
Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

author:AG advances

Ever heard of the "war" between your mother-in-law and your daughter-in-law? The kind of dispute that is cut and unsorted is like a drama of the century, which is amazing.

Today, let's talk about a pair of mother-daughter files in the entertainment industry who are "entangled in the century" - Zhang Lan and her two daughters-in-law, Da S and Ma Xiaomei.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

The old lion king Zhang Lan can be described as a top celebrity, and her son Wang Xiaofei is also a celebrity in the circle.

Big S, the "big girl", was a popular actress on the entertainment map back then, with a hot and flamboyant personality, but she seemed to be a little busy dealing with family affairs.

Ma Xiaomei, a "little doorman", is low-key and gentle, quite a bit of the virtuous nature of a country wife.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

These two seemingly world-apart women are Wang Xiaofei's former wives.

That's right, it's the same man! From the screen to the stage, from gossip to scandals, the grievances and hatreds of this "mother and daughter" can be said to have touched the hearts of countless melon-eating people.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Remember when Da S was exposed to the news of his divorce from Wang Xiaofei, how long did the uproar on the Internet boil? Even Wang Xiaofei's biological mother, Zhang Lan, bluntly criticized this former daughter-in-law in front of the media.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

"If only I hadn't married Big S in the first place! Zhang Lan's heartbreaking words back then are still impressive.

It seems that she is resentful of this former daughter-in-law.

Soon, Wang Xiaofei married Ma Xiaomei and became a husband.

And this new daughter-in-law's style is like a mess with Big S.

Ma Xiaomei not only treated her mother-in-law Zhang Lan with respect, but even took the initiative to wrap a red envelope to congratulate Zhang Lan on her birthday.

You must know that in Taiwan, a daughter-in-law giving a red envelope to her mother-in-law is a kind of filial piety that respects the old and loves the young!

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

This filial piety can make Zhang Lan very useful, and she treats Ma Xiaomei as her own daughter on the spot.

Look, the relationship between mother and daughter has warmed up so quickly, and old grievances have been swept away.

There is a feeling of "the son-in-law is defeated, and the daughter-in-law is sugarcane"!

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

However, the "war" between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law does not stop there.

After Da S and Wang Xiaofei divorced, they fought to the death for the maintenance of their two children.

There are even rumors circulating on the Internet that Big S is asking for millions of child support, which immediately aroused heated discussions and dumping among countless netizens.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Some people say that Big S is greedy and stingy, and uses his children as ATMs; Some people also avenged her, saying that it was not easy for a single mother after divorce.

In short, this scene is ugly, and there is a scene of "rats crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating".

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

But at this juncture, Ma Xiaomei showed her superiority again.

This well-behaved and obedient new daughter-in-law is like a clear stream, adding a ray of tranquility to the lively public opinion field.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Some media once interviewed Ma Xiaomei and asked her if she would ask Wang Xiaofei for money like Big S? She smiled and didn't say anything, just shook her head demurely.

Behold, this is restrained wisdom!

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Do you still remember the wedding between Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei? The festive photos of Wang Xiaofei marrying the bride are overwhelming, as if the battlefield of public opinion has been reversed in one fell swoop.

People began to marvel at Ma Xiaomei's gentle atmosphere, and even yearning for her future family life.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

"I wish Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, happy newlywed! "It looks like a little couple catching up with a good year, how sweet it is! "Ma Xiaomei is really a virtuous and good daughter-in-law, and her future days will be beautiful!" Such blessings came like a wave, which made people feel warm.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

In this wave, Big S's original "voice" on the Internet has gradually declined.

On the contrary, Ma Xiaomei's "popularity value" is rising steadily, and even Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan is becoming more and more interested in her.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

It's really interesting, the cold mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship in the past was so quickly reversed and became a harmonious and beautiful family.

Seeing that the newlyweds were affectionate to each other, everyone was warmed by this warm picture.

No wonder Zhang Lan often says bluntly to outsiders, "Ma Xiaomei is like my biological daughter."

It seems that this mother and daughter have finally confirmed the reputation of "good daughter-in-law of the century"!

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Seeing this, are you also secretly sighing: It turns out that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the foundation of family harmony! A docile and sensible daughter-in-law can not only reduce family conflicts, but also shorten the distance between each other and reunite the whole family.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Life is like a pool of spring water, sometimes calm as a mirror, sometimes sparkling.

When the ripples are churning, only by using tolerance and wisdom to resolve them can we regain peace.

Ma Xiaomei, with her humility and kindness, is like a stepping stone on this pool of spring water, so that the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which was originally in conflict, can be reconciled.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Some people say that a good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship is like a pot of orchids, which needs to be cultivated patiently and carefully.

Ma Xiaomei moistened this pot of orchid with filial piety, making it bloom fragrant in the sun and rain.

And the past áre of Big S is like a gust of wind, almost blowing this pot of orchids down the engelan.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

However, life is a cyclical process.

I hope that Big S can learn some lessons from this incident, treat his family in a wiser way, and establish a more harmonious relationship with his children.

After all, home is the last safe haven, and only mutual understanding and tolerance can make this haven as warm as ever.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

Audience friends, have you ever encountered this or that dilemma in the relationship between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? How is it resolved? Share your stories and insights in the comment area, and let's discuss the best way to get along with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

May every family be able to resolve their differences, like Ma Xiaomei's family, everywhere exudes the smell of happiness.

Where is Big S worse than Ma Xiaomei, Zhang Lan is not afraid of being hacked at all, and bluntly tells the gap between the two

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