.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

Financial institutions should also continue to innovate their products and services to provide more financial and protection options for ordinary people, so that the whole society can feel that life has improved.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

In this way, the benefits of development can be shared by all walks of life, so that everyone can feel that life is better.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!
Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

The pressure on ordinary people's lives has increased

Although the great powers of the East have been constantly developing, as ordinary people, they feel the increasing pressure of life.

The relatively slow growth of income has led to an uneven distribution of social wealth and exacerbated social contradictions.

On the one hand, due to the improvement of the national economic level, various costs such as housing prices and prices are rising, but income has not increased accordingly, which leads to many people not feeling that their lives have changed at all.

On the other hand, with the continuous progress of society, many products or services that were rarely touched or even heard of are now becoming more and more popular.

For example, the price of cat litter, which was already very cheap a long time ago, now costs nearly 100 yuan to buy a pack.

Or a long time ago, everyone thought that mobile phones and computers were very novel and expensive, but now not only the price has generally come down, but many people have more than one at home.

So even though incomes are increasing, people are actually spending a lot more than they used to.

In addition, many people now have mortgages, car loans and other expenses in their lives, so although they receive their monthly salaries, they can actually spend less and less.

Moreover, the proportion of fixed expenditure in income of many ordinary households is also rising, resulting in an imbalance between income and expenditure, a decline in the ability to save, and a weakening willingness to spend.

Some may even need to borrow money to make up the gap between their income and expenditure.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!

Improve your financial skills and vocational skills

In the face of such a phenomenon, how should we, as ordinary people, deal with it?

In fact, many times people think that the only thing they can do in this situation is to try their best to make more money.

In this way, I can live a better life.

But in fact, there is nothing wrong with thinking this way, but the direction may be a little off.

As ordinary people, it is true that we have to find a way to make more money, but in fact, what we really need to do is to take a long-term view.

Not only to live a better life in the present, but also to maintain the current level in the future.

Then the most important thing is to learn how to manage money, and take out a part of the money every month to save or invest.

Only in this way can you truly make your future better.

And in fact, now the financial management channels are also very diversified, between risk and return, you can choose the right way to manage your own financial according to your own situation.

For example, some low-risk, low-yield, but very safe and stable bank deposits and treasury bonds.

You can also buy Internet wealth management products or funds to obtain more stable but considerable returns.

You can even buy some high-risk, high-yield products to invest, of course, this method needs to be carried out by people with sufficient risk tolerance.

Economist Li Yang: The burden of the Chinese people is too big to bear! Good expert, must be liked!


In modern society, everyone may face a variety of challenges, but as long as we work together, we believe that we will be able to find a solution to the problem. Improving our financial skills and vocational skills is an important way for us to cope with the stresses of life. Let's work together for a better life!

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