
Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

author:Colorful clouds
Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

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The thinking triggered by the "Jiang Ping phenomenon": the aura and shadow of a genius girl

Recently, a girl named Jiang Ping has set off a huge wave on the Internet, becoming the focus of public opinion, she first stood out in the national key middle school entrance examination, and then won the first place in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, dazzling results made her quickly attract everyone's attention, behind the flowers and applause, the voice of doubt also followed, some people questioned the authenticity of her results, thinking that there was a gap with her academic performance in school, and listed her "low-level mistakes" in the competition video As proof

Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

Jiang Ping's road to "becoming a god" is not smooth sailing, but is full of dramatic reversals, which can't help but make people reflect: Is there still an unknown truth hidden under the halo of "genius girl"?

83 points and the world's first: the "two faces" of a genius girl?

The arguments in favor of the skeptics focus on Jiang's monthly test scores, which are reported to have scored only 83 points in March, in stark contrast to her excellent results in the national key high school entrance examination and the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition

Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

In response to the questioning, the Education and Sports Bureau deliberately released the monthly exam paper at that time, trying to prove that the difficulty of the test questions was not low, and the score of 83 points truly reflected Jiang Ping's learning level at that time, but this move caused more controversy, some people believe that there is a "luck" component in the test questions, as long as you have a certain mathematical talent and inspiration, you can easily solve the problem, and you can't judge Jiang Ping's true level, and even more, Jiang Ping's excellent results in the essay competition are used as arguments, Trying to prove that she is talented enough in other subjects to make up for her lack of mathematics, the monthly exam results are not of reference value

Silent Parties: Is it a weak heart to escape or is there something else hidden?

In the face of all kinds of doubts from the outside world, the parties to the incident, Jiang Ping and her teacher Wang Yanqiu, have always remained silent and have not given any response or explanation, which has exacerbated the suspicion of the outside world to a certain extent and made the whole incident even more confusing

Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

Some people believe that Jiang Ping and Wang Yanqiu's silence is an evasive behavior, a manifestation of "being a thief", trying to calm down the incident gradually through cold treatment, while others believe that the silence may be forced by pressure, or there is something else hidden, and we do not know what the truth is

The response of the Education and Sports Bureau: Is it to guide public opinion or to cover up?

In response to the question, the Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau not only announced Jiang Ping's monthly test results and test papers, but also added a sentence at the end: "Everything about the mathematics competition can be directly learned from the Alibaba Damo Academy", which seems to be an understatement, but it contains intriguing and deep meaning, and also triggers infinite reverie from the outside world

Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

Some people believe that this response from the Education and Sports Bureau is to guide public opinion and try to shift the blame to the Alibaba DAMO Academy, if Jiang Ping's results are true, then she will become an inspiring role model; On the contrary, if there is a problem with Jiang Ping's results, then the fairness and authority of the Alibaba DAMO Academy will be questioned

The Amplification Effect of Social Media: Is It the Driver of Truth or a Breeding Ground for Rumors?

In the era of information explosion, social media has become an important platform for people to obtain information and express their opinions, but it has also become a hotbed for rumors to breed and spread

Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

In the "Jiang Ping Incident", all kinds of information that is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood went viral on social media, and netizens turned into "keyboard warriors" one after another, expressing their views and positions, and even carrying out personal attacks and online violence, pushing the incident to a more uncontrollable situation

The Definition of Genius: Is It Score First or Diversified Development?

The "Jiang Ping incident" has also triggered people's thinking about the definition of "genius", in the context of exam-oriented education, scores are often regarded as the only criterion for measuring a person's ability, and the real "genius" should be diversified and should not be defined by a single score

Lianshui officials finally responded to Jiang Ping's incident, Jiang Ping's fraud is suspected of being true?

Jiang Ping's achievements in the mathematics competition are dazzling, but her performance in other aspects cannot be ignored, if she really has academic fraud, it is undoubtedly a stain on the word "genius", but if her results are real, we should also reflect on whether we pay too much attention to the score and ignore the comprehensive cultivation of talents

The Pursuit of Truth: Is It to Maintain Fairness and Justice or to Satisfy the Hunting Mentality?

We should look at the progress of the incident rationally, not blindly follow the trend, not believe or spread rumors, and let the bullets fly for a while

We should also reflect on whether we are focusing on the event itself and pursuing hot spots and traffic too much, while ignoring the social phenomena and problems behind the event

Conclusion: Think rationally and wait for the truth

We hope that the relevant departments can thoroughly investigate this matter and give the public an explanation, and we also hope that everyone can think rationally, not blindly follow or follow the trend, and jointly maintain a fair, just and rational network environment

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