
Experts say that sandstorms are beneficial, do not need to be cured, and are so strong that they can circle the earth

author:Great power loves money


Recently, many provinces across the country have been covered by a strong sandstorm, and even the sky blue cannot come out, and even the sandstorm is approaching the southeast of the mainland, making the residents in the area feel very frightened.

And the sandstorms, which have become more and more common in the past few days, have also attracted the attention of domestic experts.

Some experts said that as long as you can't stop sandstorms, they are still beneficial, and he strongly disagrees with the statement that our domestic experts want to completely eliminate sandstorms, because meteorologists have shown that if you can conquer all sandstorms, the energy he releases is enough to circle the earth.

So what is this statement of this expert?

Is it true that sandstorms cannot be eradicated?

Dust storms don't need to be cured.

Recently, many provinces in the mainland have been covered by a strong sandstorm, and in some places even the sky blue can not be seen, and the strength of the sandstorm is really very daunting.

In the process of the spread of this strong wave of sandstorms, Xia Yonghong, a well-known expert in China, was interviewed by the media, saying that sandstorms do not need to be eradicated, and there is a high probability that sandstorms will occur in the southern part of the mainland in the future.

In the expert's view, sandstorms are not scary, as long as you can't stop them, then they can make a little useful contribution for you, and also benefit the global ecosystem.

When expert Xia Yonghong was interviewed, he popularized the horror of sandstorms, when the sandstorms flashed and thundered, and the heavy rain poured down, its destructive power was so strong that it made you despair, but if you really can't stop him, then the environment in which it appears happens to be the places where those areas are facing drought and little rain.

That is to say, the time and place of the sandstorm are beyond our control, but this place just needs it to appear, which is why expert Xia Yonghong said that as long as you can't stop the sandstorm, then its appearance is right.

It appears in a very dry place, so once a sandstorm appears, it will help the place to handle some moisture.

In the vast territory of the mainland, there are also many areas with drought and little rainfall, which means that these areas also need more sandstorms, so sandstorms are not terrible, as long as you can't stop them, even scientists have shown that:

As long as we can conquer all the sandstorms, then the energy he releases is enough to circle the earth.

So the sandstorm is so powerful, is it impossible for us to stop him at all?

Experts don't think so, in fact, it is not very difficult to reduce sandstorms, as long as we block them and reduce the number of occurrences, then sandstorms will also decrease.

Experts say that sandstorms are beneficial, do not need to be cured, and are so strong that they can circle the earth

Therefore, experts believe that there is still hope for reducing sandstorms, and as long as the problem of drought is solved in the northern region, the number of sandstorms will also decrease.

It is not uncommon for sandstorms to blow to Shenzhen in the future.

According to meteorological experts, although there have been sandstorms recently, it is impossible to eliminate sandstorms in the next few years, and it is possible for sandstorms to blow to Hainan in the next ten years, which makes many people feel very surprised, because Hainan is still far to the south.

On the map of China, Hainan is still a long way from Shenzhen, the southernmost part of the country, but experts say that even if a sandstorm blows to Shenzhen, it is still not uncommon.

This is all because the source of the sandstorms is not in China, but in Mongolia.

The expert concluded: "We can't eradicate the sandstorm, and we should not be in a hurry, only by having good relations with Mongolia can we fundamentally solve this problem and improve the ecological environment of the mainland, although we have spent more than 40 years in order to stop the sandstorm, but we still can't resist the impact of the expansion of Mongolia's desert with our strength."

Experts say that sandstorms are beneficial, do not need to be cured, and are so strong that they can circle the earth

In 1991, the mainland and Mongolia jointly held a campaign to turn the frost into water, but the effect was not so good, in Mongolia to melt tens of millions of tons of ice and snow, but caused the desert area to double sharply, that is to say, the mainland's measures did not have any effect, our country planted trees or something for more than 40 years, but they used just ten years to make these places into deserts.

So with these things, many people at home and abroad feel that sandstorms are nothing to do, which is annoying at least and can interfere with other things.

However, experts feel that it is of great significance to study this matter, that is, to find the root cause of the occurrence of sandstorms, and only by grasping the root causes can we truly and completely eradicate sandstorms.

Although the experts did not find a radical solution, they did put forward two small suggestions: one is to believe that one day, technology will be able to listen to a way to prevent sandstorms, and the other is that the most important thing is cooperation and trust between countries.

China and Mongolia have strengthened cooperation in the prevention and control of sand and dust storms.

In order to completely eradicate the phenomenon of sandstorms, 11 provinces in China formed a research team to study sandstorms from a scientific point of view, but after more than half a year of research, there were no substantive results.

Shortly before the experts arrived at the scene of the incident, a sandstorm had arrived, and it was so strong that it buried all the equipment they had buried underneath.

If the strength of the mainland alone cannot eradicate this phenomenon, only our country will strengthen cooperation with Mongolia.

Only by having good relations with Mongolia can we completely eradicate sandstorms, the mainland is a country with an extreme shortage of water resources, and the glaciers are still retreating, but Mongolia's Brahmaputra River water flows to India and Bangladesh, and this water resource is very precious in India.

Experts say that sandstorms are beneficial, do not need to be cured, and are so strong that they can circle the earth

But Mongolia is unaware that it has water resources in the country, and although only 3% of Mongolia's land is suitable for human habitation, it has a scarce enough water resource.

It can only be said that Mongolia is too lucky, but that's about it.

98% of Mongolia's land area is grasslands and deserts, the land lacks vegetation, rainwater is not easy to seep into the ground, the drought phenomenon is more serious, the damage is more serious, not only the ecological environment of the land has been damaged, but also affects the ecological environment of other countries.

In order to improve this ecological environment, the mainland has spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but in the end it has achieved little success.

Since our national strength is not enough, we can only make some contributions to the global ecological environment through cooperation with Mongolia.

Experts say that sandstorms are beneficial, do not need to be cured, and are so strong that they can circle the earth

Only trust and cooperation between countries can develop in the right direction, although experts have not yet completely eradicated sandstorms, but I believe that one day, we will be able to find a good way, with this belief, I believe that Mongolia and the mainland can work together to prevent sandstorms, and hope that our homeland can be better and better.


Things in the world are never once and for all, and even the prevention and control of sandstorms requires the cooperation of our country and other countries.

So what do you think about sandstorms now?