
There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

author:Happy times


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In other words, Song Jiang, in the complicated political chess game of the Song Dynasty, is not only the role of a folk hero, but his political skills are also lively and exciting.

Back then, Song Jiang was just a sword and pen official in the court, but with his extraordinary wisdom and clever eloquence, he steadily fought in the court step by step and established his prestige.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

In the face of the intricate interpersonal network and the unpredictable political situation, Song Jiang is exquisite, showing his multifaceted nature and unfathomable political ambitions.

Song Jiang's political journey can be described as full of elaborate image shaping and ingenious power games.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

Although the outside world has praised him with the reputation of "timely rain", as everyone knows, behind this image is his painstaking planning.

He shuttled through the court with ease, knew the changes of imperial power well, and was vigilant to political turbulence.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

Because of this, he has always maintained a delicate relationship with Liang Shan, as if he is a pawn in his political career, ready to come in handy at any time.

However, under this glamorous political appearance, Song Jiang's secret dealings with Liang Shan in private reveal his unscrupulous determination for political survival.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

In the depths of his heart, a dark and calculating drama is staged.

Even, in order to protect his own safety, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the people close to him.

is like that Yan Poxi, who was originally his wife, but because she inadvertently broke the secret between him and Liangshan, she finally ended up being murdered.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

At the same time, Chao Gai, another number one person on Liangshan, and Song Jiang are fighting openly and secretly, intrigue.

Chao Gai is dignified and stable on the surface, with a leader's demeanor, but for Song Jiang's joining, he has a secret mustard in his heart.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

Long before the Song River went to Liangshan, Chao Gai repeatedly threw olive branches to him, promising high positions.

However, when Song Jiang really stepped into Liangshan, Chao Gai's jealousy and uneasiness grew like weeds.

He was afraid that his status would be shaken by Song Jiang's rising popularity.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

This power struggle between Song Jiang and Chao Gai undoubtedly exposed the complexity and brutality of Song Dynasty politics.

Their personal ambitions and power desires collided fiercely on the stage of Liangshan, which not only reflected the deep contradictions between politics and society at that time, but also left an indelible historical imprint on later generations.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

As Song Jiang's reputation in Liangshan grew, he gradually became the object of many heroes and heroes.

This change naturally aroused Chao Gai's jealousy.

Especially when Gongsun Sheng temporarily left Liangshan, Chao Gai's uneasiness and suspicion reached its peak.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

He feared that the close relationship between Gongsun Sheng and Song Jiang would jeopardize his position as commander.

Chao Gai's words of advice to Gongsun Sheng before his departure not only revealed his inner uneasiness, but also greatly different from his heroic image as the leader of Liangshan.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

Under Chao Gai's rule, Liang Shanbo's operations often lacked long-term planning, and they relied mostly on temporary looting and daily chores to make ends meet.

This caused many heroes to begin to doubt his leadership ability and turn to Song Jiang's arms.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

Among them, Wu Yong's transformation is particularly eye-catching.

He was originally Chao Gai's best friend and a member of the think tank, but now he has become an indispensable advisor by Song Jiang's side.

Wu's resourcefulness and adaptability demonstrate his keen insight into the dynamics of power.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

When Song Jiang proposed a strategy of reconciliation with the imperial court to consolidate Liangshan's position, Wu Yong quickly adjusted his position and actively advised Song Jiang.

This shift greatly contributed to Song Jiang's rise to power in Liangshan.

Wu's resourcefulness not only helped Song Jiang consolidate his new leadership position, but also gradually pushed Chao Gai to the margins.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

As another representative of Liangshan's heroes, Liu Tang's reckless and impulsive behavior often brought trouble to the team.

For example, he was caught drunk and missed during the snatching of the Birth Gang, which almost ruined the entire plan.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

These mistakes of Liu Tang not only exacerbated the crisis in Liangshan, but also indirectly led to the tragedy of Song Jiang having to kill his wife in order to protect the secret.

Through the intricate interactions and fierce conflicts between these characters, the power struggles and interpersonal relationships within Liangshan are vividly presented in front of us.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

Each character has unique personality traits and behavioral motivations, and their choices and actions have profoundly influenced the future direction of Liang Shanbo.

Although "Water Margin" is full of dramatic elements, the realistic humanity reflected by these characters is also worthy of our in-depth thinking and reflection.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

The story of Liang Shanbo not only reveals the complex psychology and unpredictable behavior of individuals in the face of power, but also shows the bright and dark sides of human nature in the power struggle.

In real life, this also reminds us that we must always be vigilant and rational in the face of complex interpersonal relationships, in order to be invincible in this chess game of life.

There are a lot of 4 villains in the Water Margin who must not be friends, so please stay away consciously

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