
"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

author:Jiejie said something

: Hello everyone! Today, let's talk about something interesting, about an ancient custom on the special day of May 27 - "sending the poor". I heard the old people say, "If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from the poor", this is not a joke. So, what is this "sending to the poor"? Let's talk about this custom today!

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

1. The custom of "sending the poor" on May 27

In our China, especially in rural areas, there is a special custom on the day of May 27, that is, "sending the poor". This custom has a long history and spread, and although the pace of modern life has increased, it is still preserved in many places.

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

What does it mean to "send the poor"? To put it simply, on this day, people will send away the "poor energy" and "bad luck" at home in various ways, praying for good fortune and good luck in the new year.

2. What are the ways to send the poor?

Cleaning the house: On the 27th day of May, every household will be cleaned to clean every corner of the house. This is not only to welcome the new atmosphere, but also to sweep away the "poverty" at home.

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

Throwing out the rubbish: In addition to cleaning the house, people will also throw out some shabby items and unwanted clutter in the house. These rags are often regarded as carriers of "poor energy", and throwing them away means sending away "poor energy".

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

Firecrackers: In some places, firecrackers are set off on May 27. The sound of firecrackers means that the "bad luck" in the house has been blown away, so that good luck and wealth can enter the house.

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

Eat specialty foods: Of course, in addition to these activities, people will also "send the poor" by eating specialty foods. For example, in some places, "send poor rice" or "send poor dumplings" are eaten, and these foods have special meanings, entrusting people's good wishes for good luck and wealth.

3. Why "send the poor"?

There are actually many theories about the origin and meaning of "sending the poor". Some people believe that "sending the poor" is to pray for a good harvest and wealth; There are also people who believe that "sending the poor" is to drive away bad luck and misfortune. But no matter which way it is said, it reflects people's yearning and pursuit of a better life.

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

In ancient times, people's living conditions were relatively difficult, and they often faced various difficulties and challenges. Therefore, they hope to pray for good luck and wealth through the custom of "sending the poor" to make life better. With the passage of time, the custom of "sending the poor" has gradually been handed down and has become a belief and habit in people's hearts.

My opinion

I think that although the custom of "sending the poor" is a bit ancient and mysterious, the beautiful meaning behind it is worth inheriting and carrying forward. No matter how the times change, "sending the poor" represents people's yearning and pursuit of a better life.

"If you don't send the poor tomorrow, you will definitely suffer from poverty", May 27, what does "sending the poor" give?

At the same time, I also think that we should treat this custom in a more rational and scientific way. For example, in the process of "sending the poor", we should not only pay attention to the formal arrangement of activities, but also pay attention to the inner cultivation and quality improvement. Only in this way can we truly usher in the arrival of good luck and wealth!


Alright, alright! That's all for today! I hope that all of you will be able to "send the poor" to success and usher in good luck and wealth on the day of May 27th! If you find this custom interesting, why not give it a try? There may be unexpected surprises!