
The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

author:Write a pen

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article


In domestic dramas, there are always so many unforgettable themes, and spy war dramas are one of them.

Just the classic spy war dramas in the past have grabbed a lot, such as "Cliff", "Latent" and so on, which are often watched by everyone.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

In the first half of this year, spy war dramas were even more infested, and three spy war dramas were broadcast in a row to cheer us up, which almost made people unable to watch it.

Among them, Wang Yang brought "The Wind Chaser" to the scene of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony, and it seems that spy war dramas are really going to rise again.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

At present, "Lonely Battle Maze" has directly debuted strongly.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

took a look at the cast of this drama, starring Xin Zhilei, and Zhang Xilin, Zhang Zijian, Guo Qiucheng, Zhao Da and others joined.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

thought that a classic would be added to the spy war drama, but I saw countless viewers give bad reviews.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

When I looked at the comments carefully, I found that the audience's reasons for the bad reviews were surprisingly consistent, and they gave the low score to Huang Jingyu, the actor in the play.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!
The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

01, two lines in parallel, the plot is chaotic

Huang Jingyu plays an underground party member named Ou Xiaoan in the play, as our protagonist, of course, his identity cannot be ordinary, in order to secretly destroy the military command, so he infiltrated the military command alone as an agent.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

The background of this TV series is based on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, but the plot content is parallel, and it has been flashing back on the two timelines.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Six years ago, Huang Jingyu was sent to Shanghai by the organization to carry out a mission, and a colleague Lou Mingyuan (played by Xiao Shunyao) came to pick him up.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But now that the information is in hand, how do you get out of it next? In order not to expose it, he began to destroy the evidence frantically, and tried to memorize it in his mind while burning paper.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

However, the Japanese spies outside did not have the patience to wait any longer, and arrested his friend.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Another timeline started in 1945, at this time he had completely changed his appearance, the poison gas research institute of the Japanese army was stored in large quantities in our country, and he quickly fled for his life in order to avoid danger, and successfully escaped and picked up a life.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But unsurprisingly, he lost his memory.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

The memory of four years ago was completely blank, and no matter which way, he couldn't remember the lost memory, so he started another secret investigation, and while recovering his lost memory, he planned to find out the ghosts in the team.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Among them, they were paired with Jia Moqing played by the heroine Xin Zhilei, both of them were very vigilant at first, constantly testing each other's identities, and they felt really tired when they looked at it.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

This kind of double-line parallel narrative logic is no longer strange now, coupled with the drama of amnesia, it has already been used many times, and when I watched it, I was already dizzy and felt big.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Whether it's amnesia and regaining memory, or the male and female protagonists don't feel the slightest novelty from temptation to trust, and it's really dry to watch.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

However, in addition to the difficult plot of the TV series, the acting skills of the male protagonist Huang Jingyu have no highlights, and they are not even as good as a supporting role.

Just looking at it makes me sigh, Huang Jingyu's acting skills are no longer as good as before.

02, Huang Jingyu's "poker face" was amazed by the male supporting role

Huang Jingyu has played many roles on the screen, but most of them are all kinds of soldiers, so he is always jokingly called "military service" in domestic entertainment.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

However, now he is no longer satisfied with only playing the role of soldiers and policemen, this time he directly came to the big one, playing a well-rooted agent, and turned around and ran to fight against Japan.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

I thought that Huang Jingyu would be able to seamlessly connect with his acting skills in this way, after all, there is not much difference between the two roles of soldiers and agents, but I didn't expect that when I saw Huang Jingyu's performance, there were only two words to describe it.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

From the sniper Gu Gu in "Operation Red Sea", to Li Fei in "Icebreaker", and Chang Zheng in "Punishment", every character is awe-inspiring.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Coupled with Huang Jingyu's tendon meat, it is even more eye-catching to look at, but in the previous dramas, these were all "plus points", but in this drama, there are deductions for living out.

Take the scene where the connector was exposed and captured by the enemy as an example, the two also cooperated to obtain information together a while ago, and now the two of them are in the same interrogation room, Xiao Shunyao is covered with scars, and Huang Jingyu is spotless, standing opposite, pretending to interrogate.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Obviously, the enemy called him over to see Huang Jingyu's reaction to judge whether it was a gang or not.

In this scene, Xiao Shunyao was on the interrogation frame, his face was covered with blood, he looked tired, and his eyes were so "flooded" with blood that he couldn't open them.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But when he saw that he was his companion in front of him, he would cheer up a hundred times the spirit, his eyes widened, and he scolded Huang Jingyu with anger: "Traitor", looking at it is an iron-clad man, and he is simply amazed by his performance.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

But looking at Huang Jingyu on the other side, he stood straight on the other side, with a high face that he didn't care about himself, and even while interrogating, the corners of his mouth could vaguely be seen hooked upward.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Good guy, this is making you pretend not to know, Huang Jingyu directly acted as if he really didn't know, standing aside and watching the brother's joke?

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

This kind of "facial paralysis" performance looks really enough, his eyes are stunned, and he doesn't even know where his thoughts are flying.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

When he decided to give his companion a good time, he knew that he was in tears, but when he saw this, he would only feel that his previous indifference and his current tears were not coherent at all, and it was difficult for people to substitute for him.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

and his performance after being rescued, those who know know that he has amnesia, but those who don't know see him like this, thinking that he is mentally abnormal and atavistic like an adult.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Jumping up and facing the person in front of you is a threat with a gun, acting crazy.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Walking the same, the whole person swayed, and the weak vertigo was played into a crazy attack by him, now, you don't have to play an agent, you can go directly to the psychiatric hospital, and play a mental patient in her true colors, which is absolutely true.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Looking at Huang Jingyu's almost fragmented performance, I feel that his acting skills have regressed a lot, and I really can't support the strength of the protagonist.

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Today's spy war dramas are scarce, but I don't know if everyone will chase after seeing this acting again?

Information sources:

The original source is Lone Warrior (video released by the hit version on June 30, 2024.)

The spy war drama "Lonely War Maze" has received a lot of bad reviews when it was launched, and the audience's reasons for the bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

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