
Take the road of today's Long March

Take the road of today's Long March
Take the road of today's Long March

At 19:57 on June 29, the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan Province successfully launched the Zhongxing-3A satellite using the Long March 7 modified carrier rocket, and China's aerospace once again pursued its dream for nine days. From Long March-1 to Long March-7, China's self-developed carrier rockets have pushed China's aerospace to new heights time and again. As early as the 60s of the 20th century, the rocket was named "Long March" because of the Red Army's tenacious fighting spirit and the fearless spirit of forging ahead bravely and not being afraid of sacrifice. From the Long March Road to the Flying Road, it reflects the spirit of passing on the torch. Different Long March, same spirit.

In the hearts of many people, the Long March, like an epic journey, with 25,000 miles of iron-blooded journey, remembers the heroism and tenacity of the Red Army soldiers. It is not only a string of cold numbers and place names, but also carries countless vivid stories and immortal spirits.

In 2022, Sichuan Province issued the "Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section) Construction and Protection Plan". In mid-December 2023, the construction site promotion meeting of the Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section) was held, and it was proposed to build the Long March National Cultural Park into a demonstration project, a cultural project, and a people's livelihood project.

On July 1st, when we walked in the Long March National Cultural Park again, we went from the wisdom and courage of crossing the Chishui four times, to the heroism of flying over the Luding Bridge, and then to the difficulty of turning over the snowy mountains and crossing the grassland...... The eventful years are coming across time and space, and we seem to see that generation after generation of people follow the spiritual coordinates and chase the light.

Take the road of today's Long March

Anshun Field, Shimian County, Ya'an City Photography/C Vision Huang Gang

Take the road of today's Long March

Where the beacon is in flames, heroes cast monuments. In the land of Bashu, all kinds of red cultural heritage are dotted, covering the Red Army's Long March, Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Region, Sichuan Liberation, War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, three-line construction, reform and opening up, poverty alleviation, earthquake relief and other cultural relics in different periods, becoming our spiritual monument to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future.

Among the many red cultural heritages in Sichuan, if the revolutionary cultural relics in the Long March National Cultural Park are strung together, they will be combined into a majestic epic, condensing the history of several magnificent mountains and rivers.

In May 1935, the Central Red Army entered the Yi area in western Sichuan. At this time, the term "Long March" was first mentioned in the "Proclamation of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" issued in the name of Zhu De, commander-in-chief of the Red Army: "...... The Red Army's long march of 10,000 miles is like a bamboo; Now I have come to western Sichuan, respecting the customs of the Yi people......" Since then, the Long March has become a spiritual symbol of the Chinese Communists overcoming difficulties, illuminating the hearts of the people, and going to the world with the American journalist Snow's "Journey to the West". Mianning was the first county seat obtained by the Central Red Army after entering Sichuan; The Mianning County Anti-Donation Army was the first local revolutionary armed force at that time.

The Battle of the Four Crossings of Chishui was a turning point for the Red Army in the process of strategic shifting from passivity to initiative and from defeat to victory. The Central Red Army also created historical legends in Sichuan, such as forcibly crossing the Dadu River and flying to capture the Luding Bridge, and the Red Second Front Army was established in Sichuan, becoming one of the three main forces of the Red Army that fought bravely and well. During the Long March in Sichuan, the Red Fourth Front Army fought the Battle of Jialing River, the Battle of Tumen, and the Battle of Baoza. The Red Army's experience of climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands in Sichuan became a strong and colorful stroke of the Red Army's Long March.

As the province where the three main forces of the Red Army's Long March passed through the most extensive, farthest and longest journeys, and was also the region with the most meetings, the most important battles and battles, and the harshest natural conditions during the Long March, Sichuan is the fertile soil of the Long March spirit and has given birth to countless moving stories. From January 1935 when the Party Central Committee led the Red First Front Army into Sichuan, to August 1936, when the Red Second Front Army and the Red Fourth Front Army left Sichuan out of the snow-capped mountains and grasslands, the three main forces of the Red Army fought in Sichuan for one year and eight months during the Long March, with a total mileage of 21,000 miles, crossing 67 passes and snow-capped mountains above 4,000 meters above sea level, leaving the footprints of the Red Army in 69 counties (districts) in the province.

Take the road of today's Long March

The Taipingdu Bridge was built next to the Taipingdu Ferry in Gulin County, Luzhou City Photography/C Vision Long Xinyu

Gulin Taipingdu, Asbestos Anshun Field, Ganzi Luding Bridge, Hongyuan Riganqiao...... Behind each place name, there is a period of heart-wrenching and fierce history: four crossings of Chishui, forcible crossing of the Dadu River, flying over the Luding Bridge, and crossing the prairie...... Pursue the original intention, and the oath is sound.

Take the road of today's Long March

"Four crossings of Chishui", "Yihai alliance", "climbing snow mountains and grasslands", ...... The 25,000-mile Long March has left valuable spiritual wealth in Sichuan, how to make good use of the resources of the Long March to drive the development along the route, and spread the Long March culture and stories more widely and farther?

