
The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

author:Strive for_18677
The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

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At the age of 14, comparable to Yao Ming, the hopeful star of the Chinese women's basketball team was born

In recent years, Chinese basketball has been seeking breakthroughs and looking for a star of hope who can carry the banner of the future, and on the field of the 2023 U18 Women's Basketball World Cup, a young player named Zhang Ziyu, with his standing height and amazing performance, quickly attracted the attention of the global basketball community and became a star of hope in the hearts of Chinese basketball fans.

The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Back in 2018, Zhang Ziyu, who was only 14 years old at the time, had reached an astonishing height of 2.28 meters, which was the same as the height of Chinese basketball legend Yao Ming.

Emergence: The "Big Mac" at the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup

The 2023 U18 Women's Basketball World Cup has become Zhang Ziyu's battle for fame, in the competition with many players of the same age, she dominated almost the entire game with her height advantage of 2.28 meters and increasingly refined basketball skills, and in the game against the Japanese team, Zhang Ziyu even cut a jaw-dropping 44 points and 14 rebounds super data, leading the Chinese team to the final victory

The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

Zhang Ziyu's performance in the game, like a "giant" on the basketball court, made the opponent feel desperate, her height advantage, so that when she attacked and defended under the basket, she almost formed an insoluble deterrent, whether it was grabbing rebounds, blocks or scoring, it seemed easy for her

Talent and Sweat: Train hard to dominate the basketball court

Zhang Ziyu's success does not depend on talent alone, behind the dazzling halo, is her hard training day after day and love for basketball, according to her coach and teammates, Zhang Ziyu trains very hard, she knows that only by putting in more effort than others, can she transform talent into real strength

The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

In addition to hard training, Zhang Ziyu also continued to study and study basketball tactics, and humbly asked coaches and seniors for advice, she understands that basketball is not only a sport that relies on physical fitness, but also requires wisdom and strategy, and she hopes to become a well-rounded player, not only able to score, but also able to organize offense and lead the team to victory

"Female version of Yao Ming"? Zhang Ziyu's future is full of infinite possibilities

Zhang Ziyu's birth has made many people associate her with the legend of Chinese basketball Yao Ming, and people expect her to lead Chinese basketball to the top of the world like Yao Ming, and it is still unpredictable where Zhang Ziyu's future will go

The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

The road to basketball is full of challenges, especially for the young Zhang Ziyu, she needs to continue to learn and improve in order to cope with the more fierce competition in the future, and she also needs to overcome various difficulties such as injuries and pressure in order to go further on the road of basketball

It's not just height: all-round technique and excellent basketball IQ

Despite Zhang's impressive height advantage, she is not content to just be a "tall man", and in the game, she has shown all-round skills and excellent basketball IQ, she is able to dribble, pass, shoot, and has a keen sense of observation and judgment on the court

The American media lamented! Japan trembled, and the foreign media served! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu? 3 pictures to understand

In an offensive round, Zhang Ziyu did not rush to shoot after receiving a pass from a teammate on the inside, but calmly observed the situation on the court, and she found that the opponent's two defenders were focused on herself, so she decisively passed the ball to an unguarded teammate on the outside, and finally helped her teammate complete an easy score

The future of Chinese women's basketball: Can Zhang Ziyu shoulder the heavy responsibility?

The emergence of Zhang Ziyu has undoubtedly injected new vitality and hope into the Chinese women's basketball team, her height, technology and potential have made people look forward to the future of the Chinese women's basketball team

The Chinese women's basketball team needs to cultivate more outstanding young players like Zhang Ziyu, and at the same time strengthen team building and improve the overall strength, only in this way can the Chinese women's basketball team achieve more excellent results in the international arena in the future

The Spotlight of International Basketball: Can the Future Change the World Basketball Landscape?

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance has not only attracted the attention of the Chinese basketball community, but also attracted the attention of the international basketball community, and many internationally renowned basketball commentators have spoken highly of her future, believing that she has the potential to become a key figure in changing the world basketball landscape

ESPN's basketball columnist said on the show: "This young Chinese player not only has amazing physical conditions, but also excellent basketball skills and leadership skills, and she may become a key figure in the future of Asian basketball, and even have a significant impact on the global basketball landscape"

There is a long way to go: Zhang Ziyu's basketball road has just begun

For Zhang Ziyu, her basketball road has just begun, and the road ahead is full of opportunities and challenges, she needs to continue to work hard to realize her dreams, and for Chinese basketball, Zhang Ziyu's appearance is undoubtedly a huge surprise and hope

We look forward to Zhang Ziyu continuing to create miracles in future games and leading Chinese basketball to a more brilliant tomorrow, and we also hope that Chinese basketball can seize the opportunity to cultivate more outstanding basketball talents like Zhang Ziyu and lay a solid foundation for the take-off of Chinese basketball

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