
The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

author:Chong Yu Xi

"The most outrageous job I've ever received in South Korea is to build a nest for a Korean professor's cat."

"I have to wait for a new assignment every day, and the content of the work is not fixed."

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

In recent years, migrant workers have become very popular, and many migrant workers choose to work in South Korea and Japan, which are closer to home, due to the problem of distance.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

But is it really as good as everyone thinks?

What does a real migrant worker look like?

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Going to South Korea to work was "bullied"

Lao Jin, who has been working in South Korea for 13 years, talked about his experience of working abroad.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Lao Jin said that when he first worked in South Korea, the South Korean leaders came over and told him what to do and how to do it.

But at that time, I had just arrived in South Korea, and I was not skilled in work.

Not long after he did this, the South Korean leaders began to come to inspect.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

After seeing Lao Jin, he began to question Lao Jin: What are you doing this job! You won't work.

Lao Jin also answered honestly: On the first day he came, he really wouldn't do it.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Unexpectedly, because of this sentence, the South Korean leader was annoyed, and the South Korean leader began to scold Lao Jin.

From time to time, some Korean swear words come out of my mouth.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Such a move can annoy Lao Jin, who is a native of the Northeast and has a rather "short-tempered" temper.

began to scold the South Korean leader on the spot, and then began to chase the South Korean leader who scolded him all over the field.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Seeing that the conflict was about to escalate, the Chinese workers who came to South Korea to work together grabbed the angry old Jin.

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After that, the workers began to persuade Lao Jin: Don't do anything with the South Korean leaders, he will be repatriated. Everyone is out to work.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Lao Jin, who heard the persuasion, also calmed down, but he still couldn't swallow this breath.

Lao Jin told another South Korean leader that if the South Korean leader who insulted him did not come to apologize to him, he would still beat him.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

The South Korean leader who heard this immediately asked the South Korean who insulted Lao Jin to bring him over and apologize to Lao Jin.

Lao Jin can be regarded as through his own "efforts" and has gained the respect he deserves.

Some netizens ridiculed: Lao Jin was "discriminated against" by them, but they also received Lao Jin's "bullying", and the two sides had their own opinions.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Some netizens are very supportive of Lao Jin's behavior, saying: Sure enough, it is a hard temper.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Dignity is earned by yourself, and others will only look down on you if you are low.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

So what is the job like to work in Korea?

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Working abroad earns more and spends more

Lao Jin said that many of the jobs I get when I come to South Korea to work are actually "dirty and tired" jobs that Koreans themselves dislike.

But people like them who go out to work are all rushing for money, and they generally don't dislike the working environment or anything.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

In fact, there are not only Koreans like Lao Kim who work in South Korea, but also Filipinos, Vietnamese, and Russians.

Lao Jin explained that in fact, what he earned by working in South Korea was an "exchange rate difference".

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

South Korea's income is to play Korean won a day, which is more than 500 yuan in RMB. Even according to the minimum wage standard in Korea, it is 50 yuan an hour, and about 400 yuan a day of work.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Lao Jin said that he rented a house of 10 per square meter in South Korea, and only spent 2,000 yuan a month, and the bulk of his living expenses was on groceries, you must know that Korean vegetables are very expensive.

In a month, Lao Jinguang spends 450,000 won on groceries, and then there are nearly 100,000 won in water and electricity bills.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Calculated piecemeal, Lao Jin's monthly living expenses cost a few thousand yuan, but there are still more than 10,000 left to send home.

Some netizens in the comment area agreed after hearing Lao Jin's introduction: In fact, Lao Jin is money is "saved", and he only brought home 60,000 yuan after going abroad for 5 years.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Some netizens appeared in the comment area and said: Working in South Korea is also very hard, and it often takes one person to do the workload of 3 people.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Some netizens felt sorry for Lao Jin who was old and too tired to do physical work, and suggested that Lao Jin could engage in translation work, after all, Lao Jin is a Korean ethnic group in Yanbian and has a unique advantage in language.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Lao Jin later mentioned his daughter, saying that his daughter also came to South Korea to work under his influence.

But the difference is that after her daughter came to South Korea to work, she not only chose to stay in South Korea, but also got married and started a family in South Korea, and became a Korean citizen.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Now my daughter is doing her own "foreign trade" in Korean makeup, and she is doing okay.

In fact, there are many Korean migrant workers like Lao Kim every year.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

There are many people who go out because of the "high wages" in South Korea, but many people are not guaranteed to work.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Going abroad to work does not get the labor security it deserves

许多到韩国外出务工的人接手的都是3D工作,及即Dirty(脏)+ Difficult (费力)+ Dangerous(危险)的工作。

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

These jobs are not willing to be done by Koreans, so they are handed over to migrant workers.

Although South Korean law stipulates that formal foreign workers are entitled to social security, most of the jobs offered by Korean companies that employ migrant workers are on a daily basis, and there is no way to pay social security and sign formal labor contracts.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

These migrant workers are usually dozens of workers gathered together, and they have to wait for their leaders to manage the day's tasks at 5 o'clock every morning.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

This type of immediate dispatch work, known as "day worker" by Koreans, means that you will be paid for the day's work, and the funds will be received immediately.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

Although most "day workers" follow an eight-hour workday, such as in civil engineering fields, such as road and bridge construction, overtime and even overtime until late at night are the norm.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

And the "day worker" assigned every day is different, from the daily help to move, to the processing of cactus raw materials in the cosmetics manufacturing factory, to the excavator command at the construction site.

Someone has ever received the most outrageous "day worker" job content is to build a nest for the cat of a university professor in South Korea.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

In addition, daily workers are required to pay their own medical insurance, and the labor company will only pay for those who are responsible for labor dispatch.

And these people who come to South Korea to work not only do not have social security, but also often face the problem of being fired for no reason.

The factory where the "South Korean battery factory fire" occurred before was revealed to be a "daily worker" in order to save costs.

The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

I sincerely hope that in the future, the rights and interests of migrant workers can be protected.

So, what do you think about going abroad to work?

You can post your comments in the comment area.

Information source: Qilu One Point2024-06-29 "Those Koreans who go to South Korea to do "daily work"

New Evening News2024-06-27 "Chinese working in South Korea for 11 years: earn more and spend more, doing the dirtiest, most tiring and riskiest work" Finance2024-06-25 "Former Chinese Employees of South Korea's Burning Battery Factory: Many People Are "Daily Settlements", and Layoffs Without Compensation at Every Turn

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The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot
The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot
The North Korean uncle has been working in South Korea for 13 years, and he claims to be "bullied" by South Korean management, and he earns a lot and spends a lot

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