The construction of the Long March National Cultural Park is both an opportunity and a carrier. In 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made it clear that the Long March and other national cultural parks should be planned. Subsequently, Sichuan started the construction of the Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section). In the past five years, all parts of the province have used the spirit of the Long March to inspire them to work hard and walk out of "new" practices in the planning area of 156,000 square kilometers.

Overall planning, protection first. The construction of the Long March National Cultural Park is an urgent need to protect the cultural relics and cultural resources of the Long March. In 2022, Sichuan issued the "Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section) Construction and Protection Plan", with the Long March route of the Central Red Army as the main axis, the Long March route of the Red Second and Red Fourth Front Armies as the two lines, and the historical events of the Long March in Sichuan to divide the route into 10 sections, and the overall spatial layout presents "one axis, two lines and ten sections". Among them, the protection of the cultural resources of the Long March is the first step in the construction of the Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section). Sichuan has continued to exert efforts in the overall protection of revolutionary cultural relics, such as the implementation of a number of protection and repair projects such as the site of the Red Army's Fourth Crossing of Chishui Battle in Gulin County, and the construction of Long March historical trails such as the Baoxing Red Army's crossing of Jiajin Mountain, so as to continuously expand the influence of Long March culture.

Take the road of today's Long March

Aerial photography of the Yihai Alliance Memorial Hall According to Chuanguan News

"Utilization" of resources according to local conditions. The resources of the Long March are spread throughout the southeast, northwest and northwest of Sichuan, showing the characteristics of wide distribution, multiple points and long lines. As of March this year, 452 projects have been started, and key projects such as the upgrading of the Taipingdu ferry port and the exhibition park of the Red Army's capture of the Luding Bridge Memorial Hall have been completed. Not long ago, the Long March National Cultural Park (Xingwen Park) was officially opened for trial operation, making the Long March culture tangible, tangible and tangible.

"String" red resources. The integration and utilization of red resources is an important part of the construction of the Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section). Gulin County promotes the construction of the red cultural inheritance belt focusing on the "four crossings of Chishui", and adheres to the cultural and plastic brigade and the culture of the brigade; Ya'an City has incorporated the red Long March resources into the overall development layout, and built red tourist attractions such as Jiajin Mountain and Anshun Field; Liangshan Prefecture has built red scenic spots such as the Huili Kyaukpingdu site and the Huili Conference Memorial Site...... On the basis of the Long March culture, the connotation of the Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section) will be extended and expanded, and these red resources will inject new momentum into local economic development, promote rural revitalization, and achieve sustainable development.

It is not only the duty but also the mission to plan, build and make good use of the Long March National Cultural Park (Sichuan Section).

Take the road of today's Long March

"The Red Army is not afraid of difficult expeditions, and thousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting for leisure." As a great feat in human history, the spirit of the Great Long March was born. When we walk in the Long March National Cultural Park, in addition to remembering the years of singing and crying, we can also accumulate spiritual strength from the footprints of the Red Army's Long March to take the Long March road in the new era.

Take the road of today's Long March

Red Army Long March Monument Monument Park, Songpan County, Aba Prefecture Photography/C Vision Xu Zhongcheng

Firm ideals and beliefs are the prerequisite for the success of any cause. The "encirclement and suppression" on the banks of the Chishui River, the cold iron cables on the Dadu River, and the snow-capped mountains and grasslands challenge the limits of human existence...... Having the people and the country in mind is the fundamental driving force for the Red Army to constantly face and overcome difficulties on its 25,000-mile journey. As we move towards the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, the internal and external environment has changed compared with 90 years ago, but the original intention of "seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation" has never changed.

Unite all the forces that can be united, and you will definitely be able to go to the sea of stars. The Red Army's long march was also a process of uniting the people of all nationalities. Only by adhering to the great unity and alliance, uniting all the forces that can be united, and mobilizing all the positive factors that can be mobilized, can we form a vivid situation in which all the sons and daughters of China at home and abroad think in one place and work hard in one place. Only by always believing in the people, closely relying on the people, and fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the broad masses of the people can we unite the majestic force of unity.

Explain the value of the Long March culture and understand the spirit of the Long March on the earth. The Long March, an epic engraved on the land of China, has become an indelible beacon of the Chinese nation through time and space. This is not only a great geographical migration, but also a spiritual leap and awakening, reflecting the faith and courage of the Chinese Communists in the face of life and death. It is like a bridge connecting the past and the future, teaching people that no matter how great the difficulties and challenges they face, as long as they have faith in their hearts, they will have strength under their feet. The construction of the Long March National Cultural Park is not only a tribute to the spirit of the Long March, but also the inheritance and innovation of China's excellent traditional culture, demonstrating the charm of Chinese cultural self-confidence and openness and inclusiveness.

On July 1, on the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we not only relive the years of the road, but also draw strength from paying tribute to history. After all, the power to the future is hidden in the magnificent process of endeavor. The Long March of the new era is still going on, and on the road of glory and dreams of the Chinese people, the spirit of the Great Long March has endured and remained strong for a long time. 丨Source: Tianfu New Vision丨

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Take the road of today's Long March

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